I can get into trouble, but Elder Sister Meijiao definitely can't!

"Is it really because I have Xuan Yizi's inner force that I can rely on his inner force to grow medicinal herbs so quickly?" Shi Lei clenched his teeth, it had to be said that this was extremely cruel to him, because in his opinion, there had to be one him in this world, in order for him to reach a height that others could not reach. Before becoming someone above others, he did not want others to know all his secrets!

But what should he do now?

"But even if I told them it was related to my own inner force, so what?" Shi Lei could not help but die. These people, wanted to use a technique, but the technique was on him, and also because of his own Qi, they could not hurt him, so the final result, was simply taking him away?

Shi Lei's eyes could not help but flash.

Perhaps, he didn't have to show the other party that he was unyielding at this moment, did he?

He came on the second day very quickly. During the entire night, Shi Lei had passed by several times but he did not wake Xu Meijiao up. If he was not wrong, he must have been knocked unconscious, and because Elder Sister Meijiao's body was too weak, he could not wake up too quickly. Of course, if Shi Lei had the silver needles on his hand right now, he could still help Xu Meijiao wake her up and then let her think of a way perhaps to help her leave. But not only did he have the needles on his hands right now, more importantly, her entire body was tied up!

Just like this, Shi Lei slept on the side, tied up by a rope. Adding to the fact that the floor was wet, this sleep was really … It was difficult for him to fall asleep. It could be said that he wouldn't even be able to fall asleep.

"Have you decided yet?" Just as Shi Lei was about to fall asleep, a commotion rang out. Raising his head to take a look, he saw that the knife-scarred man from last night was standing in front of him.

"Let him go." Shi Lei said directly.

knife-scarred man was startled, he did not expect Shi Lei to be so honest, but still smiled, and said: "Reason?"

"Because I am the so-called technology."

"What?" knife-scarred man did not react for a while, but very quickly, he seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed, and he frowned: "Explain it clearly, I don't really understand."

Shi Lei sneered and said: "Planting those medicinal herbs, I am useless right now, not because I have any skills, but because I have this ability. I was born with it, and I don't believe that you can get a seed here, I can sprout it within a day, which means that the so-called technology is actually just me."

knife-scarred man was stunned once again.

But very quickly, his face revealed a look of joy, and then, he pulled out his strength. Only when he was outside, did Shi Lei realize that there was still another set of Medicine Garden in front of him!

However, he was not familiar with this area and did not know where he was!

"Let's give it a try. For example, this herb, how can you make it sprout so fast!" knife-scarred man said coldly.

The Medicine Garden in front of him was spread all over the mountains and plains, and it seemed to cover the entire mountain. However, it was extremely desolate. It could be said to be a piece of desolate wilderness, and there was nothing else in the area. Apart from the fact that there were a lot of medicinal plants growing on the mountain, there were no other bright spots.

How could there be someone growing herbs in such a poor place? This was definitely not a professional!

Shi Lei clearly understood that the method of growing medicinal herbs was to find a good place. Soil, water, and even sunlight were all very important, but these three elements were obviously not present here.

"You're right." Shi Lei went over immediately. Although his hands were tied, his fingers were still able to move, so he casually picked a stalk of herb with his fingers and injected his inner force.

"Come and take a look tonight." Shi Lei turned his head and said.

knife-scarred man was stunned, he said: "That's it?"

Shi Lei ridiculed: "You don't believe me?"

knife-scarred man was speechless. He truly did not believe that this fellow could turn stones into gold with just his hands. It had to be said that this was truly a wondrous sight, but the only thing he could do now was to wait.

Could it be that this so-called technique was actually this child? Could it be that this heaven defying technique … Eh, power?

The corner of knife-scarred man's mouth twitched, he turned around and said: "I'll feed that woman some water, I hope that I'll see a good result tonight."

Shi Lei said indifferently: "Can you tell me what kind of person would cultivate medicinal herbs in this kind of place?"

"Why do you ask?" knife-scarred man asked.

"The water and soil in this place are so rotten, and the environment is so poor. Only someone with a screw loose would be able to grow medicinal herbs here." Shi Lei said.

knife-scarred man's face was instantly filled with anger.

Shi Lei's eyes widened, "It can't be you, right?"

knife-scarred man did not say anything, but went to find food and water. He wanted to let Xu Meijiao persevere until night.

If he didn't see the effect he wanted at night, then he really wouldn't have much patience.

So if Shi Lei lied to him and intentionally delayed him for time, then don't blame him for not showing any mercy!

Very quickly, it was night, and when Shi Lei was brought here by the knife-scarred man, the scene before him caused him to be extremely shocked. He saw that the herbs which were still fresh and tender this morning, had actually grown a tree trunk!

What was going on?

knife-scarred man said with a face full of shock: "What kind of hand is that, can you turn stone into gold with just a single touch?"

Shi Lei said indifferently: "You don't need to ask this, as long as you know that I have the ability now, it isn't as if there is any technology or external factors. So, I am that technology, and you don't need to find trouble with others, as long as you let that woman go, my so called" technology "will be in your hands, and will also fulfill your so-called condition and deal."

knife-scarred man laughed out loud and said, "Sure, I can let him go. I really did not expect that there would be such a mysterious person in this world. Who exactly are you?"

Shi Lei said coldly: "You don't need to know these, and I won't tell you."

The knife-scarred man shrugged his shoulders. Obviously, he wasn't angry because of Shi Lei's tone of voice, maybe he didn't plan to be angry about this matter, because other than being excited and pleasantly surprised, he didn't have any other thoughts.

"I'll take him back and throw him into the Qingshan Village right now. Don't worry, I'll keep my promise." knife-scarred man then went in to bring Xu Meijiao out, and then called for someone to come over.

Shi Lei said: "You go with me."

knife-scarred man frowned.

Shi Lei sighed, and said: "I only believe in you."

knife-scarred man did not say anything. He knew what Shi Lei meant because he was afraid that his subordinates would do something to Xu Meijiao on the way here. This was also possible.

To be honest, what he valued the most in the martial arts world was honesty. Since he was willing to be frank, there was nothing good about it. After all, he knew he might need to use it for a long time … This "technology"

Looking at the knife-scarred man leave, and looking at the subordinates of the other knife-scarred man, Shi Lei sighed in his heart. He was currently tied up all over, and the only thing he could do now was to wait for the chance to escape.

Right now, the most important thing was to send Xu Meijiao away first. As long as Elder Sister Meijiao was safe, he himself would have enough thought and ability to think of a way to escape from this predicament!

Roughly an hour had passed before that knife-scarred man returned. Then, he said, "I've sent her back. Don't worry, nothing happened to her."

The only thing that Shi Lei could do now was to believe it.

"Actually, there is only one reason why I brought you here. As long as you can help me grow this piece of Medicine Garden, I will naturally give you a generous reward later." The knife-scarred man said indifferently.

Shi Lei looked at him, and said: "Maybe I woke you up, and then you would kill me?"

knife-scarred man sneered: "But if you don't help me now, I'll just kill you first."

"But you won't really be ruthless." Shi Lei laughed, and said: "Your goal is to have me help you gather these medicinal herbs, I can help you."

knife-scarred man looked straight at Shi Lei for a good while, then exhaled and walked over to untie Shi Lei's rope.

"I will keep watch over you. I will tie you up again when I am not around, so you must not keep thinking about escaping." knife-scarred man had a nagging feeling that he was being carried away by this child this whole time.

Ever since that woman had been sent away by him, he felt as if all of his plans were not in his hands?

It had to be said that this feeling made him feel extremely uncomfortable, but the only thing he could do now was … Other than untying Shi Lei, he really did not know what else to do. This was because if he did not untie Shi Lei, it would be very difficult for Shi Lei to completely grow all of his Medicine Garden.

He hadn't thought that the so-called technique would be on this child. He himself already had such an ability. This was too unbelievable.

Shi Lei did not waste time talking, under the knife-scarred man's supervision, he started to grow this piece of Medicine Garden, but, his own energy was also limited, so after a while, he still felt extremely tired.

knife-scarred man had also seen through this point. His eyebrows slightly furrowed, but he did not force Shi Lei and instead let him rest first. After all, he could tell that Shi Lei was tired and had cold sweat all over his head.

It would take about two hours. That was to say, this child's self-ability could nurture all of these medicinal herbs for two hours.

"I need to consume these medicinal herbs to be able to replenish my own abilities." Shi Lei looked at knife-scarred man and said: "I want to eat some for a period of time, if not my body won't be able to take it anymore."

knife-scarred man was stunned.

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