Lin Shan immediately went back to her room to change into a new set of clothes. However, the clothes she wore made her look sexy, exposing her back and shoulders, making it difficult for her to suppress the urge in her body, and not to mention the fact that her chest was faintly discernible. This girl, although the gap wasn't very deep, she could still reveal a little bit of beauty in her low-cut dress.

Shi Lei could not help but be stunned, but he still said this.

"You better look better without your clothes on."


In the afternoon, Lin Shan came to a Western restaurant. There were a lot of people here, and Lin Shan was prepared to go to this restaurant, as she knew it was safer to stay in a place with more people. If it was a place with fewer people, then that rogue might come here again.

Although Lin Shan was not very afraid, she was still her teacher. In some situations, it would be difficult for her to fall out with him, so it would be good if she could avoid it.

After that, Shi Lei sat down at another table not far away and ordered a drink. He was only two tables away from Lin Shan.

From this angle, it was possible to completely see Lin Shan's situation clearly, or it could be said that even if it was their conversation and discussions, Shi Lei could hear it clearly, because the atmosphere in the Western Restaurant was already very romantic, and the environment was also very elegant. No one was making a ruckus, so at such a close distance, Shi Lei could clearly hear what the other party was saying at that time.

Actually, Shi Lei did not have that confidence. He just wanted to try and see if he could find any clues from the other party's expression and words. Because Lin Shan had previously said, if that person really poisoned her, then there must have been a reason behind it. For example, wanting to force her to do something; However, Lin Shan did not receive any news from the other party, so she could almost overturn this point.

Then, was there really only one possibility, and that was that the other party actually wanted to kill Lin Shan? Suddenly, Shi Lei seemed to have noticed something, and his face changed.

Want to kill, Lin Shan? Shi Lei immediately thought of the person who had barged into his house … That man called Zhang He, and Lin Tan were both from the Hall of Words? Shi Lei could not help but ponder.

However, just at this time, a man walked in from not too far away and greeted Lin Shan. He looked to be about fifty years of age and was dressed neatly, except that he was a little fat and wore gold-rimmed glasses, making him look a little scholarly. It's just that his eyes had that kind of shifty look, although it was not very obvious, but Shi Lei saw it for the first time and felt uncomfortable.

Very quickly, that person walked over and sat in front of Lin Shan. Shi Lei realized that when the other party saw Lin Shan, a hint of surprise and admiration flashed across his face. However, there were no other changes. Which is to say, if the other party really wanted to put Lin Shan to death, when they truly saw Spiritual Master Lin Shan, their first reaction should be, shock! However, Shi Lei did not see this kind of expression on his opponent's face. This meant that the other party might not be the person who wanted to kill Lin Shan, otherwise, he wouldn't have such a vulgar expression.

Shi Lei could not help but meditate at the side, but it was only for a moment, so he could not come to a conclusion so quickly, he still had to understand the situation carefully.

But unfortunately, after Lin Shan and the other side greeted each other, they started to talk about things that were not too bad, it was just that Lin Shan was asking the teacher some questions about his studies, and the other side was also answering very well. There was nothing else out of the ordinary.

Lin Shan would definitely not have time and mind to observe and think too much with this teacher, so she could only rely on Shi Lei now. However, Shi Lei did not find anything wrong with the other party at all.

Otherwise, if he saw Lin Shan coming out, he would definitely be shocked. Then, there was only one possibility, and that was that he had other motives. However, even though he had promised Lin Shan, the other party still did not mention anything regarding his purpose in coming out.

There was only one possibility, and that was that Lin Shan's poison did not come from the other party! Otherwise, her opponent wouldn't be acting in such a manner.

Another twenty minutes passed. Finally, Lin Shan left the seat first to use the excuse that she needed to go to the toilet, and Shi Lei heard very clearly from the side. It was mainly because that fellow was simply too reckless, and had always been looking at some of Lin Shan's sensitive areas when he was speaking, but of course, it was also on purpose for Lin Shan to divert his attention, as he did not want this teacher to know, that Shi Lei was actually observing him quietly and supervising him from the side.

But even so, Lin Shan was still unable to persevere, always being grabbed and stared at by this old rogue. Furthermore, it was a fair and square stare at her chest, her collar, if not because she was close enough, would act as if they were staring at her. If it was anyone else, he would not be able to endure! Furthermore, with Lin Shan's bad temper, Shi Lei felt that it would be very good if this girl did not turn hostile on the spot.

Seeing that Lin Shan had used the washroom as a reason to leave, Shi Lei left her seat after a while. Then, she walked towards the washroom.

"This old man is so infuriating. I've never seen such a perverted person before." Lin Shan's face also had a hint of shame and anger, he said: "Didn't you see how he was just now, he's simply too detestable."

Of course Shi Lei had also seen it. He laughed: "Who asked you to dress so sexily."

Lin Shan clenched her teeth: "All of this is just to distract him, if he knew that you were observing him at that time, she might have suspected you, but I never thought he would be so daring, and would treat me like air. He knows that I've already discovered it, but she's still not restraining herself at all. Sigh, how could there be such a teacher. "

Shi Lei laughed bitterly but did not say anything.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Do you have any rewards?" Lin Shan asked.

Shi Lei shook his head and sighed:" No, there are only two possibilities that I can think of, or maybe the other party wants to kill you, then when he sees you, he will definitely be shocked, but the other party does not have this kind of expression, as for the other reason, he wants to force you, but during their conversation just now, he did not reveal this kind of intention.

Lin Shan could not help but become silent. In fact, she was not an idiot, so she naturally knew what was going on.

"So you're saying that it's really impossible for him to have poisoned it?" Lin Shan could not help but frown and said: "But if it wasn't for him, I really wouldn't think of anyone who would poison me. I can only remember that the person who came into contact with me was this old fellow."

Shi Lei also revealed a pondering look. Actually there was another possibility, that someone still had contact with Lin Shan, but she did not know about it, or maybe someone had secretly poisoned her when Lin Shan was unconscious. However, Lin Shan was obviously not clear about any of this, and could not recall anything, so it was useless.

"Never mind, you can end the conversation with him after a while. It's unlikely that he really poisoned you." Shi Lei said as his brows knitted together, "However, you were always active within the academy, and you only ate and slept at the academy. If someone really wanted to poison you, then almost all of them would be people from your school."

Lin Shan nodded, so she was naturally clear of this point. Then, she said: "Then, I'll end this meal with him and then return to school in the afternoon. When that time comes, you should secretly observe whether or not there's a problem with the person beside me. As for the rest of the time, I won't be staying in school anymore. I'll just go home and sleep, that way I can get you to adjust myself when the poison breaks out. "

If Lin Shan still had to live in the school, then it would be very troublesome for him, because he could not follow him to the girls' dormitory to sleep. This way, if Lin Shan encountered any problems and the poison flared up again, Shi Lei would not be able to immediately mediate the situation for the other party.

It was indeed just a mediation. Because this poison, the internal energy of Shi Lei's Profound Docotor Scripture, was indeed unable to completely remove it.

"You're doing me a favor." Lin Shan looked at the people around him, her expression slightly anxious: "I'll stand guard here, I'll go in for a while."

Shi Lei asked curiously: "What are you doing, are you afraid that someone will barge in?"

Lin Shan anxiously replied: "No, there seems to be a button at the back of my shirt that isn't ready. This old fellow has been looking like this the entire time, I'm afraid that he might really be able to see something, I don't want him to see anything. "I want to go in and get it. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, but I'm afraid of one. What if some crazy guy really goes in?"

Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly started laughing happily.

Lin Shan could not help but show embarrassment and anger on her face, but at the same time, it was a little awkward. She had no choice, because any woman would be troubled if she were to meet this kind of thing, and now, she had no way to directly extend her hand to touch this piece of clothes.

After all, this was outside. Although it was also a ladies' room, who knew if some lunatic would actually rush in when the time came? They were not afraid of ten thousand or something.

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