"Forget it, let's not think about this. Right now, the Golden Centipede Poison in your body is still more important." Shi Lei said. Right now, he had no way of using the Profound Docotor Scripture to cure Lin Shan's poison, but he couldn't just watch her die, so he had to quickly help her find a way to remove the Golden Centipede Poison. Only then would Shi Lei be at ease.

However, this was also a very serious problem. The way to cure the Golden Centipede Poison's poison was with a woman, and this woman was a woman who was not afraid of death.

also knew what the most pressing matter now was. There was no need to think about anything else, and it was not something they could think about right now, much less something they had the ability to think about. Therefore, Lin Shan said: "This is mainly what we call a threat, but actually, to this woman, it's not really a big threat.

Shi Lei nodded. "Yes, that's exactly what I meant."

This woman was finally enlightened.

Indeed, based on what Shi Lei said, this kind of threat of bringing people onto the streets was not really a threat at all. It could only be considered an irrational way of dealing with it, and was also a way of solving the problem that both parties were at a disadvantage.

After all, was he really going to grab Liu Xiangxue and throw him into the streets? This was something that he obviously couldn't do, at least for the current Shi Lei, it was something that he really couldn't do, even if it wasn't to say that he was regretting it. Furthermore, if he really did do that, he might even go to the Public Security Bureau the next day to report about it.

So now that he thought about it, this threat was truly a bit childish. Was it even a little bit stupid?

"Actually, our main wish now is to not truly grasp Liu Xiangxue's weakness." Shi Lei looked at Lin Shan, and immediately revealed his true thoughts.

That's right, in Shi Lei's opinion, what he felt to be the greatest failure right now was undoubtedly this Liu Xiangxue in front of him, and he had no way of truly finding his opponent's weakness, because from start to finish, he had never been able to make his opponent feel any fear, which was also what gave birth to a kind of fear. Perhaps, the previous threat of dragging her onto the streets had made them feel fear, but it was only for a short while.

Therefore, it was very necessary to think about it now.

He had to think about how he was going to let her find her weakness and make her feel that he could really threaten her. Moreover, he couldn't give her enough opportunities to think like this and figure out what he was going to do to save her from this kind of danger.

There was only one way, to agree to Shi Lei and the others giving him this Golden Centipede Poison, such a simple and fatal weakness!

But how to find this fatal weakness? This was also what Shi Lei had been thinking about all this while.

"Now that you mention it, I really do remember." Lin Shan suddenly opened her eyes wide and said: "The weakness that you're talking about, seems like this Liu Xiangxue really does have it?"

Shi Lei was startled, and anxiously asked: "What weakness?"

Lin Shan scratched her head, and said: "I also don't know if it's really her weakness or not, and furthermore, I'm not too sure if that person is it or not."

"Who's that? Just say it directly." Shi Lei said snappily. This woman was simply too long-winded. She spoke in a roundabout way. If you have something to say, just say it.

Lin Shan hurriedly said, "No, I'm not sure either. It's just that earlier, when I was at school, I saw someone looking for Liu Xiangxue, and then I just happened to be at the side. That person was her little brother."

Shi Lei was stunned. Liu Xiangxue's brother? Liu Xiangxue still had a brother? Uncontrollably, a hint of shock surfaced in Shi Lei's heart. If Liu Xiangxue had a younger brother, then … Shi Lei looked at Lin Shan.

Lin Shan continued: "And at that time, I could also tell that Liu Xiangxue seemed to have treated that little brother of hers pretty well. Their relationship was also very good.

Actually, Shi Lei already knew what Lin Shan meant. He just wanted to threaten Liu Xiangxue through Liu Xiangxue's disciple, since Shi Lei was not an idiot, it was natural that he knew that it was possible … Lin Shan's life, could it be that he didn't have a life? Shi Lei immediately said: "It's impossible for you to know where her little brother is."

Upon hearing Shi Lei's words, Lin Shan immediately knew Shi Lei's goal, and also knew what Shi Lei meant. Lin Shan immediately said: "I am not too sure about that, but I remember they mentioned something called middle school, Star Middle School?"

Shi Lei squinted, and said: "Do you still remember what her little brother looks like?"

Lin Shan nodded her head, and said: "That is something I know, because I was just standing at the side before, plus at that time, I was very curious, Liu Xiangxue normally did not interact with any males from the outside, but that time was very intimate, and only later on did I find out that it was her brother."

"Since we know, then it's much better. We'll go to Star Middle School tomorrow morning and see if we can find her brother." Shi Lei immediately made a decision.

Lin Shan said: "Alright, but tomorrow morning we will have to wait for Liu Xiangxue to make a decision. Maybe she will give us the antidote tomorrow morning, so we don't need to look for her brother."

Shi Lei sighed, and said: "The probability of that happening should be very small."

Lin Shan was stunned for a moment, but did not say a word. Although she did not know why Shi Lei was so unconfident, in her heart, she herself did not really believe him either. Because she had always felt that, to Liu Xiangxue, it didn't seem like a threat at all. From the beginning till now, she had never seen Liu Xiangxue being truly afraid.

Since Liu Xiangxue was not really afraid, then they wouldn't be able to completely pass through this question, threaten Liu Xiangxue, and force her to hand over the so-called antidote. The so-called problem for her was not a problem at all. She wasn't even afraid of death, so how could she be afraid of a person like you pulling her out to show everyone? But after thinking about it, she was not even afraid of death. If they were to make a move at that time, Liu Xiangxue would probably commit suicide first, which would really not be worth it.

After that, the two of them went to rest, and very soon, it was the morning of the second day. However, what made both Shi Lei and Lin Shan extremely disappointed was that when they went to look for Liu Xiangxue on the morning of the second day, she looked at them with an indifferent expression.

In comparison, Shi Lei felt much better. After all, he had long since been prepared for this situation, and had always thought that it was impossible for the Liu Xiangxue in front of him to simply agree to them. Thus, when he saw Liu Xiangxue's expression right now, he was rather calm, and wouldn't be surprised by her performance.

After all, if she was really unable to get the antidote from Liu Xiangxue's body, then she was really done for. Until now, she could already feel that the poison in her body was becoming more and more frightening, and Shi Lei had already said that he had no way of helping her. In other words, in the future, even suppressing the poison in her body would be impossible for Shi Lei.

At that time, she would really be waiting for death. She was still very young, and she was also very afraid of death, so how could she just sit by and watch herself die? Therefore, all of these possibilities were completely focused on the Liu Xiangxue in front of him. But the indifference that she displayed right now instantly caused Lin Shan's heart to fall to the bottom, and his entire person lost some of his strength as well!

"You, have you already made your decision?" Although Lin Shan had pretty much understood the other party's intentions, she still did not give up. After all, she had not completely heard the other party's intentions from him, and she still wanted to keep that little bit of hope in place, and this was the only hope she had, because if possible, Lin Shan did not want to continue making things difficult for her. This was because even though the Liu Xiangxue before her wanted to kill her, she was not the real mastermind.

Right now, Lin Shan only wanted to find the antidote and quickly dig out the lowest ranked person. This was what Lin Shan wanted to do the most, other than doing this, Lin Shan wanted to get the antidote right now.

However, the Liu Xiangxue in front of her eyes was obviously not someone who could easily make her do as she pleased.

"What do you think?" Liu Xiangxue sneered, and said: "I won't give you the antidote, so you should give up now!"

Lin Shan immediately flew into a rage: "Are you not afraid that we would strip you and drag you out onto the streets? Do you really want to try it out? "

Liu Xiangxue's expression slightly changed. Obviously, she felt a bit of fear within her heart towards this threat, but she quickly calmed down again, and her entire person also calmed down. Then, she said in a soft voice, "You can do this, but you will never get the antidote, because I will choose death."

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