Shi Lei's kick was very sudden, not only did Lin Shan not think of it, even he herself felt that she had done it for nothing.

Of course, Shi Lei had already kicked out, and since he could not retract the kick, he kicked back. After all, the young people have their own impulses, and with Shi Lei's personality, he was not a silly person. Naturally, he would not waste his time here, what were you waiting for?

At the moment, after Lin Shan was kicked down, Shi Lei also jumped down, there was no other way, and even if he didn't go down, he himself would be pulled down, because the two of them were tied together now, so once Lin Shan went down, Shi Lei had to go down immediately, otherwise, if Lin Shan was washed away by the water flow quickly, it would be even more troublesome when she was up there alone, because she would probably be pulled down, and furthermore, she wouldn't be controlled, and the only thing she could do was to be pulled down.

This was the most troublesome problem.

He didn't even need to think to know that it was Lin Shan. In fact, Shi Lei was also speechless, they were wearing special swimming suits, special diving equipment, so they didn't need to worry about being drowned in the water, as long as they could keep their balance, they could easily move underwater, because all of their items were prepared to be complete, they even had glasses and such.

At that moment, the only thing Shi Lei could do was to quickly go over and pull her body over. Initially, Lin Shan was still very nervous because he was in the water, after all, if someone suddenly came to him, no matter who it was, they would be nervous, let alone a girl who couldn't swim.

"It's me!" Shi Lei directly took out the oxygen in his mouth, then yelled out in annoyance. There was no other way, the reason why he brought along the oxygen tank was to sneak in later to look for Medicine Garden, but he had to take it off first, because if he did not take it off now, it was unknown how long it would take for the current Lin Shan to calm down.

As expected, after Shi Lei took out the oxygen canister from his mouth and roared, Lin Shan was given a shock, and blankly looked at Shi Lei who was beside his, but she was wearing his glasses and also wearing the special oxygen canister, so she was unable to speak right now. Of course, she wouldn't be so stupid as to take off these special tools and then chat with Shi Lei, if she really took them off, that would be the end for her.

After all, she didn't have any water at all, and she was different from Shi Lei. Shi Lei could first take off the oxygen canister, and then float on the surface of the water. If Lin Shan took off the tension, then she was really done for.

Of course, Shi Lei wouldn't let her take it off, if she did, he would definitely go and stop his.

"Now, stay by my side. Either don't move or just wait for your death!" Shi Lei was also slightly angry, because there were too many things and problems regarding this girl, he did not expect it to be so troublesome, but after thinking about it carefully, there was nothing he could do, at the moment, this girl was not even slightly wet, adding on to the important matter, she did not seem to have enough courage, it was understandable for his to be so nervous. However, no matter what was said, this would bring an impact to Shi Lei because the more time Shi Lei spent underwater, the more oxygen tanks he would waste. This was very disadvantageous to them.

He himself was the same, although the water was good, but humans were not everything. Once he entered the water, although the air pressure could not be compared to the deep sea, and even Shi Lei could be sure that the water level would not be 4 meters or so, but, what if he was afraid of 10 thousand? Who knows, maybe the Medicine Garden they were looking for would have some other changes?

Therefore, if anything were to happen to Lin Shan and the two of them, who was standing beside them, were to let her waste too much time, the more time she wasted, the more energy the oxygen in the oxygen tank would consume, and at that time, they would bring even more dangers.

"Did you hear that clearly?!" Shi Lei scolded once again, this was not a joke.

Although Lin Shan was unable to speak, she could clearly hear what Shi Lei said, and immediately clenched her teeth and nodded, indicating that she understood.

Shi Lei snorted, but after thinking about it, he still said: "If you're truly afraid, then just hold onto me, but don't pull my pants."

Shi Lei was not unreasonable, since he was a girl, it was normal for his to be nervous, and he did not want to go in and scold his, so he added, "Don't worry, he will be fine."

It was also only now that Shi Lei felt that the hand that was grabbing his hand was indeed slightly less stiff.

Only then did Shi Lei bring back the oxygen cylinder, and began swimming towards the front. As for Lin Shan, he followed behind, because there was an oxygen tank, glasses and the like, so no matter how he floated, he did not need to worry about her drowning, and Shi Lei naturally had no interest in her. He had to start focusing right now!

Right now, the most important thing for him to do was to find the Medicine Garden and see if he can find the Eight-Yellow Leaf and Dragon's Saliva. It was obvious that he had never heard of these two things in the market today.

Since there were a lot in the past, then, there was a high chance that this ancient Medicine Garden could be found. Right now, this was also the only path. The only path that could allow Lin Shan to defy the heavens and change her fate. Of course, there was also another rule that rested on Liu Xiangxue, other than this Liu Xiangxue, she was willing to hand over the other antidote, or perhaps, give up the antidote that Liu Xiangxue herself still had.

Of course, this was also what Shi Lei was guessing, guessing that Liu Xiangxue herself actually had the antidote, so whether she actually had it or not, Shi Lei was not sure either, so it would be hard to come to a conclusion. Thus, looking for the Eight-Yellow Leaf and Dragon's Saliva right now, was simply a top priority, and was also the most effective method at the moment.

In Shi Lei's opinion, Liu Xiangxue was a very scheming person. She didn't want Lin Shan to live so much, and wanted him to commit suicide. She absolutely didn't want Shi Lei to find the antidote, or the Eight-Yellow Leaf and Dragon's Saliva.

Although they could not be sure, but under such circumstances, the other party should not have the guts to speak such nonsense. After all, Liu Xiangxue did not wish for them to find him, so they felt that it was impossible to find him, but they were afraid of what would happen if they found him. If they found the antidote, and did not, how would Liu Xiangxue explain herself to them? Or would she be making fun of her brother's life?

If he did not find her brother, and Liu Xiangxue said out the eight leaves and the so called Dragon's Saliva, Shi Lei would definitely not be willing to believe it. However, now that he had caught her brother and brought him here, Liu Xiangxue told him that the antidote was most likely true.

After all, Shi Lei could tell that her relationship with her little brother was very good, and Liu Xiangxue also really cared for her brother. Since that was the case, then Liu Xiangxue definitely wouldn't intentionally put the two of them into a abyss of suffering even when her little brother might be in danger and if his life was in danger.

Therefore, if Shi Lei and Lin Shan were to find these two antidotes in the end, they could leave. Even if Shi Lei and Lin Shan were unable to find them, it would be embarrassing for Shi Lei and the others to imprison them again. After all, no matter from what angle they looked at it from, Shi Lei was very willing to believe that what Liu Xiangxue had said was true …

This woman was truly an intelligent woman, yet Shi Lei didn't like to be toyed with so casually, as if it was within the palm of his hand. He admitted that this feeling was indeed very uncomfortable, and also very unpleasant. Therefore, if he had the chance, he would definitely find the two antidotes!

"Woo woo!" Just as Shi Lei was thinking about how to find the Medicine Garden, he suddenly heard a movement from his side. Shi Lei turned to look, and almost died from anger.

If it wasn't for the fact that Shi Lei just so happened to turn his head around and heard some movement, he might not have noticed it. After all, the current flow of the water was very fast, and it wasn't something that could be easily heard by the people around her. In other words, it was possible that this girl was drowned under this kind of situation where she couldn't hear anything!

What was this girl doing? Shi Lei was really pissed, to be able to take off the oxygen tank at this time, wasn't this asking for death? He had already drank a few mouthfuls of water, did he not?

"What are you doing!" Shi Lei also took off his oxygen tank. He did this because it was convenient for him to get angry.

Unexpectedly, Shi Lei's anger, wasn't enough to make Lin Shan feel even the slightest bit of fear. Instead, it was as though he was still drinking water, as he looked underwater with a terrified expression.

Shi Lei was startled, and then he realised, Lin Shan was actually unable to move! It was as if something had gotten under her feet, and she was already quite a distance away from him. No wonder she didn't touch her just now, but risked her life to remove the oxygen tank.

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