"Miss Su, this is my daughter Gianna. I accompanied my royal highness to visit the East. Besides being a private secretary of his royal highness, I also wanted to send my daughter here. I asked Dr. Chen Qun to give her a very difficult heart operation. After all, my daughter was in a special physical condition, plus a difficult operation. It's the best choice. "

After putting the little princess into the future color magnetic ball toy room, a middle-aged man beside the little princess immediately told Su wanting his request.

Even with her toes, Su wanting knows that the little blonde in front of her is actually the playmate of the little princess. In other words, she is a real confidant. The private secretary would make this request in a hurry as soon as he came. Needless to say, he also asked the little princess for her advice. Maybe she suggested it.

The reason is that the Secretary's father took the liberty to put forward it. Frankly speaking, he is also a caretaker. He is afraid that the little princess will be rejected when she says it. I'm afraid something will happen. By his own request, even if the final hospital can not treat, it is impossible to embarrass the little princess, and it does not affect anything else.

Su wanting, however, was very familiar with these worldly things. She understood them immediately and agreed with a smile.

"We welcome other foreign friends to come to China for medical treatment. Besides, as soon as the ribbon of the new center is cut, foreign patients will come in. We can't wait for them. Xiangyun hospital treats all patients equally, and there is no distinction between countries. Besides, if you speak so seriously, can you tell me what's the matter with lingai, so that you don't hesitate to come so far? "

The very gentlemanly man immediately handed over a stack of information from his briefcase, which he was very sorry to say.

"This is the result of my daughter's examination at the Royal College of medicine, but it's all in Spanish. The English translation hasn't been faxed yet. I'm really sorry. Why don't I just say it. "

"That's not necessary. Our research center is equipped with real-time computer translation. Even if it's not so accurate, it can translate 7788. I asked the nurse to send the data to the translation room, and the results will be available in a few minutes. At this time, you can give a little introduction to Dr. Qi Hong in our hospital. She is the diagnostic doctor of Chen Qun group. "

Su wanting immediately called Qi Hong, who accompanied her, to explain the situation.

After listening to the introduction, she said very solemnly.

"What Miss Gianna suffers from is Marfan's syndrome, which causes AAE and ar. what you said is that Gianna is an extremely special antibody rh17, that is, Rh recessive D antibody in special blood group. This blood group is one of the few in the world. I hope that China's huge population can find a suitable blood group and adequate blood source. This can be done by our hospital. Even if the blood supply is not enough, we can probably gather enough through network deployment. Please rest assured, Mr. Lopez. "

Su wanting knows that Qi Hong will not refuse this request for any purpose, but seeing her face very dignified, she is still looking at all kinds of moves in her hand and can't help asking.

"Dr. Qi, can you explain what kind of disease this is? I only understand the blood type in the back, but I don't know anything about the disease in the front."

Qi Hong saw Chen Qun's most feared bully beauty, the president was not ashamed to ask questions, but also had a certain feeling of being flattered. Of course, I know that the reason why Su Da Mei picks up Chen Qun is just because of her elder sister's position. For other doctors, the president doesn't need special treatment. Naturally, she doesn't have to be afraid of Su Da Mei.

What's more, from what the beauty CEO did, Qi Hong appreciated and praised very much. When she heard that the beauty was not ashamed to ask questions, she immediately explained in simple terms.

"The so-called Marfan syndrome is a disease that affects connective tissue. It is probably caused by the genetic factors of parents, and there will be physical characteristics such as long fingers. In our discussions a few days ago, we also agreed that Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms period was a patient with Marfan syndrome. Ah, that's a mistake. Let's get back to business. "

As soon as she opened her mouth, the girl Xueba got involved in the unpredictable aspects. She turned the topic around and continued to introduce.

"The disease varies from person to person, and the problems caused by it vary in severity. The main aspects are heart valve disease and aortic symptoms, and miss Gianna is the condition of the aorta. In the root part of her ventricle connecting with the aorta, there is expansion, and the aorta and aortic valve expand at the same time, leading to the phenomenon of blood reflux. That's what I just said about AAE and ar

While speaking, Qi Hong shows Su wanting a CT picture in the data, pointing to the location of aorta and ventricle to explain the situation.

"Miss Gianna's expansion here is 58mm, which has been confirmed as high aortic regurgitation and can only be treated by surgery. What's more, Miss Gianna's blood type is abnormal, so a safer heart transplant operation may lead to the risk of rejection. Therefore, the operation is very necessary. "Su wanting turned her forehead to look at Qi Hong and directly asked a substantive question.

"Can't this operation be done abroad?"

Qi Hong shook his head, then nodded.

"It can be said that foreign countries can not complete the operation because of the blood. As for the operation itself, it is not impossible. At least many European hospitals can complete the operation."

Finish saying, also intentionally or unintentionally Piao Su wanting one eye.

The beauty president understood the meaning in the eyes of the beautiful woman doctor. The patient was sent here at this stage. In fact, there was a kind of exquisite meaning. After all, looking for blood is not only the skill of the chief surgeon, it needs the cooperation of the whole national medical system.

In an instant, Su wanting guessed the multiple meanings. To put it bluntly, it was a frontal attack launched by Western medical circles on Chen Qun, and also a test of China's entire national medical system. If it is 20 years ago, the state has no ability to detect this kind of panda blood.

But now, China is the most Internet developed area in the world, and the overall medical level has also improved a few steps. Even if it is impossible to achieve universal testing, the testing for national employees can find this kind of panda blood.

What's more, Qi Hong, a very professional and intelligent girl, can't fail to understand the meaning of sending a special patient from a foreign country. She understood the situation at the very beginning, and then she agreed.

Su wanting sighed in her heart. She did not expect that the ribbon cutting ceremony was also a hidden sword. A silent contest started here! I'm afraid that the Beitiao Guangyun of Sanjing financial group came here not just for congratulations.

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