Chen Qun whispered an exaggerated expression and refuted his girlfriend.

"Didn't you dislike me yesterday? I ate a jin of stewed beef alone in the afternoon and scolded me for eating more than pigs. How did it change in an instant?"

"Stingy, please abide by the law of girlfriends, admit your mistakes!"

Chen Qun saw that other people didn't pay attention and explained in a low voice.

"Maybe that chicken in your family is the ancestor chicken, evolved from T-Rex, so even if I eat less than chicken, I eat more than pig now!"

The young lady immediately burst out laughing, which attracted the attention of all her companions. The young lady ignored everyone's meaningful smile and was filled with warmth. This little man is smart and considerate. He directly finds an excuse that is not an excuse to force her to come true. He not only flatters his girlfriend, but also cleverly unifies her different opinions. This angle is tricky. The brain circuit is really different from other people.

When she was smiling, from her position, through the crack of the bamboo curtain, she saw the fat man who was eating and sowing not far from the other side. Suddenly, a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, and then the fat man's brain tilted down and fell directly into the cold dish plate in front of him. He personally staged a steamed pig's head!

Although the young lady knew that this idea was immoral, it just poured out unstoppably. Although she felt funny and thought that other people were to blame, her professional ethics did not allow her to continue to stand by and immediately yelled at Chen Qun.

"Chen Qun, go to save people quickly. The fat man who ate and sowed on the other side vomited blood. It should be the blockage of the trachea that caused the coma!"

Chen Qun saw that the young lady's smile was stagnant, and then turned into a professional tone. He quickly got up, lifted the curtain and ran to the opposite side. At this time, of course, he could see clearly that there was a mess on the opposite table. Two or three young people were trying to help the fat man up from the dish. A girl next to the fat man was screaming hysterically, explaining what chicken flying and dog jumping were.

"Qi Hong, I have a field first aid kit in my backpack. It's in the mezzanine outside. Send it right away!"

Chen Qun just took two steps and looked at the fat man's bloody face face face to face. He judged his condition to be 7788 and knew that he had to use tools for first aid, otherwise it would be too late.

When Dongfang Wenxin hears about it, she is immediately interested in it. Where is Chen Qun's emergency treatment for patients? She and Qi Hong immediately open Chen Qun's backpack in the corner and scramble to find a first-aid kit. She put it in. Of course, she knew where to put it. She would definitely bring Chen Qun's surgical toolbox with her if it wasn't for the conditions.

"Let me see. I'm a doctor!"

As soon as Chen Qun Cai went to show his identity, several people in a hurry immediately stopped and gave way to his position. Chen Qun saw that the fat man still had blood pouring out of his mouth. He felt a lump in his heart and smelled something unusual. There are two reasons. The first is that in these steps, the diagnosis panel of the corner of the eye has become a blood red. The other is that the color of the blood foam in the fat man's mouth is lighter. If it's just esophageal bleeding, it won't be this color.

He looked around and found that it was greasy, but there was a back door that could lead to the temple. Without saying a word, he lifted the fat man's neck with his left hand and pushed his right hand on his back. He immediately lifted the fat man up to 20-30 cm. Then a standard Princess hugged him and lifted the fat man up.

With such strength, a group of guests in the food shop immediately took a cold breath and looked at him with wide eyes. Several live broadcast teams subconsciously recorded all this with the camera in their hands, and the screaming girl also looked at it with wide eyes.

"Go to the temple and find a clean place. I'll have an emergency operation to save people!"

Chen Qun greets a reliable man in his thirties among a group of people and strides towards the back door with the fat man in his arms.


Before the man had time to respond, the businessman who came from behind immediately said, "follow me, there is a clean place behind here!"

As he spoke, he was ready to reach out to help him. Only when he found that Chen Qun was holding the 300 Jin fat man, he didn't look like he was exerting any effort, so he trotted to lead the way. After all, as far as he is concerned, other guests still have to eat. He doesn't want to think of any big accident. Naturally, he will send the guest who vomits blood to the temple, and he will bear less responsibility.

Besides, which temple is not compassionate, the monks will not say anything.

Qi Hong and the eldest miss, who are trotting with the first aid kit, also come after them, followed by the little princess and Su wanting. Apart from watching the fun, at least they can help. The little princess is holding a mobile phone to record what happened, full of curiosity and expectation.After all, Chen Qun saved her friend two days ago. She didn't see it with her own eyes, but today she is determined to see it with her own eyes. But she has no doubt that Chen Qun can't do it.

When Chen Qun came to the courtyard of the temple, he saw that all the doors around him were closed, and the fat man in his arms was gasping for breath. It should be the phenomenon of lung blood, which can't be delayed any longer. He immediately put the fat man on the stone on the long corridor of the temple, took off his coat and put it on the fat man's head. Before reaching out, he saw the eldest lady pass a big needle to him.

He just took it in his hand and was preparing to insert it into the fat man's throat for intubation. The diagnosis panel in the corner of the eye immediately flickered twice, and a virtual three-dimensional image commonly used by the young lady appeared, which directly "perspective" the real situation of the patient in front of his eyes.

Seeing the real cause of the disease, Chen Qun almost broke into a cold sweat. He knew that if he had just taken conventional intubation, he could only cure the disease but not the root cause. On the contrary, it would lead to accidents in the next few decades.

In other words, this broken system will never allow him to make such low-level mistakes, so a brand-new diagnostic system was upgraded to remind him. Maybe so, the so-called upgrade of the broken system is just a deliberate procrastination.

"What's the situation? Don't you help him intubate?"

Xiangchuanxiu yelled directly behind, but did not dare to come and really provoke Chen Qun.

Chen Qun ignored the sarcasm of the dead girl, calmed down and said the reason directly.

"I suspect it's a perforation of the thoracic aorta behind the esophagus. I need a left thoracotomy immediately. Intubation can't stop the large aortic perforation for him. I need to prepare the anesthesia needle. I need to complete the split lung ventilation first to ensure that his right lung function is normal. Give me the hose first

Qi Hong is taking anesthetics from the emergency operation box. Hearing Chen Qun's statement, he looks up.

"Chen Qun, there is no double lumen bronchial tube in our operation box. There is only a common single tube. You can't perform side by side lung ventilation anesthesia either!"

Chen Qun can be said to be really experienced in this situation, directly and calmly.

"I have a way, give me a catheter, I have a right bronchial intubation, to ensure that the right lung continues to supply air, the left lung function cut off, do not let the breathing lobe become an obstacle to the operation!"

With that, Chen Qun took the hose from Qi Hong's hand and quickly inserted it into the patient's mouth. The whole process was as simple as an injection.

Beitiao Yangling's eyes brightened up, and she could see that Chen Qun's technique was almost the same as his method of using optical tweezers. In other words, Chen Qun had simplified his technique, and even abandoned it. He used the simplest and simplest technique to deal with various situations.

Although she can't achieve Chen Qun's skill now, it's very easy to imitate. What she needs is a lot of practice. Of course, this refers to the practice in her mind. She doesn't really need patients.

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