"Wait, I'll just ask you a question. Why do you doctors use chest reduction to make the patient's chest bigger? Is that what you said wrong, or am I wrong? "

More than ten minutes later, Su wanting, the president of the beauty company, asked several doctors in the room about the operation plan with her curious baby appearance.

Because Chen Qun found a new problem, he directly fooled the patient into adding a whole-body MRI, which was also called "technical adjustment", finding a sufficient and reasonable excuse for three-dimensional modeling.

Just when discussing the operation with Li Bing, Su wanting, who is in the audience, becomes more and more confused and sends out her soul torture.

I don't know whether it's because Su wanting is always strong or because she is also a girl. Li Bing and Chen Qun, who are discussing this issue with great enthusiasm, immediately choose to shut up and give no explanation. Instead, they focus their eyes on Qi Hong, who is also a girl.

The female Xueba is both angry and funny. Of course, it is clear that Chen Qun and Li Bing have different reasons, but the final result is the same, which is quite similar to each other. She has to act as a temporary explanation for the family members of the patients.

"Because this technology is just a term, or it is often used for pathological treatment to remove the patient's chest fat tissue. The final result is that the chest shrinks and the tissue is released. In other words, it is to aggregate the three separate single lobes together to achieve the purpose of narrowing. But it's also possible to have a single valve unfolded at the time of implantation, implant a prosthesis, and make them magnify. "

Although Su wanting, the president of the beauty company, has never had such an operation, she has heard and witnessed many girls who have undergone such an operation and continues to ask.

"Is this kind of operation and breast augmentation a kind of operation? I think the names are different. They should be two kinds of operations, right? "

In fact, the female Xueba is short of this knowledge, while the real expert pretends to be a dead dog. She can only fool around for a while.

"Yes, it should be two kinds of operation. The common empyema is put in the prosthesis filler after the flat cut, but the pathological operation is from the middle into a few pieces, the latter is more difficult, and the therapeutic is also stronger, and this operation will be completed with a more delicate mechanical arm, and the use of embedded suture can make the scar almost invisible. "

As soon as Qi Hong's words fell, Chen Qun immediately pressed the keyboard in his hand and asked Qi Hong.

"See, compared with other normal people, patients are scattered δ Brain waves are very slow, which is abnormal, which shows that the patient's brain activity is rare, which should be caused by some reason

Chen Qun did not answer, the beauty president said with a smile.

"Here δ I'm familiar with brain waves. My two sisters also look very scattered. Well, no one can laugh at me. I look like a fool and an idiot. I'm more familiar with that! "

Su wanting just said a word, and stopped talking, because if the brain waves of adults and children look similar, it is definitely problematic, not normal.

Qi Hong saw Chen Qun deliberately put forward such an unimportant question to talk about things. He thought about it and gave a simple answer.

"Maybe some metabolic disorder without knowing the specific reasons may lead to adverse reactions to anesthetics, but it also leads to a problem, that is, the girl's several preoperative examinations are very normal, there is no mention of this problem, let alone the specific reasons for the metabolic disorder. So, we can only rule out the hormone problem in metabolism, and the rest is

Before the girl Xueba finished, Miss Dongfang saw the first answer given by her own diagnosis system and immediately said it first.

"Maybe it's the heart disease that's hidden so deeply!"

Chen Qun directly attacked a cloud doctor and gave a veto.

"If we have heart disease, we will have some answers when we check. After all, we scan the chest most, and we scan the heart many times. The data will not be wrong."

"Wait a minute, Chen Qun. Do you think that there might be something wrong with her heart when you examine the patient after anesthesia?"

The first lady directly grabbed Chen Qun and stepped on it to hide the error of her diagnosis program. Anyway, if you have nothing to do, you can directly question his foresight. Chen Qun is sure to raise his hand and surrender.

"Heaven and earth conscience, I anesthetize patients, but you have special requirements. I'm not allowed to make certain mistakes. I have to trim out a perfect chest, so that I can use the method of anesthesia to position and simulate. This idea was put forward by Xiaoxin first and asked me to solve it. Now I'm going to do something wrong again. I can only say that I want to add a crime, so I have no excuse!"Li Bing saw two people started daily bickering again, immediately transferred the eldest lady's line of sight.

"Chen Qun, how to solve this problem in the operation?"

"Generally, muscle relaxation can be monitored, and then neostigmine can be used to eliminate paralysis. If there is no abnormality, the patient will wake up. Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, if the patient has heart problems, the drugs will make her heart load heavier! "

"Well, you've finished yourself. I don't think it's possible to object. Miss Xinda, it's your cloud doctor's turn to go on the stage. Cooperate with the data in front of you to search for two key words - abnormal brain waves. Let's see what causes them. "

"People who don't know how to count, it's nothing to tell you. You can say two words for one key word! Did you swallow another one alive? "

"Do you know all about it?"

Just when the young couple were fighting, the young lady presented the 327 search results given by doctor Yun on the computer and watched with a smile how Chen Qun made a reasonable test.

Chen Qun saw that his target had already appeared in the catalogue, and the arrow had already been sent out. Naturally, he could fool several experts nearby quietly.

"See, there's no abnormality in brain waves. It's very likely that it's abnormal blood supply or hormone abnormality. The last one is neuropathy. First of all, I need to do a more comprehensive examination when there is no result of MRI. I need to continue the whole body radionuclide imaging immediately, send the patient to the operating room immediately, inject a large amount of radioactive tracer, and see where the lesion comes from

"Wait a minute, Chen Qun. Can the patient's heart bear the injection of a lot of radioactive substances?"

"The injection of brain, we divided into three days to check, today from the root of the problem, the brain began to check."

Su wanting watched Chen Qun and Qi Hong quarrel. She listened with great interest. At this time, she couldn't help but cut in and drew a circle with two fingers to demonstrate.

"I understand most of what you said. Does Xiao Qi think it's a heart problem? Chen Qun thinks it's a brain problem? Then you are in a stalemate with each other, so you immediately compromise with each other and use a moderate method to examine the patient. This model is very enlightening to me. By the way, Xiaoxin, you can simulate their tit for tat by computer programs, and then write logic equations by halving them. Maybe the results of intelligent diagnosis will be better. "

"Sister Su, you don't want to make trouble any more. If Xiaoxin adds another layer of variables according to your wishes, the computer will be on fire and smoke, and Xiaoxin will dissect me with a scalpel."

Finally, thanks to Chen Qun's immediate awakening, he was saved from direct vivisection by his sisters!

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