As a newly appointed president, Liu Yang first encountered this kind of medical trouble, which involves a wide range and has a deep background. Naturally, he needs to deal with it properly. However, according to the files transferred by the hospital, the patient did not undergo any examination, so Yang Xiaoquan confirmed his family's heart disease by listening to Zhen and asking Zhen, that is, in two or three minutes.

In the eyes of old doctors, this is not surprising. Most old doctors diagnose in this way in the age of underdeveloped science and technology. Although there are some misdiagnosis, the success rate is still quite high. Even so, Yang Xiaoquan still asked her to check and confirm. The judgment she gave was "doubtful", and reasoning alone has been in an invincible position.

But in front of him are a group of people who deliberately come to make trouble. This reason is no longer important. He needs stronger evidence.

If you want Dongfang Wenxin to help you find out which hospital they are in, and you are too embarrassed to open your mouth, you have to hold on to Chen Qun and continue to ask about his diagnosis.

"Xiao Chen, to be honest, did you follow Yang Xiaoquan's judgment or diagnose the patient's cardiogenic asthma? What's the basis?"

What is my basis? Do you believe it after you say it?

Hearing this question, Chen Qun muttered in his stomach, knowing that he had to answer it.

"If we really talk about personal basis, I can only say that with my personal experience and book knowledge, there is no evidence. But the evidence is on the patient. Check it out. However, if this matter is not handled properly, the other party may kill and destroy the body, so I think you can always call the police and report that the patient's life is in danger. "

"Do they dare?"

"I don't dare to treat my mother as a patient, but I may do it to my son who was thrown out by me. This should be my negligence. I forgot that I made a bigger excuse for them after I did it! This needs Xiaoxin's help immediately. It's no joke. After all, there is a difference between traumatic injury and real disease. As long as it is forged properly, it is impossible to verify the truth. "

Dongfang Wenxin originally looked at them with a smile, but as soon as Chen Qun said it, she immediately picked up her eyebrow and took the phone in her hand, so she was ready to go to one side to make a phone call.

Chen Qun grabs her and shows a calm smile, giving everyone a reason to be speechless.

"Xiaoxin, now you don't have to panic. At least it's in broad daylight. I'm sorry to do it. Moreover, even if this matter is to become a conspiracy, we need to find a murderer. Those who shoot videos and lawyers will never do it by themselves. So, we don't panic, you just need to master the whereabouts of the mother and son, and send a few people to follow them all the time, then you can't run away, and it can be used as evidence to completely solve this dispute! "

Dongfang Wenxin suddenly remembers that this guy was also in his hometown. The most amazing thing is that when he jumped out of the wall in a hurry, he accidentally hit the auxiliary car, jumped out of a sports car and got stabbed, and solved the problem. For this matter, Zhang Yifei also said that Chen Qun was invincible.

Does this son of a bitch really think he's full of luck all the time?

Miss Dongfang was furious at once.

"How to solve it?"

Chen Qun thought about it and gave a plan.

"Now, no matter what we say, we've all been taken for granted. So we just need to keep a close eye on our son. Maybe they will have to wait a few hours before they can think of a way to plant and frame up their son. But these people will never want to dirty their hands, so they need to find a suitable place to do it at night, and then come to plant it tomorrow! "

Liu Yang quietly looked at Chen Qun and made a reasonable analysis and judgment, without any intention to remind him. It seems that this guy doesn't eat people's fireworks, but in fact, these things of planting and setting up are just like his name. He's the kind of person who plans the world. It's not easy to calculate this little thing?!

Miss Dongfang knows that what this guy said is really a reason, but she has to put a bar on it.

"Don't these people start in the middle of the way, it's better to kill the ruffian directly, and they can carry people to cry for injustice!"

Chen Qun said calmly.

"It's absolutely impossible for those behind the scenes to appear in this place. They need other people to report the news. Besides, the more professional they are, the less flaws they will leave. If they came together just now, maybe I need to be on guard. But piansheng is remote-controlled and keeps away from the relationship, so the two reporters who appear are real reporters. These people can give advice, but they don't have to think about killing people. So for professional operation, it's natural to ask about the current situation first, but you destroy these people's videos, which makes these people have the hesitation to throw away all communication equipment and join up in another place. So we just need to monitor our son. If we can fix our son in one place, it would be better! "Hearing this, Dongfang immediately has an idea and claps her hands.

"For these three class and nine religion figures, my sister knows people in the company. Chen Qun, you bastard, tell me all your bad ideas. I'll let these people arrange it. We'll just wait and see the play. "

Chen Qun showed a simple and honest smile, some embarrassed to say.

"That son is a miscarriage of society. It's better to find a guy he believes in and call his son and let him go to the hospital for examination. As for the hospital, naturally, it's the best kind of private hospital, especially the one mixed with dragons and snakes. It can not only act as a witness, but also be convenient for outsiders. It's easier to buy, and it's also in line with the characteristics of small gangsters. It won't let the backstage master find out. "

After watching a lot of gongdou dramas, Miss Dongfang wanted to find some ways to show her conspiracy. At this time, she understood it and began to shout.

"Are you going to invite the emperor into the urn? Why don't you let a person go to find this ruffian in person, let him go to the hospital for examination, so as to continue to blackmail us. As for the hospital for examination, it's also the kind that gives money for diagnosis, which everyone understands. After he goes in, we'll arrange the camera and wait for those who do it secretly to go in and catch a person's stolen goods! "

As soon as the first lady finished speaking, she immediately called Su wanting.

Su wanting, who is very busy with her work, immediately becomes interested. Especially when it comes to the power competition of some countries, she happens to have the ready-made staff and the most professional personnel, who can handle it well. She immediately makes a series of phone calls, and in less than five minutes, she contacts people.

Sure enough, the guy named Dong Xiaohu was undergoing an examination in the third people's Hospital at this time, but there was only a standard answer that everything was normal. He was preparing to argue in the people's hospital.

This is exactly what Chen Qun expected. This guy is asking for money. As long as she is willing to accept the money, her double price will be enough to complete the trick of inviting the emperor into the urn, so that this guy can honestly cooperate with the acting.

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