By the time Chen Qun rushed to the outpatient ward, Cheng Fei was in a coma. At his arm, the swelling the size of a copper coin had spread to the size of a palm.

Standing in the ward, the director of the outpatient department said with worry.

"Xiao Chen, Xiao Qi, this time we really have a big problem. His condition is very severe. I suspect that he has septicemia. Vancomycin has been used, but it has little effect. Platelets are now down to 10000, and no coagulation function can be detected. The result of Gram staining is still negative. We have started production again, but we still have to wait more than 20 hours for the result. At this stage, there is not much we can do. "

"In the process of continuous necrosis, septicemia also appeared. The result of outpatient diagnosis should be correct. It is necrotizing fasciitis. But now the only problem is that it is impossible to determine which virus caused it. Xiao Qi, you young people have a quick brain. Let's see if there is any way to bypass the routine examination. Maybe you can use the high-power electron radio microscope in your center to look for bacteria. Maybe you can find the right result by working together

Of course, Qi Hong knows that the reason why a group of doctors can't do anything about it is Cheng Fei's physical condition. He is allergic to many drugs, which makes it difficult for him to get medical treatment.

Chen Qun frowns and looks at the patient in front of him. On his diagnosis panel, he has given an answer that makes him feel a little incredible. But if the correct answer is quietly analyzed, this is his key problem.

No matter. I'll fool you first and then give you another explanation.

As soon as Chen Qun thought of this, he immediately went according to his ideas, picked up the phone, went to a corner and called his fiancee in a low voice.

"Xiaoxin, you help me to transfer a medical record report of Cheng Fei from the loving kindness hospital in Xiangjiang. These celebrities should have special confidential files. It may take a long time for me to go through the regular channels. You use your authority to transfer the report out and help me search whether he has a history of liver disease."

"Well, medical records should be kept secret. What a mistake!"

Miss Dongfang muttered, but she knew that it was really a hospital regulation. Many special patients had special files, and even some hospitals didn't leave any records, so as not to cause other troubles.

As for a small medical record, she could easily find it with her permission. Almost two or three seconds later, she saw a medical record with dozens of pages on the screen. After searching it directly, she found the answer Chen Qun wanted to know.

"Yes, he suffered from chronic hepatitis C 15 years ago. The blood test results showed that the liver index has been very high. I uploaded this report to you. Take a look at your mobile phone. I don't quite understand! "

When Chen Qun heard the modesty of the young lady, he knew that the girl knew what the priorities were, what she could joke about and what she couldn't do. He was also "old with great comfort". He put his mobile phone in front of his eyes and looked at the report from the wechat group. After a glance, he knew that he had found the evidence.

"No need to check, give the patient minocycline and Ciprofloxacin Injection immediately!"

Chen Qun put down the phone, went back to the hospital bed and issued his opinions to several chief doctors who were still frowning.

Qi Hong immediately expressed his opposition.

"But minocycline and ciprofloxacin are not effective on hemolytic streptococcus! It doesn't make much sense to use these two drugs when the disease gets worse. "

Chen Qun knew that Qi Hong was just doing his duty. In a sense, they were two people playing double reed to persuade other doctors and directly gave the answer he had just found.

"If it's Streptococcus, it's meaningless, but the pathogen Mr. Cheng Fei is infected with is not Streptococcus, but Vibrio vulnificus, which we thought was the least likely when we discussed earlier."

"But this kind of bacteria only lives in the sea. Mr. Cheng Fei has not touched the sea or eaten seafood these days. How can he be infected?"

"So we denied the answer and thought it was the last in the order. But don't forget, we are still a city of Guangdong facing the sea. Mr. Cheng Fei can't stay in the opera crew 24 hours a day, and he can't have assistants with him 24 hours a day. There must be some entertainment in the city, so he may come into contact with all kinds of seafood and sea water, and eventually he will get sick. "

Speaking of this, Chen Qun raised his eyebrows and cut the gold and iron.

"Now we have ruled out the most likely ones for necrotizing fasciitis infection, and the others are less likely, including Vibrio vulnificus. Besides, if we do nothing now, the patient's condition may worsen. If we carry out rescue, there is still more than 37% probability to save the patient, why not do it! "

"Wait, where's your 36 percent probability?"

"It's very simple. There are only three kinds of bacteria we haven't detected. I'm almost sure it's one of them. If healthy people are exposed to Vibrio vulnificus, there will be no big problem. But people who have suffered from chronic hepatitis C must be taking steroids for treatment, or taking iron supplements because of iron deficiency anemia. When they come into contact with Vibrio vulnificus, they will get worse. "Chen Qun explained while pointing to Cheng Fei's red and swollen arm with surgical tweezers.

"See here? This is the place where Vibrio vulnificus is infected. In the middle, there is hydroherpes, which is completely in line with the condition of Vibrio vulnificus infection. Even I can irresponsibly speculate that the wound on the arm here should have been stabbed by the lobster when eating the lobster. You can take him directly to the operating table under the microscope to find the wound trace. "

Chen Qun explained here and gave his orders directly.

"Now I'll take over the patient. I'll take all the responsibility. I'll inject minocycline and ciprofloxacin immediately! I think the results will come in an hour or two! "

Chen Qun took out his style directly, ignored several chief doctors who came by, and gave orders directly.

At a loss about what to do, several experts who were aired aside looked embarrassed, but they had no feelings of disgust. After all, he was the chief researcher at Meiling medical research center. He has the final say. What's more, if he made a mistake in this treatment, it's needless to say that he also lost his face. It's better than saying something at this time.

However, with his legendary experience, the probability of his mistakes is almost zero.

What's more, for a big star like Cheng Fei, if other doctors have problems treating him, I'm afraid it's still troublesome. But for Chen Qun, not only the courtyard will support him, even if his personal identity, but also enough to make a movie star can't make waves.

This time Huang Haitao is not here, and these old colleagues don't even have a chance to hold their airs. If they are in a hurry, Chen Qun will throw them out. Chen Qun has lost a doctor in the United States with an annual salary of hundreds of millions of dollars, and the result is a complete victory. The doctor is not waiting to fight back.

They can't provoke Chen Qun, whether it's the will of heaven or the people! What's more, Chen Qun's short guard is a secret skill. It's only for the sake of a hospital that he says so. If it's not a hospital, he will be driven out directly. We don't need to gamble, especially when we are likely to lose without pants, we don't have to fight against it.

Of course, Chen Qun didn't know his deterrent power. Before that, he had let other doctors have the idea of daring to be angry and not to speak up, and began to treat them directly.

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