Chapter 123 men's silence and women's tears

"Qi Hong, don't move!"

Chen Qun Cai, an assistant on the operating table, looks up at the laparoscopic picture and says to Qi Hong. Instead, he turns his head and looks at Huang Haitao standing behind them.

"Miss Huang, it seems that the situation is not right! Look at the organizational structure. It seems that it shouldn't be there. "

Chen Qun explained the situation with simple language, pointing to the picture. Laparoscopic technology has been shaped for many years, what you see in the field of vision is strange, there is no set rules. Some diseased tissues and cancerous organs are so long that their mother can't recognize them. There are many.

However, the organizational structure of laparoscopic vision is very standard, and it is difficult for doctors and nurses to admit their mistakes.

For a moment, the operating room immediately silent down, it is the male silent female tears, together are speechless.

Huang Haitao went up, took over, and gently shook the vision of the laparoscope. Now we can see more clearly. An ovarian tissue the size of a broad bean was squeezed into a corner, next to the diseased tissue, and firmly adhered together.

"Stop the operation, test the patient's DNA gene, wake up the patient and ask for advice. Anyway, the operation is not very urgent. "

Huang Haitao gave a standard answer, a face, suddenly at the back of a few chickens roar up, "who did the inspection, how can make such a low-level mistake?"

Chen Qun and Qi Hong answered with one voice, "I!"

Huang Haitao was stunned. You can be forgiven to say that it was a personal omission. But in fact, he also saw the test results, but he didn't see any special things in the report.

What's more, it's not uncommon for a man to have fetal ovaries in his abdominal cavity.

One person may make a mistake, but this time it's a three person diagnosis. It's a universal team in the emergency center. It's almost able to rule out the doctor's problems in diagnosis and treatment.

The rest is Zhang Guanli Dai. Someone wrote the wrong medical record.

At this time, we can see the role of the hospital's rigid rules and regulations, and step by step check them.

Huang Haitao was angry. It was no longer a matter of mistaken medical records. Instead, he was a little more vigilant and thought of other aspects. Appendectomy in any hospital is a minor operation, today is just at the same time leave, let him top half an hour, just let a few pricks in the past to help.

If you change to the colleague who asked for leave, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the laparoscopic surgery starts, and then you'll find this abnormal situation. In addition, this colleague has offended others a few days ago. Huang Haitao knows that this is not so simple.

It is likely to be a layout for his colleagues.

As the emergency director of the largest top three hospital in the south, Huang Haitao has been trained a lot and has seen many means. And this situation is more personal.

Huang Haitao quietly picked up countless thoughts in his heart. The first thing he thought about was whether it was aimed at him.

Over the past year or two, the emergency center has been gaining momentum and has been scrambling for a lot of territory. It's normal for some people to teach themselves a lesson. As for the colleague, he was probably shot while lying down, or used by others. Otherwise, how can you temporarily find yourself to replace it?

However, Huang Haitao didn't think of all kinds of shady things as mean, but he raised a lot of vigilance.

Huang Haitao pondered for two seconds, then waved to Chen Qun and Qi Hong, two "scapegoats," you write a report to me about today's events, to explain which link is the problem. By the way, let me ask you the following question: if you have completed this appendectomy, will you clean the abdominal cavity? "

The back of a few thorn immediately stunned, Qihong more black line asked a, "teacher Huang, you still have leisure to ask medical problems?"

Huang Haitao returned to his usual nature and said kindly, "the world will turn without anyone. What's more, it's impossible for a doctor to know what will happen next. It's a basic requirement for a doctor not to panic. Xiao Qi, answer my question. "

"Cleaning the appendix incision before suture can reduce the residual effusion, reduce the residual pollution, and delay the occurrence of various postoperative infections and complications."

Zhou Lin, who personally sent the patient to study for B-ultrasound examination, immediately added, "Qi Hong is right, but the current research shows that cleaning perforated appendicitis will increase the probability of wound abscess."

Huang Haitao saw a few pricks flustered for a while, and immediately answered the question, see eyes turned to Chen Qun, "what's the opinion of Xiao Chen?"

What's my opinion?!But since he was an eel, he should have the consciousness of an eel.

"Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. Washing the wound to reduce infection is basic, but it can also stimulate the disease. But if an organ is a person, I still like to clean it. So I think that perforated appendicitis cleaning infection rate is increased, just stop eating for choking! "

Huang Haitao laughed, "you are all research pathology, even the primary and secondary are not clear, fortunately I am not your tutor! Otherwise, don't be angry! When you have finished sorting out this matter, you can easily give me the next treatment plan for the patients, and each of you can write a 50 word plan for me. "

The Iron Army howled and muttered in the corner, "Mr. Huang, can I give you 500 words?"

"No. I don't have so much time to watch you talk so much! "

Chen Qun's heart immediately began to feel like he had an operation. Why do he write so much bullshit every day? No matter how well the report is written, it is not as good as one operation to save one life. However, everything is good and bad. The medical record seems to be extremely unfriendly to doctors, but it can protect both patients and patients at the critical moment and show the truth.

Hey, after all, it's just a lack of trust between patients and patients.

When Chen Qun saw that the operation could not be done, he got into trouble again. It seems that his good luck has been used up and bad luck is beginning to come.

At the thought of this, Chen Qun immediately sent a message to Zhang Xin.

"It seems that my luck has come to an end. I was complained by a patient the day before yesterday. Today's patient who is going to have an appendectomy has to have a DNA test because he can't distinguish between male and female. I won't disturb you any more these days, so that my bad luck won't affect you. Good luck to you. "

Before Zhang Xin frowned, Su Yating immediately raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes. "Sister, you've been dumped by this boy! I've sent you a good man card! "

"Well, I haven't sent a good person card yet. Is that the first? How boring. But I don't believe his bad luck has come to an end. It's more difficult to meet fake sex people all over the world than to buy lottery tickets. How can he happen to meet them? "

Su wanting opened her mouth and nodded, "yes, when I ask about the situation, why is it so coincidental?"

But she was looking forward to, and what posture led to the diagnosis of a psychiatrist.

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