In the following mitral valve replacement operation, Professor rothruff acted as the main surgeon and Chen Qun as the assistant. With the cooperation of two people, the operation took only 17 minutes to complete. Before the patient's physical strength was exhausted, the operation was successfully completed. This record has not only refreshed everyone's cognition, but also Professor rothruff's own cognition.

Only professor rothruff knows how much effort he has put into the evolution of rothruff mitral valve replacement from one and a half hours to half hours. The more he goes up, the more difficult it is to cross some invisible boundary and fix the operation time beyond 20 minutes.

It is almost impossible to complete a mitral valve replacement without artificial arrest in 20 minutes. Even 20 minutes has become his sound barrier, which has been lying in front of him. But now the barrier in front of him has disappeared, and the fundamental reason is that he naturally knows that it is the result of Chen Qun's assistance.

Or to be exact, Chen Qun is responsible for not strolling alone, and even Eliza's bonus effect makes him feel like he is in a trance. It seems that his nearly 20 years of surgery are limited to a very narrow range, and the most important reason is that his team is not as tacit as Chen Qun's team.

The three assistants I just went out to call are just one nurse and two doctors. They are all young people. If we look at them separately, except Eliza, who is the most capable student among the three young people, is already the first-class expert. In fact, the other nurses and the male doctor are half a grade lower than several members of his team.

Piansheng Chen Qun is a world-class team, but not a top team. However, he has achieved better results than his own world-class team, even more so.

If we change to other people, we may not see what the reason is. However, with his experience, we can see clearly that after Chen's team was put into operation, the little nurse and little doctor became a kind of background directly, and countless people were absent, but they did not feel their existence.

In other words, they have become a part of a system. As individuals, they have disappeared. Only in this way can they have a tacit understanding with each other, just like one person to cooperate with the surgeon.

This is only the first aspect, and the second aspect is that the movements of the little nurses and doctors are very standard and mechanical, without any redundant movements. The technique of delivering instruments by nurses is basically to complete the transfer of things in a way that conforms to the body structure, and try to maintain a curve track similar to a straight line, as if it had been specially trained.

If only one person has this kind of action, it may be personal style, but several people have the same style, it is definitely the result of some tutorial norms. But as far as he knows, there is no hospital or operating room in the world that can cultivate a kind of standardized action.

Chinese people alone can also be said to have carried out clonal training. As can be seen from their military parade, they perfectly coordinated discipline and organizational ability, and achieved the same pace of tens of thousands of people. But he knows what character Eliza is, and Eliza is absolutely impossible to accept this kind of training.

But now Eliza is also integrated into their team, and in some wonderful way, she quickly keeps up with her own rhythm, and then several people magically degenerate into a background tool, perfectly cooperating with their own operation.

Perhaps, to be more precise, these three people cooperated with Chen Qun first, and then Chen Qun revised and mobilized three team members, completely giving up his personal style, so that all actions became a cog in the operation of the chief surgeon.

This kind of cooperation, even in the world's top cardiac surgery team, can not reach such a tacit understanding. How did the young man do it, not only by himself, but also by an outsider?

If Eliza has been specially trained, she will definitely despise this method of erasing her personality in the social space, but she doesn't mention any of it, which means that she has been imperceptibly influenced.

As soon as professor rothruff thought about it, he suddenly found that some of his style had become the style of Chen Qun's group, and the two sides kept the same.

This is really a ghost!

Rotrov's palm trembled slightly, which almost made the suture deviate a little. But in his amazement, he also understood why Eliza was imperceptibly influenced by these Chinese people. It's that their method is simple and simple, without any skillful movements, so it's easy to form a sense of rhythm.

As long as the sense of rhythm goes up, everything else is easy.

Besides, Chen Qun, a young East Asian, is a real master of rhythm. He can feel the rhythm of music directly by his ears, thus forming his own piano playing style. Although this is a talent attached to scholar syndrome, it at least shows that Chen Qun's rhythm is the key factor to keep the whole team consistent.Maybe you can try it yourself.

As he pondered, he did not delay the progress of his operation, which reflected the outstanding ability of the world's first cardiac surgeon.

After the operation, rotrov did not ask other doctors to take over the follow-up work. Instead, after several years, he closed his chest again. This time, he has learned to use his own rhythm in the suture operation, and specially changed two different rhythms.

But for Chen Qun, who is an assistant, it is almost a kind of background. If he is fast, he will follow him. If he slows down, he can also slow down immediately. It seems that he controls the rhythm, but in fact, it is Chen Qun, a young man, who uses some tacit understanding to mobilize other members to complete the operation.

As for the other members of the operation team, it seems that they are also involved in the background, occasionally doing one or two trivial things, but Chen Qun, an assistant, is the forerunner who gives orders.

Professor rothruff was more and more surprised because he saw that Chen Qun's simple tacit understanding was that he could cooperate with different people to complete the operation, instead of being out of place with other doctors and nurses. In this way, it is also an open way of organizing. Even if twenty or thirty people are organized to do a super large operation, Chen Qun will arrange the different medical staff as long as he is in the middle. Finally, he will find a frequency that everyone accepts.

Perhaps, standardized operation is the key to improve the cooperation of the whole team?

When Professor rothruff thought that he had found Chen Qun's secret, he didn't know it at all. He only saw the phenomenon of indication. The real reason for the tacit cooperation is that the long-term cooperation of the team members in Chen Qun's operation space reacts on an incomplete part of the reaction in the real world.

In the operation space, all the members of the core group have cooperated for more than 10000 hours, and have reached the expert's law of tens of thousands of hours. If there is no tacit agreement, the broken system can buy a rope to hang itself.

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