Chen Qun nodded and directly acknowledged the opinions of President Schneider.

"Yes, the danger of poliovirus is that it can easily infiltrate nerve tissue, so this is the best carrier!"

"How do you do that? Put the gene code on the virus

President Schneider pointed to the core, many things are very easy to say, but it is very difficult to achieve. Since Chen Qun has come up with a plan, there must be a perfect plan. The last time he did remote heart surgery for Thomas, he only thought for half an hour and gave a perfect solution.

Now they have been discussing for several days, and there will definitely be a big surprise.

"It seems that five or six years ago, a doctor tried to use gene editing technology to treat Parkinson's disease, and the result was a failure. This experiment is also carried out by a research institute under the name of Neo company. Although several years have passed and it is out of date for the increasingly developing medical technology, this experiment inadvertently provides us with an idea. Therefore, we have improved this technology, which may have a certain effect in this reversal treatment. "

President Schneider looked at Chen Qun in surprise. He didn't know what he meant. However, he knew very well that the surgeon in Chen's mouth was himself. He joined the experiment anonymously, hoping to achieve some results, but failed.

At that time, he wrote a long and stinky paper on the whole process of failure, hoping that other latecomers would not make the same mistakes as their experimental group. Chen can publicly find this paper from some old journals and websites, but it is almost impossible to know that he was also a participant in that year.

After all, at that time, he used an alias to participate in it. He was mainly responsible for the theoretical part, so he didn't go to the Research Institute for field operation. In fact, he didn't need to go there. At that time, he was very busy competing for the position of president of Charlotte hospital, so he took part in the normal academic research in this way.

Seeing that Chen Qun had pulled out his failed plan, Schneider became more and more curious. After careful calculation, it was impossible for Chinese people to know this very low-key secret thing, even his daughter who just went to university. Naturally, Chen Qun could not hear it from her daughter.

As for Neo, except for the leader of the project team who was in charge of the research, no one else knew his true identity. Now that old friend has passed away due to an accident, it's impossible for him to have any information left. Naturally, Chen Qun can't know who he is.

What's more, the young man Chen didn't have any different look at himself when he just described it, which means that he was just expounding an academic paper.

President Schneider stares at Chen Qun and continues to ask questions with a look of incomprehension.

"What exactly do you mean by improvement? Can you be more detailed?"

Chen Qun, however, has grasped the "black material" of the old man from the system space. Seeing his indifference, he also has some admiration that these old men are indeed the elites among the elites. They are worthy of being the leaders of the top ten hospitals in the world. Naturally, his little trick will not work for him. Even if you expose his background, it will have no influence on him, and even win praise.

Since everyone pretends to be confused, it is really confused to be confused together.

"In that experiment, the delivery mechanism used varicella zoster virus. The reason why it failed was that the first choice was herpes simplex virus. At that time, the technology could not deliver DNA to herpes simplex virus, but now the technology has improved and can do that."

"You mean the new use of mRNA technology?"

"Yes, although the technical details are a little different, there is no mistake in thinking that it is similar to messenger RNA technology. This time we encode messenger RNA into poliovirus. If we succeed, we have a great chance to alleviate or even reverse the patient's gene editing. "

"So how do you make sure the virus doesn't cause other damage to the patient?"

"Of course, we should first culture human cells in vitro, and then infect them to determine whether they are effective. We only need to do effective targeting, the more we can do this virus cell will not damage other human cells, and finally achieve the effect. If conditions permit, we can even ask large animals to repeat the patient's gene editing before drug treatment. Although it will take more than half a year, it is better than letting the patient die. "

Dean Schneider tapped the table twice with his finger and asked the last question again.

"If we want to carry out such a rigorous medical experiment, we need to spend hundreds of thousands or even millions of euros. Is it too expensive?"Chen Qun looked at President Schneider and realized that the old gentleman had agreed to his idea. Now he just helped himself to persuade others and gave the answer directly.

"On the contrary, Mr. President, I think this kind of investment is a golden opportunity for us to move from theory to practical application in the gene field of modern medicine. If it's just treating a person, it's a little too expensive, but the results of this experiment should benefit more people. The investment of millions of euros is just a great value! "

"Aren't you afraid to open Pandora's box?"

"In fact, this is not a Pandora's box at all. This box has been opened for a long time. Transcription gene technology has been used on a large scale in many fields. Now it is used in reverse transgenic technology for the first time, which is very pioneering. If patients give up treatment because of the high cost, Meiling medical research center is willing to continue to provide all the treatment and development. We will bring patients back to China. Maybe we can also cooperate with Charlotte hospital. We provide drugs, and you conduct tests and mutual supervision to ensure that patients get the best treatment. "

President Schneider's eyes lit up immediately. As a doctor, of course, he supported the treatment of patients, but as the president of Europe's leading famous hospital, he needed to consider the interests of the hospital. If Chen Qun is willing to pay for the treatment of injustice, as long as he leaves the patients in xialute hospital, the success will be half of xialute's.

Of course, the form of cooperation is not important. What's important is that Chen Qun is more likely to cure the patient, which is also a very important support for him. After all, this is also his field. If he has a more energetic partner, then he, the president, has more confidence in the face of a cross medical group like Neo.

Chen Qun's surgical technology alone can be said to be the first person in the field of surgery in the world, including minimally invasive surgery. Charlotte hospital is bound to cooperate with Chen Qun to treat those top-level people. He and Chen Qun Guang have a common interest in this relationship. Now, with Chen Qun's scientific research ability, even if he is not the best in the world, his luck is also the best in the world. That's enough to bargain from other multinational medical groups and get more benefits under this pretext.

The reason why Chen Qun did this is to take his Xiangyun hospital to become a world-class hospital. Even with Chen Qun's talent and team, if he wants to catch up with Xia lute and surpass Xia lute with the Far East medical level, it will take at least Chen to struggle for a lifetime. There is no threat to him now and in the future, so he naturally raises his hand for it.

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