After a long day's work, we all went to the hotel arranged by President Schneider to have a rest. When Chen Qun Cai fell asleep, he felt that the system space was somewhat different, and it seemed that there was a trend of upgrading. When he broke the system and saw him enter the space, he immediately stopped the changes around him and pretended to be nothing happened.


What on earth is this broken system doing secretly? Either you cheat or you steal!

Chen Qun felt that there was a big problem. Without waiting for detailed investigation, he felt that he was sleepy all over. He fell asleep when he was lying on the chair in the space. Where else could he do things around him.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt refreshed, as if I had an indescribable feeling, which was similar to the physical improvement of the whole body when I just came into contact with the system, but a little different. As for the feeling of last night in the system space, I forgot everything. I just feel that I have forgotten something, and I can't remember it for a moment.

Before recalling what happened in system space last night, Zhao Xue knocked on the door outside.

"Chen Qun, Professor rothruff has come to see you. You only have two minutes to get up! I can only help you to this, you can do the rest by yourself! "

Cut! It's like a big shot, isn't it an authoritative expert in the field of heart? Elder brother is not a female school bully, nor in the field of cardiovascular. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?

Although Chen Qun was murmuring, he actually guessed the intention of Professor rothruff. After all, he helped him yesterday, and then came back to meet an emergency. It was impossible for the doctor to see him. Naturally, he had to wait until today.

Anyway, the old man and Zhen Ji are in the same camp now, and they have to push him out to use as an Italian gun. It's good to see him when he breaks down the Neo group.

I put on a coat, brushed my teeth in ten seconds, washed my face in five seconds, and then went out to meet the world's first person in cardiovascular field.

To Chen Qun's surprise, Professor rothruff seemed to be a little haggard. Seeing Chen Qun who was dressed casually and seemed to have just got up, he also showed a knowing smile, tapped on the table and expressed his gratitude to Chen Qun directly.

"The first thing I want to do when I come here today is to thank you for your recognition and support. I think this is also the only gift I have left to the world. It's a great surprise for me that you can learn my technique without any teacher and apply it to the remote robot arm, but it's also very gratifying, It has proved that my technique is not a spray in the tide of history, but will continue to carry forward in your hands, which is also a situation I never dreamed of. So, thank you very much! "

Chen Qun looked at him with a rare excitement, and smelled a special smell in his nose, like the smell of a dead mouse. Suddenly, he suddenly realized, looked at him directly, and asked a question.

"Are you sick, liver cancer or heart disease? Or is there a big problem with both? "

Professor rothruff was not surprised by Chen Qun's seemingly rude question. Instead, he gave him a straight smile.

"You see that? Sure enough, as Eliza said, you are not only the most competent surgeon in the world, but also the most insightful diagnostician in the world. Originally, I thought it was exaggerating. Now it seems that it's much worse than I expected. I want to have your scholar syndrome! "

The old man was intentional. To be exact, it was a small self mockery. The more so, the more serious his situation was.

Chen Qun from his tone to hear a relief mood, a heart more and more some sink down. After all, with his status, I'm afraid that all the diseases that can be cured in the world can be cured, and he can also find the best surgeons for those who rely on technology. But he didn't say anything. That's the last possibility.

Diseases that cannot be cured by modern medical technology.

And these diseases for doctors, the most common is cancer, all kinds of advanced cancer, are sentenced to death.

Rotruff understood Chen Qun's up and down gaze very well. He turned his body to one side and leaned on the sofa to let him see more clearly. He tapped his fingers on the table twice again.

"I don't even know my old friends, only my personal doctor knows. So, what kind of disease do you think I am. You can smell from my body that I have liver problems. It's already very severe, but why do you think I have heart problems? "

"Blush, the blood red on your face I didn't see a few days ago, plus I saw you several times in the afternoon, only today is morning, that means you have a heart problem. The medicine you took in the morning has not slowed down the symptoms, so the heart problem has been reflected on the blood color on the face!"Chen Qun casually gave the answer, and then found one thing, that is, the corner of the eye diagnosis panel did not give any data, and even the panel was shut down.

At the beginning of the idea, the diagnosis panel immediately changed into a sky eye mode, directly set in the middle of his pupil, and several question marks pop up in a flash.

This damned broken system has been upgraded quietly again.

Through the upgraded system, although Chen Qun can't see what kind of disease Prof. rothruff is suffering from, he can see several red spots on several parts of his three-dimensional structure diagram. You don't have to look at them carefully to know that they are the lesion parts.

This broken system is intentional. Maybe it's not a task. It's rare to give three-dimensional images. For ordinary patients, breaking the system will not waste the amount of computation to engage in those high-tech data products.

In an instant, Chen Qun laughed bitterly. He knew that if he told all about rotrov, rotrov would take him to the operating room for dissection to see what circuits his brain had.

"Tumors, tumors appeared in all four organs of the body. At the beginning, the tumor embolism in the liver entered the right atrium through the inferior vena cava, and the tumor in the rectum was more than six centimeters, close to the left and right lymph nodes, so I prefer standing rather than sitting most of the time."

As soon as Chen Qun heard this, he immediately understood and nodded before he finished.

"It's all in the depth where it's hard for people to reach. It's very difficult to perform surgery."

"A year ago, I also secretly took over heart bypass surgery, which extended my life for two or three years, but sooner or later, heart failure will occur, and then cause systemic diseases; Or two tumors come first, causing other abnormalities. "

"Yes, this kind of simultaneous and repetitive cancer exists in different tissues and organs at the same time or within one year. It's all primary tumor. It seems that the professor has made sufficient psychological preparation to fully spend the remaining half a year."

"No, it's only four months. Because I have to drink, smoke and enjoy delicious food, there are only three or four months left. The surgery for liver cancer and rectal cancer is very difficult. In addition, the tumor is too big and the heart is weak, so I can't afford the surgery."

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