President Schneider knew that since he invited Chen Qun to perform the operation, he also needed to make things clear. In particular, this operation was performed in Charlotte hospital, and the final failure was not the fault of the hospital. However, we should also recommend several alternative plans summarized by the hospital later, proving that the hospital is not laissez faire.

Although Chen, a young man, is at the forefront of medicine, his work style is completely that of an old-fashioned doctor, which is in sharp contrast to his knowledge and skills. This is very in line with Schneider's appetite, and he knows that the backup plan of the hospital has a place to play.

At his sign, Eliza put the panel in her hand on the table. Schneider pointed to the picture above and began to introduce it.

"The last operation failed because it didn't support the 40 mm aneurysm. So we improved the operation plan and prepared to use the latest hybrid stent developed by Siemens to complete the operation. This is the use of the stent

Chen Qun saw a stent made of metal mesh in the aneurysm, which was like a spring wire suddenly released. It was bouncing around, turning the stent into a metal dishwasher ball used in daily life, supporting the whole aneurysm.

"In theory, with this kind of stent, you don't have to worry about the spring coil falling off again, you can also wrap the spring coil in the tumor fully, and then treat the aneurysm according to the first scheduled interventional operation."

Although Chen Qun saw such a large cerebral aneurysm for the first time, with his rich surgical knowledge and experience, he immediately saw a very big problem.

"I've seen reports about this combined stent. It only supports a distance of 23mm. It can't do anything when it faces a 40mm cerebral aneurysm. Surgery is necessary to remove such a large tumor."

"But with such a large tumor, it's not only dangerous to have surgery again, but also because of the location, which makes surgery impossible."

"Yes, there's no way to do conventional surgery, so I'm going to do it in an unconventional way. In this case, the only choice left is cerebral revascularization."

"Are you going to bypass the brain? This may be a way, but the location is still an unsolvable problem. There are three differences in this common heart bypass surgery. First, the operation is carried out in the deep gully of the brain, with almost no vision; The second is that the technique of suture operation should be very accurate; Third, and most importantly, the suture must be completed within 20 minutes after the blood flow is blocked. If not, it will inevitably lead to cerebral infarction. "

President Schneider gave his own opinion with some worry, and he did not forget to add a word at last.

"Last year, our hospital considered this kind of brain surgery, which is the most difficult one, when we made the operation again. But in the end, we had to give up because of the position, and adopted the interventional operation, but the result was still unsuccessful."

"I know that. I'll practice it first, and then I'll do a three-dimensional real-time projection simulation operation to see if it's possible to succeed. Then I'll know the result. In this way, both doctors and patients in the hospital can see with their own eyes that this virtual exercise, which is not a field exercise, will become another exercise for me. If it can be completed, we will carry out the operation according to my plan. If it can't be completed, then we will discuss the problem of improving the plan. "

"Why not use a mechanical arm? With your ability to operate the robotic arm, you can definitely complete the operation! "

Eliza gave Chen Qun a suggestion with great confidence, and then she was splashed with cold water.

"Time, no matter what type of surgery, intervention or routine, even if combined with the operation of two robot arms, is bound to face a time problem at the end. The operation time limits all operations, so I can only choose the fastest operation. If this tumor is located in another part, there will be a variety of options, and even the best super long surgery can be chosen. "

Chen Qun made a penetrating comment. Eliza was still wondering what the time limit was, but the opposite Dean Schneider knew that when Chen Qun saw the case, she gave a comprehensive consideration. As for the conclusion of time limit, it was also a key factor that they agreed to when they discussed the operation last year.

The time of interventional operation is shorter, but the operation is more difficult; Surgery takes a little longer, but it's a little less difficult. Others may not be able to judge, but Chen Qun, who is the best surgeon and interventional doctor in the world, is most qualified to give this evaluation.

Yesterday, the nerve surgery that he rescued his colleagues was the peak of minimally invasive surgery, but it took him more than ten hours. Even though he did it delicately and sutured the nerves with thick hair. What he is going to do today is a very huge hemangioma, so minimally invasive surgery is not suitable.As soon as the father and daughter left, Dongfang Wenxin asked, "just now you said that you can use fluid mechanics to calculate the rupture of blood vessel wall, why don't I know? How do you locate the density and toughness parameters of the vessel wall, how do you calculate the force on the vessel wall, and how do you determine the fluid parameters of the vessel? "

Chen Qun knew that he had just explained to the two doctors the specific operation of fluid mechanics parameters. He was just flattering the blind, and the young lady was the expert. But also because the first lady is an expert, as long as he explained a little bit, he would show his true feelings, so he had to start fooling the first lady.

"I'm just saying it casually. Anyway, the little broom can give a general figure, and it's a crime to cheat foreigners? Don't forget that President Liu told me on the phone several times just now to show the whole world something new and advanced. The application of fluid mechanics in medicine is the most advanced technology. We don't really want to verify it in human body, we just want to determine two parameters in simulated surgery, which is also your credit. "

"Hum, don't flatter me. If you don't learn well, you'll start to cheat me. I won't admit it!"

Chen Qun knows that the first lady is proud again. If she doesn't know much about it, he can apply the data from the broken system laboratory directly to practical application. Now that the young lady has noticed the abnormality, he simply gives a mindless data directly and prevaricates first.

As for the equation or something, he didn't recognize it or show it. Then, you can add one scroll to your language skills and use it in programming language. You can skip the process and become a master. With this foundation, we can continue to discuss those high-end mathematical problems with the first lady.

Chen Qun moved as soon as he spoke, and immediately entered the system space. Then he found that his imagination was very rich, and the reality was very backbone. In his skill tree, there was no computer programming language option, so his cheating seemed impossible. The only one close to it is the talent of mathematical language, which can be used again. It's just that his current mathematical language ability is only intermediate. A college student, who has also studied advanced mathematics, is judged to have failed in advanced mathematics by breaking the system. This is an insult to chiguoguo.

It seems that it's too bad for intermediate mathematics to be promoted to advanced level. At least we have to go to the expert level and then jump to the master level, so as to maximize the benefits!

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