Night is the favorite of all conspirators and killers, because night can hide too much ugliness. At the same time, it is also the most prosperous time for all kinds of rumors. After all, whether rumors or intrigues, it needs countless passers-by to act as background tools to set off waves.

Almost less than an hour, a video of no big or no small has been on the front page of major websites. Although it has not yet been on the front page, it will happen sooner or later. In this video, a young girl, looking at some rebellious, announces something to the camera.

"My name is Sen. Coleman. Mr. Jones Thomson is my guardian and my foster. But I never met him before. At last, I couldn't help sneaking out of school and coming to Stockholm to find him. When he promised to see me the next day, he committed suicide strangely. I think it's a murder case. I'm contacting my headmaster to provide relevant proof and formally report it to the police! "

"Say the important thing three times, Mr. Jones Thomson doesn't say he died of suicide, Mr. Jones Thomson doesn't say he died of suicide, Mr. Jones Thomson doesn't say he died of suicide! I think the killer is Neo company! Only Neo has the motive to murder Mr. Jones Thomson. "

The video is very short, and the girl who is talking is also stuttering. However, the direct accusation against a multinational company can attract many people's attention. However, in order to stand out from numerous videos and quickly go to the front pages of various websites, it naturally needs enough attention and clicks. Of course, Miss Dongfang's technical adjustment is indispensable. She directly uses high-tech technology and applies the most typical click curve model on the Internet to realize the geometric multiple increase of the number of hits, And then there's no sign of a brush click.

Seeing the super large-scale dot brush used by the first lady, Chen Qun felt that the rhythmic guys all over the world could not even catch up with the tail of the first lady. However, this model is not entirely his idea. It is more from the opinions of Su wanting's think tank team, which creates a "big news" without any cheating trace in the most professional way.

Although Chen Qun doesn't know the details, he knows that he will never leave any traces of human operation. After all, the disclosure itself has a certain sensational effect. Moreover, it reflects Jones's suicide on the front page of the news in this city, which becomes a follow-up story. In addition, the evidence Sen presented is also the archival record of an aristocratic genius school, It's definitely not comparable to ordinary schools.

A gifted student from an aristocratic school accused the death of a billionaire of murder. He also made a voice on the Internet outside the law, and formally recorded the whole process of reporting to the police station. He was willing to bear legal responsibility instead of reporting in the way of passers-by, which made his credibility countless times higher.

Following the attention of several "sharp" reporters, a reporter from a radio station in Stockholm later confirmed the incident and gave another revelation. The girl named Sen thought that she was being followed by bad guys and temporarily hid in a safe place. She was willing to be questioned by the police or report to the police station the next day accompanied by professional bodyguards.

Then, another reporter got video confirmation from the noble school that the identity and guardian of the girl named Sen were not false at all. The dean of the noble school also gave a donation of 550000 euros to the school a year and a half ago, proving that the relationship between the girl and Jones was not shallow.

As for the two revelations, it immediately aroused countless associations. As for Sen's identity, it was also speculated by countless people that she was the illegitimate daughter of a dead man. Some people who knew Jones very well also began to voice that this was Jones's style of acting. No matter what Jones said before he died, it is generally acknowledged that Jones is a gentleman, not a miser.

What's more, Jones failed in his three marriages, leaving behind not only a few children, but also a few illegitimate children. He also fulfilled his father's responsibility. Now, it's just that there's an illegitimate daughter. It's nothing strange.

As for her accusation, we are very sure of one thing, that is, Jones is definitely not the kind of person who will commit suicide. After all, he has neither depression nor anything that makes him feel guilty. The probability of suicide is far less than that of Mars hitting the earth.

The next conclusion is to die in an accident or murder.

After the news on both sides appeared, and then the clamor on the Internet was silent for more than an hour, suddenly countless conspiracy theory posts and analysis appeared from all sides, and all kinds of black materials were produced to prove that a multinational medical company had a criminal record. There were many kinds of operation, and several States in the United States had been suing with patients' families.

As the backstage agent, Dongfang Wenxin takes the girl and looks at all kinds of news suddenly rising from the fountain. She bites her silver teeth to her chin and expresses her anger.

"My family Chen Qun is not only a well-known prodigy, but also a deep-seated conspirator. He fully anticipated this scene. Now all the posts and speeches have nothing to do with me, and his expectation has exceeded the prediction of the stupid little broom. It shows that the world is dangerous, and all kinds of topics and news are guided by intentional people."Qi Hong immediately rolled a big white eye to the young lady. The young lady who was familiar with that kind of expression and charm was envious. The disdain of female Xueba is really changeable. No matter how hard she works, she can only learn the appearance, not the soul. The same white eye, because there is a little difference between the small expression, the meaning is also very different.

The young lady directly lies on Qi Hong's shoulder, threatening like a demonstration.

"Don't say I'm one of them. I'm a kind girl with good family education and professional training. I can't do such a thing!"

The girl Xueba buries her head and no longer teases the young lady. However, she is moved to know that she has finally become the best friend of the young lady. She can be regarded as a true friend. Otherwise, the first lady would not ask her and Zhao Xue to participate in this matter.

Zhao Xue, the girl, was called to participate in the secret because she had absolute confidence to control her. She called herself because she believed in herself. The two girls are here, but the reasons are totally different. Although Zhao Xue is a bit snobbish, she can stick to the bottom line of kindness, know her own shortcomings better, resist other temptations, and be better at being nice. Although she is not perfect, she is qualified as a best friend and deserves to be trusted.

Now the young lady is playing a conspiracy with them. In addition to having fun, she also hopes to give some advice and act as a brake. In a word, the female Xueba knows that with her own care and wisdom, she has won the recognition and respect of the young lady, which may be the fundamental reason for her recognition. It's not easy to get the respect of such a talented young lady as Dongfang Wenxin and the successor of the consortium.

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