There was a lot of applause. Chen Qun bowed to everyone generously and gave a small look to his elder sister. There was not only a little blame, but also a little praise. More importantly, there was a continuous feeling of mutual affection.

When the young lady saw that the bastard's eyes were full of his usual appearance, she knew that the bastard also came back from his distraction. My heart is more like a mirror. I know that his wandering is totally different from Zhao Xue's. Zhao Xue is suddenly not wary of the surprise she received, and directly floats to the sky, completely losing her soul.

This bastard is distracted, not because of the honor and surprise, but because of what he thinks about the future framework planning, and what goals he has set for himself. But this is also a normal reaction at the Nobel Prize ceremony. Many people can't even speak when they are surprised. After the meeting, it's good to ask the asshole what he thought.

It's just that this bastard's carving technology is too exquisite. On the wedding day, let this bastard carve a statue first, and then talk about marriage.

The eldest lady made up her mind, picked up the silver knife and fork, and wanted to do the work of burning the harp and boiling the crane. Unexpectedly, before she started, Anna reached out to stop her action, and told the guests all around.

"I can't think of Chen's work of art at all, and I have a strong interest in it. Can I donate 100000 kronor to the organizing committee to help poor countries buy vaccines in exchange for the chance to take this chocolate tower home?"

"100000 seems to be too little. I'll pay 200000!"

"Two hundred thousand!"


Almost in an instant, four or five successful guys jumped out and began to bid for the chocolate version of Linglong pagoda. Many of the guests were dignified figures, and the price was as high as 320000 kroner in an instant.

In a flash, the first lady saw that several billionaires were also ready to move, and they had not officially started bidding. However, if these old foxes want to kill two birds with one stone, they have to ask her whether she will agree to the money in her pocket. As for the amount of money, the first lady is not afraid of anyone.

What's more, these guys want to buy this chocolate artwork to get their name and get along well with Chen Qun. Finally, they donated a lot of money to the Nobel organizing committee to get a big name. How can she tolerate these guys to buy it at a low price?

Even if the eldest lady was repeatedly told by her old lady not to be too headstrong, otherwise, the sky high price of 6.6666 million kronor would have skyrocketed, but she could also increase the price directly, so that those guys could pay more. It would not be nice to see people if they didn't fry millions of kronor.

Since Anna suddenly stood up to be the trustee, she would be a bigger one. She is good at stocks. Of course, she knows what to do.

Miss Dongfang immediately smiles and takes a step to express her gratitude to all the people who have started bidding.

"Since it's a competitive auction, I should have the same rights. I'll invest 660000 kronor for my fiance Chen to take this artwork home and enjoy it by myself. It shouldn't be too much!"

Sir Victor also saw the young lady's trick. He knew that she didn't mean to buy it, but wanted to extort more money from others, and immediately began to make fun of it.

"Miss Xin is not too much, but too much. This work of art is the first thing my wife wants. As a husband, I can't lose face. Then I'll give you an auspicious figure of 880000 kronor to compete for this work of art."

"Victor, you are too stingy to pay this amount of money, but it doesn't match your status as a count. I'll give you a million crowns to buy this chocolate tower and give it to your wife!"

Dudley came forward directly. Compared with Chen's authorization and cooperation, the million kroner can be easily taken out for him. What's more, there are two other guys with the same mind, who are more willing to bid higher.

Just as another middle-aged man was about to raise his finger, Prince Antonio laughed directly and raised his hand to make a calm gesture to everyone. When everyone was quiet, he said it in a proper way.

"Originally, I would like you to offer more prices to compete for a cake with only artistic value, but now the world situation is grim, and I need you to make concerted efforts to contribute to the world. I have just roughly estimated that your more than ten rounds of offers add up to a huge number."

Prince Antonio gave a smile, glanced around the room and continued to say what he thought.

Then I come up with a way to get the best of both worlds. That is to ask Chen, who is from China, to carve more than ten of the same works of art and sell them to you respectively. Then everyone can buy the gifts they want at their own prices. More importantly, they can do their part for the whole world. Therefore, as the chairman of the organizing committee, I personally offered a more auspicious price. I bought the chocolate tower with 1080000 kronor as a gift and distributed it to the children of the third world countries together! "The old fox was caught in one net!

Many celebrities who are also old foxes have this idea in mind. However, knowing that this year's situation is special, the grand duke has directly stopped everyone from bidding. In fact, he is afraid that everyone will speculate the price to the share of the Nobel Prize. The only reason is that the successor from Liyun group is young and ambitious, but also for the sake of his fiance, I'll give you a million dollars for charity without blinking an eye. Now the price is only one million kronor, which is equivalent to 100000 US dollars. Stopping here is the most perfect way for his master.

A few tycoons immediately thought about the truth in the middle and clapped their hands to accept the master's opinion.

Even if Chen Qun was a pig at this time, he knew that Antonio was working hard in secret to make him more famous, which naturally meant that Antonio was grateful, but he was more appreciative. This is a recognition of his knowledge and moral character, which can be regarded as mutual sympathy.

After all, with Duke Antonio's experience, naturally after throwing out other interests, the rest is recognition and appreciation. What's more, this chocolate carving technique can also be said to be his superb surgical skills. He has mastered all kinds of skills and has been brilliant in other fields. Only in this way can he perform so excellently.

At the thought of this, Chen Qun gave a helpless look to the elder sister and knew that he was going to be a coolie again. Seeing that they didn't notice him, they whispered a word to the first lady.

"Xiao Xin, I'm so sorry to cost you tens of thousands of dollars."

"It doesn't matter, just pay off the debt with your skill!"

Miss Dongfang gave a very generous answer. Anyway, she had a more ingenious plan. She didn't worry about Chen Qun's death if she didn't work.

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