"It's turning pink, and so on. The color of the back of the hand is still miserable white. It should be that the blood flow has stopped. Give me the Doppler ultrasound blood flow meter immediately!"

A plastic probe similar to the wake-up of a small rake was immediately handed to Sir Victor, almost without any pause. Chen Qun knew that this operation was a big one planned by Sir Victor for a long time. Naturally, he had to put on his own operation team. The equipment nurses around him were also his favorite. He was a short, stout, Middle American hybrid. Although he was big, his hands were very flexible.

In fact, it doesn't take many people to perform a set of operations. However, three doctors and three medical teams are mixed up and temporarily matched in an orderly way. There is almost no chaos. We know that these three teams are all at the top level in the world. Only in this way can we perform the operation together for the first time and achieve relative tacit understanding and unity.

"There should be clots, the back of the hand is still miserable white, it should be caused by the low temperature, we have to promote blood circulation, now in this situation, the most appropriate way is to raise the operating room temperature, immediately turn on the air conditioning temperature to 28 degrees Celsius."

Chen Qun took a look across the street, but he didn't mean to accept it in the past. This is also his absolute trust in Sir Victor. If he is a top neurologist and transplant expert in the world, he will be a joke.

"I'll squeeze out the clot. OK, the clot is taken out, but the artery is a little too short. We need to continue to connect. Take out the prepared artery and make another anastomosis. Chen, you are faster than me. We can't destroy these perfect hands in my hands. "

At the critical moment, Sir Victor didn't hold his position. He put on a "you can do it, you can do it" attitude and gave up his position.

What Zhao Xue as like as two peas in the world can understand Victor's speech, and he can't help spying his tongue. He knows that the world's top surgeon is the most clear about Chen Qun's ability. So once he met with difficulties, he immediately took over Chen Qun, which was exactly the same as Huang's director in the hospital. Make director Huang a real backer.

"It seems that we don't have much time. Eh, it's only two hours and twenty-three minutes later. That's enough. I won't join in the suture of another section of your blood vessel. You can complete both ends of the vessel to ensure that the operation is safe."

Although the two world-class experts said they would not help, they squeezed out two assistants and acted as assistants on the opposite side and the side of Chen Qun to cooperate with Chen Qun in vascular suture.

In just three minutes, Chen Qun completed the lengthening anastomosis of blood vessels. When he released the hemostatic forceps, he saw a piece of pink blood on the back of his white hand. Needless to say, the blood supply was completely established.

At the moment when the blood vessel was sutured, a beautiful red color appeared on the front three-dimensional projection image. After a few seconds of stagnation, all kinds of data immediately appeared on the two-dimensional screen in front of the projector.

"The blood supply of capillary network is normal, the data is generally low, but it is not out of the normal range, so the operation is perfect!"

As soon as Professor Thomson saw the data and the projected blood circulation diagram, he started to shout.

Chen Qun shriveled his mouth under the mask. In his field of vision, the evaluation given by the broken system is not too high. There is only one evaluation of "the completion rate of the operation is 81%". Naturally, I can't imagine that he was delayed by his two teammates, but even so, this operation plus his various bonus data can achieve 100%.

Well, isn't his operation over yet? The system only gives 81% of the actual completion degree. When it is all finished, all kinds of bonus data are piled up directly, and it is difficult to fail.

As a child, Clarice woke up in the hospital bed. At the first sight, she saw her mother with a look of surprise and joy. Her eyes also scanned her wrist along her mother's eyes.

Although the original bare fracture site was wrapped with gauze, there was a pair of slightly larger palms outside the fracture. There seemed to be some strange feeling on the wrist, but it seemed that there was nothing.

"Honey, do you see that they are very beautiful and suitable, even the skin color is the same as your skin color."

Clarice looked up at the six or seven doctors and nurses standing in front of her. There was a large crowd outside. She was also a little flustered and urgent. She immediately asked Sir Victor, the doctor in charge of the operation.

"Are they ready to use?"

Sir Victor gave a smile and touched Chen Qun with his shoulder, indicating that he would answer the question. Chen Qun has completed the link of artificial bionic nerve more than he expected. Then he is the most qualified person to give an answer,

Looking at the little girl's hands, Chen Qun also thinks that Zhao Xue's words before the operation are very suitable for the current environment, "holding the hand of a son and growing old with his son." this is a yellow man with yellow skin and black eyes from Asia, Donated to a white Blonde from America, it will accompany the little girl through her dazzling life, until the end of her life.This is more than a simple transplant operation? It is more a symbol of human exchanges among different races and ethnic groups, and it is also one of the most beautiful things that human beings have happened in peacetime. With the same earth and home, the ancient oriental countries are glowing with the power of youth, embracing the whole world again, and building a community of shared destiny for mankind.

This is also the trend of history!

"I'm very sorry, at least now it can't be used normally. It will take some time for you to have the feeling of this pair of novices. But now you can try to move a little finger, lift it up a little or separate it, and see if you can do it? "

The little girl restrained her excitement and joy, took two big breaths, then vomited out again, and then focused on her right hand. One second, two seconds, three seconds... Time seemed to be still. After ten seconds of silence, Clarice's little finger tilted slightly.

In an instant, the whole audience immediately burst into thunderous applause. Thomson, a big bearded pirate, had the loudest laugh and told the little girl with great pride.

"It's perfect, kid. These hands are very suitable for you to paint and do some dexterous movements. Of course, it takes a long time to train. However, we are not in a hurry. There will be plenty of time in the future. In order to avoid the wound dehiscence caused by your nerves, we need to wrap your hands and fix them first. After the growth and fusion of muscles and bones, you can move your hands slowly. "

Sir Victor patted Chen Qun on the shoulder and said nothing more, but he knew that Chen Qun had proved that his improved artificial neural network had the real value of nerve signal transmission. Although the bionic nerve is not so long, it is only a few centimeters, but it is the little finger part of the child's right hand that is transplanted and linked.

Now the little finger can move, everything is in silence.

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