Chen Qun and other female doctors from the Department of orthopedics helped the "paralyzed" patient to sit in a wheelchair, and then turned to thank William Hans, who was dressed like a scholar gentleman.

"Thank you very much, Mr. William, for helping me with a big problem. If I use the normal treatment, I need to do 10 days and a half months of psychological counseling. Maybe, I didn't study psychology, which is a big loss for me. "

William, who can't see the appearance of a vampire at all, sticks out two fingers and shakes them in front of Chen Qun, indicating that he has different opinions.

"No, you are just wrong. You are the best surgeon in the world, but you are not the best psychologist. I don't want you to be a psychologist. Because, the more a psychiatrist, the more he will give himself a greater psychological impact, and eventually lead to some kind of personality distortion. Hypnotists also have such problems. Besides, I just hinted that the patient agreed with me. This is not my credit. Hypnosis is always a matter of two aspects. No matter how good a hypnotist is, he can't hypnotize a person with firm will. "

At this time, William, a gentleman, spoke in English. After all, although he knew Chinese, he was not so fluent. Chen Qun's English level was quite good enough to be an English professor in England. He preferred to communicate with Chen Qun in his most familiar language, mainly because it was effortless.

Chen Qun Cai didn't want to discuss this problem with vampires. Anyway, he pulled this guy to work. In front of this patient who always thought he was paralyzed, he didn't want to carry out psychological counseling. He asked the world's top hypnotist to use some small hypnotic methods to trick the patient to get up and walk. Facts speak louder than words, better than he squanders words.

He directly turned to the next few doctors and nurses to give advice.

"Have you recorded your videos? The patient is now completely hypnotized by Mr. William. Find a ward to let her sleep. When she wakes up for a few hours, her psychological problems will be greatly relieved. You can show him the picture of his walking. It's better than what you say. "

The woman doctor nodded her head. She knew that after she went back to the general hospital, there was another legend to tell you. Chen Qun and this western psychology professor's question and answer, she heard clearly, and her heart gave birth to a glimmer of insight. She knew that Chen Qun didn't want to waste his energy at all. It was amazing to find a hypnotist to solve the problem in a few words.

No wonder all the old doctors and professors in the hospital have a simple and clear evaluation of Chen Qun. What Xiao Chen is good at is to simplify the problem and solve the most complex problem with the simplest room.

But she didn't mean to leave at this time. She told the little nurse to take the patient with a wheelchair to the ward area. She stayed here and continued to see Chen Qun treat another arrogant and desperate patient.

Just Chen Qun and William came to the ICU next door, William once frowned, looked at Chen Qun, very solemnly said.

"Chen, do you think we should wake up the patient and let him return to normal? If this accident did not happen, I would wake him up without any obstacles, but now the patient's condition is a little special. You can see that the position of his right hand and left hand is subconsciously pressed on his wound position to prevent other people from touching it again. In other words, this kind of pain has become his subconscious cognition. If we wake him up, I'm afraid he will have hallucinations like phantom limb pain all his life. It's also an unavoidable collateral damage in hypnosis, and it's hard to use psychological induction to make him return to his original state. "

Chen Qun put his hand on his chin and looked at the world-class psychological master.

"Then we don't wake him up for the time being. When his injury is better, we can wake him up again. Maybe it can reduce his subconscious cognition."

William shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it doesn't have much effect. The most intense pain in the hypnotist's cognition is accompanied by a lifetime. Of course, it will be eased with the passage of time, but the human nerves will form a kind of brain circuit similar to non conditioned reflex under the hint of subconsciousness, constantly strengthening and consolidating. Therefore, it may be the best choice to hide this hidden danger. "

Chen Qun fingers in the air into a circle, gave another idea.

"Maybe, when he wakes up, we can give him a placebo, let him believe that the drug is pain relief, just take it can relieve symptoms, just develop a dependence, then the placebo will always be effective."

Ouyang Yang has been around for a long time. Originally, he said that he would send the patient to the traditional Chinese medicine center to do Dharma work. As a result, Chen Qun actually found the culprit, but the problem is still caused by his psychological condition. He's a winner. He should have been happy. However, Chen Qun's statement is more like a magic wand, and immediately jumped up to ridicule.

"Is this to defeat another with one magic? What kind of regular doctor can you think of? "Chen Qun took a look at Ouyang Yang and directly took him back.

"Do you still think the patients are caused by psychological problems? If you don't hurry to answer, let's ask Mr. William to wake him up and see if he can recover? Now I suspect that the patient's psychological problems, after severe shock, and then physical lesions, eventually led to a purely psychological hint based problem, turned into a physical problem. If you want to treat it, you have to do both physical and psychological counseling. A single technique can't work

William browed a pick, but that Chen Qun's conjecture is not aimless, but very targeted. If a hypnotic patient experiences intense mental trauma and stimulation, it is likely to produce other reactions, damage nerves and leave physiological trauma.

The reason is also very simple, just as too high voltage will lead to parts burning, the strong nerve activity will also lead to the same consequences.

For a moment, William was a little curious. After discussing with Chen Qun, he began to wake up the patients in the hospital bed.

"My friend, I hope you listen to my voice carefully and do as I said, just as I taught you last time. I don't ask you to think, just do what I say. I'll count down from three and nod when you're ready! "

When the big man in the hospital bed saw the foreigner who looked like a big man, he felt that he was taken seriously. He felt that the foreigner was very amiable, as if he had seen him anywhere. He nodded to make it clear when he heard the strange accent of Chinese.

"OK, I started. On the count of three, I need you to do three things: take a deep breath, relax your arms, and close your eyes. On the count of two, I need you to do two things: exhale and imagine yourself in a very quiet room. On the count of one, I just need you to do one thing, open your eyes and look up! "

When William said the last word, he suddenly stretched out his finger and snapped his fingers. The clear voice was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening. It was thought-provoking and sudden. The patient seemed to be excited all over. His eyes suddenly opened, and then immediately closed. He fell asleep and snored like thunder!

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