Chapter 142 interventional surgery

"Well, your team has been doing very well these days. First of all, it didn't cause me any mess. Second, through your concerted efforts, we have saved several patients' complicated diseases. As your instructor, I have a reward for you

On Monday morning, Huang Haitao called several students aside and praised them. Speaking of the last sentence, several students with fake smiles on their faces froze and their smiles disappeared in a flash.

For Huang Shiren's commendation, even if you know it with your fingers, it will be no good. For a moment, everyone looked like a white haired girl in the cold wind, and looked bleak. Qi Qi stared at the past with her resentful eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not a mountain king who eats people and doesn't vomit bones. I know that rewards and punishments are clear. I don't want to do stupid things like running horses and thinking that horses don't eat grass. Carrots always need to be prepared. Here you are. This is your overtime, labor and night shift allowance for this month. "

Five thick envelopes were stuffed into five hands. The heavy weight immediately made every white haired girl happy.

"Why, Mr. Huang, is there any extra subsidy? Why not last month? "

Ouyang Yang looked at a stack of brand-new banknotes in the envelope and asked in surprise.

"Thanks to Chen Qun, he has helped you to complete many operations that you can't do by yourself. You are a team, according to the hospital team divided into reward, each has more than 8000 yuan. Xiao Chen's is a little more. "

Huang Haitao clearly understands that the relatively cold digital transfer and brand-new banknotes can inspire the morale and motivation of the team.

As a leading professor, he has his own scientific research projects and his own small Treasury. He doesn't mind taking out a little to motivate these students who are always picky.

Four cheeks immediately stare at Chen Qun's hands. The same thick envelope contains not only bank notes, but also a bank card with the hospital logo on it.

"The 100000 Yuan grand prize was awarded to doctors, nurses and emergency personnel who performed well in the collective rescue accident half a month ago. A total of 23 such employee bank cards were issued, and Xiao Chen was one of them. It's just not going to be publicized for the time being. This is what Xiao Chen should get. You good students should learn from Chen Qun. Don't just talk all day long

Huang Haitao explained the origin of the bank card and hit a few thorns by the way.

Qi Hong a few people listen to, but is convinced, no competitive mind.

Tiejun looked at Chen Qun with a smile and said, "today I'm paying a bonus, but it's a treat!"

Huang Haitao splashed cold water in the past, "you can take half a day off in the afternoon, but in the morning, you guys, together with me, do an examination for a patient, starting with MRI."

Qi Hong's eyes turned, surprised, "how is Mr. Huang also responsible for physical examination? Strange

Huang Haitao helplessly said the reason, "you donate 10 million to the hospital every year, and you also enjoy this treatment!"

Qi Hong realized that he was a rich man who was not so rich. If he was really rich, he would naturally have his own private health care doctor and hospital. How could he go to the hospital for routine examination.

Several young people listened to Huang Haitao's tone, but they didn't care much about the patient. Of course, they knew what to do.

However, when we saw the rich man in front of us, who was not good-looking, swarthy, without a famous brand, dressed like a master worker, and knew that he had just come back from the mountain area to support construction, several young people could not help but feel a little respect.

One by one, the MRI images show up on the screen. Chen Qun, standing in the back row, can see at a glance that there is a black spot the size of a soybean on the last spinal section. He can't help but say something.

"Mr. Huang, there is something wrong. There seems to be a small tumor on the middle side of the spine!"

"Can you tell if it's benign or malignant?"

Huang Haitao asked, let Chen Qun immediately in the heart.

"When you think I'm Superman, you can also see the benign and malignant? It's hard to be forced! "

Abdominal Fei belongs to abdominal Fei, but he knows that Huang Haitao is deliberately testing him, or because he is excellent, which has made Huang Shiren have a subconscious psychology in his mind. There is no problem in handing over any complicated problems to this boy.

Chen Qun immediately gave a standard reply.

"A biopsy is needed to know the result."

"I'm against biopsy. The operation is too dangerous. Even with microcatheter technique, it's difficult to take samples from the junction of the spinal nerve and the sacral nerve root. You see, this tumor grows close to the sacral artery. As long as the sampling catheter hairpin is slightly wrong, it will cut off the blood supply to his lower body. "Qi Hong immediately sent out his own objection, holding a nib on the screen.

Huang Haitao gave her a white look. "If we don't have a biopsy, how can we know what the patient's tumor is?"

"It is likely to be benign chordoma, which is a common harmless small tumor. For middle-aged people, it is one of the common diseases."

Chen Qun thinks about it and points to the picture to explain.

"The purpose of our biopsy is just to confirm whether the tumor is good or bad, and then make the next step. But whether it is a benign tumor or a malignant tumor, it will continue to grow and eventually compress the nerves and blood vessels, leading to hemiplegia. So we can skip the biopsy and go straight to the resection

"This is a very dangerous operation. Is it your habit to solve everything on the operating table? For cancer, we have other conservative therapies, chemotherapy, and even drugs to control it! "

"You all say that the patient is likely to be a benign chordoma. This kind of tumor metastasis is very fast. As long as the metastasis worsens, it is more difficult to cure. The patient has to die."

Huang Haitao stretched out his hands and weighed them up and down“ If the patient's tumor is cancer and he takes conservative measures to wait, he may die; If you have an operation, you may die on the operating table. In other words, there is no third possibility? "

"Because we don't know whether the tumor is cancer or benign. Just like Xue's cat, it can be good or bad. Now... "

Ouyang Yang put on the appearance of a philosopher and began to comment.

Chen Qun looked at the small black spot on the screen and pondered for a long time, then suddenly said, "we can use puncture intervention to complete tumor resection. But I can't do it now. I need to master more intervention skills and relevant learning and training. Then I'll do it slowly. It's possible to finish the operation. "

Huang Haitao's eyes brightened. "Maybe we can't do it, it doesn't mean several foreign experts and professors can't do it. Xiao Chen, get ready. From tomorrow on, you will study interventional surgery. "

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