Chapter 154 mathematical problems in medicine

"Mr. Yang, the patient's blood test sheet!"

Just when Yang Xiaoquan was daydreaming, Gu Ning, the proud disciple in charge of assistant, looked at the computer data displayed on the tablet, thought about it, enlarged the handwriting, and then handed the spreadsheet to the teacher in charge of teaching.

"Let me have a look. Oh, this data is very interesting. Anyway, at this time, the results of other laboratory tests have not yet come out, so I will test you a few simple questions. There was alcohol in the patient's blood, but the patient told me that he had given up drinking long ago. The first question, now that we see the result, what should we do? "

"Stop the operation immediately..."

"Oh, we know the result is late, the operation has been done, so we don't know if there is any regret medicine in the pharmacy. Maybe we can go and prescribe a pair of medicine to save the result."

"Maybe the test results were wrong and confused the patient's samples."

"That's easy. Let's do a new test."

"Maybe he had some alcohol in his food or Medicine..."

"Very good. You can consult the patient and his family members to see what he eats on weekdays, find out his drugs and see which ones have alcohol."


With the trainees answering the questions one by one, they were called out by Yang Xiaoquan according to their own opinions, which surprised Gu Ning, the disciple around him. Usually, the teacher was not so serious. After everyone had answered, they would comment and give their own final conclusion.

Today, it seems that they are trying to punish those "laity disciples", one or two of them being expelled.

However, I don't care. Anyway, these training students are used to serve as animals. They are not happy to be served. They think the teacher doesn't value them. But also happy to see a guy happily busy, can't help but look at the side of less and less of the same door, see the new several all dumb.

Gu Ning understood that the teacher was warning others. But these new comers are very cunning, only the little girl takes the lead and looks honest. In fact, they don't think so, but they don't take the teacher's advice, and they don't treat themselves as monkeys at all.

It's very interesting. It seems that they don't know the rules yet. The more problems they face, the more tricky they are. Most of them will be punished.

"Mr. Yang, the patient's family member said that when he saw his old comrade in arms the day before yesterday, he only drank a glass of wine, but he always avoided drinking."

In the twinkling of an eye, the trainee, who was sent to ask his family members, trotted over happily to report the first-hand information he had just collected to the old academician to show that his diagnosis was correct.

"Old comrade in arms?! Well, you old man Liu, you must be the old man who secretly brought the wine. How about a drink? I think at least half a bottle of Maotai! Go and find out which comrade in arms he was drinking with and when he was drinking. "

Yang Xiaoquan waved away his happy errand, then swept over Qi Hong with a smile, "do you think the patient has hidden something from his family? Or is it true that the family members say that the patient drinks and does not drink? Is it important

"Patients or their families will lie, but the data and examination will not lie. Now we have the alcohol content in the examination. We can calculate whether a mouthful of wine the patient drinks is distributed in the blood through the formula. If today's data monitoring results are consistent, we can know that the patient is not lying."

Qi Hong turned her eyes and immediately answered the question. She waved her hand. "Ouyang Yang, you said you were good at advanced mathematics. Now apply the formula to calculate."

Ouyang Yang's small face immediately surged with excitement. He immediately took out the tablet and wrote the mathematical formula on it.

Yang Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, but he began to laugh. "Now the students are really different. They can also apply the formula to verify the results. I'd like to see how to calculate it."

Ouyang Yang immediately handed over the formula he had just written on the tablet and explained, "Mr. Yang, this is the formula for estimating the alcohol content in blood. We only need to know how many grams of alcohol a glass of wine contains, then calculate the result and compare it with the content in the examination to know whether it is true or false. Zhou Lin, do you know the alcohol content in wine? "

"The alcohol content of ordinary wine is 8.5% to 15%, but if it's an old comrade in arms of president Liu, it's mostly high-grade wine, and the alcohol content is mostly 17.5%. Maybe I can call Mr. Huang and ask him, "what's Dean Liu's favorite wine?"

Chen Qun was a little surprised when he said a piece of data casually. With the improvement of the level of TCM students in the system, he seems to know more and more knowledge, not only in medicine, but also in a lot of messy things."There's no need to call. What kind of French winery wine does old man Liu like best to drink? I've forgotten his name, but I remember that the alcohol content is 17.5%. You can count it according to this number!"

Yang Xiaoquan sat on the stool handed over by the nurse and watched with great interest how these guys solved the problem.

"The alcohol clearance rate is one milligram per deciliter per hour and 250 milliliters per glass of wine, resulting in an increase of 40 milligrams per deciliter in blood alcohol concentration. What's the alcohol content of the test results? We can compare it with this drunk driving form to see if the alcohol concentration of the patient is consistent with the calculation results. "

Zhou Lin, who didn't speak all the time, handed over a table and put it side by side with Ouyang Yang's formula H. Ouyang Yang used the computer to calculate and compare the results.

"The patient's alcohol content is 0.03, which is similar to the calculation. It proves that what the family members said is correct. The patient did not drink secretly, but drank a little three days ago, so it slightly exceeded the system standard. "

Ouyang Yang glanced at Zhoulin's panel and immediately gave the answer.

These guys really cooperate with each other, but it's not surprising that Huang Shiren's life is so hard. As we all know, if they don't cooperate with each other, they will be driven back to school long ago.

Yang Koizumi nodded in the dark and glanced at several new students. I know that they are really from the same school, and they can partner with each other very well. It's like the half watering of these trainings. They all want to express themselves, but they never think of cooperating with each other. This is the key to the failure of these students.

Dr. Gu Ning was dumbfounded and looked at the other trainees who stayed in the local area. He was surprised to see the conclusion and formula calculation. Most of them were stunned and thought that they had entered the mathematics center instead of a hospital.

These young people are so interesting.

This is Gu Ning's only idea. He can't help but look at Qi Hong, who is commanding him. However, he knows in his heart that this future younger martial sister has already been registered in front of the teacher.

Although the times are different, there is no need to worship teachers, and there is no original rigid relationship between teachers and apprentices. But for a professor or academician, there is a clear distinction between formal disciples and students.

I don't know. Does the younger martial sister know this?

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