Chapter 158 the sixth sense of female Xueba

Without any response to Liu Yang's provocation, Yang Xiaoquan watched the old man talking to himself and acting as a monologue, which further showed his magnanimity. After all, the great academician's position in the world is there, and he doesn't need to pay attention to a boastful crazy old man. Just quietly looking at Liu Yang, make a gesture you please.

Liu Yang was thick skinned enough to ignore the contempt of the academician. He waved his hand gently, "let's show some skills and let the real experts comment on it. The young people will be the main swordsman and I will be responsible for assisting. Even if something goes wrong, I won't die. I'll leave my old man's face behind. "

"The cheeky one is embarrassed to say that."

"You can do it, you can do it!"

"I've played this little trick too much, so you don't have to teach me how to do it."

The two old men quarreled with each other.

Chen Qun looked at the two old urchins, sighed a little, and began to practice on the operating table. At the beginning, it was a little strange, but in a twinkling of an eye, I mastered this delicate model. Compared with the virtual human provided by the system space, it was simply shoddy, without any aesthetic feeling.

It's not so much practice, but for him, it's making a series of mistakes. If the model had been provided by the system, the system would have been laughing and jeering.

He can only treat the dead horse as a live horse doctor, and see that the model is a patient with special physique, and carry out the operation in the illusion step by step.

At first I heard two old men chattering, but as soon as I calmed down, I turned a deaf ear to external affairs, and only did the bridging operation for tetralogy of Fallot.

However, at this time, he was the only one who could not complete so many movements. As soon as his hand stopped, he heard an old voice shouting, "don't stop, give me the blood vessels, and you continue to deal with the heart."

A thin palm stretched out from the side and clamped the pulmonary artery firmly with hemostatic forceps.

Another slightly white palm was also wearing sterile gloves, and came to pass a "scalpel" with an affectation.

Chen Qun didn't think much about it. After taking the scalpel, he made a sharp stroke in the heart mold. It seemed light, but the track was steady and powerful. The blade of the scalpel mold was tightly attached to the surface of the heart, drawing an arc.

Although this action is simple and clear, it is more and more different in the eyes of the two experts. In terms of strength control alone, the two old men think that they can't be "fast, accurate and stable" at the same time. At most, they should give consideration to two of them.

In other words, on the operating table, the boy has enough confidence to make this action, separate the patient's heart with one knife, and complete the operation most quickly.

the younger generation will surpass the older!

Yang Xiaoquan raised this word from his heart. He can see that Chen Qun once had the experience of performing an operation for a small patient. Then overnight, a small sapling grew into a towering tree. All the defects in the last operation were corrected and optimized, with his unique style.

Although academician Yang has seen more surgeons, he is also the first to see such a big promotion in just one operation.

Sure enough, he's a natural surgeon. He can't get rid of the abdominal cavity or the orthopedics department. Such a pair of refined palms should do cardio cerebral work.

In the blink of an eye, a tetralogy of Fallot operation was demonstrated by Chen Qun. Because the mold can't really show all kinds of changes in the operation, it's so fast that in 20 minutes, the operation is over.

During the whole process, Yang Xiaoquan, who didn't give any hint, slowly closed his eyes, held his head high, gently turned twice, and then opened his eyes, two bright eyes staring at the past.

"Xiao Chen, do you know that you made a mistake from the beginning to the end, that is, you didn't give your assistant any spare time to cooperate with you. You can only rely on your own strength to do things for two people. Is this habit formed in your hometown

This is not developed in his hometown, but in the system for countless virtual patients who died in his hands. He has done thousands of surgeries to suture the patients in transit and the failed surgery to crush all the internal organs, and naturally developed the habit of racing against the clock.

Although he knew it was not, he could only lie with his eyes open.

"Not quite. Part of it was formed in the last group incident. In addition, after listening to President Liu's saying," hemostasis is ", I have a little feeling that the operation should be coordinated with the operation of blood, so as to reduce the damage of the operation to the body as much as possible. Probably as he was doing it, he thought of the operation that Mr. Yang demonstrated last time and learned a little bit"No wonder I look familiar. It turned out that I stole the teacher from me."

Before he finished his words, he was immediately interrupted by the old man beside him, "what's stealing a teacher? It's your teaching operation, and you're afraid that the students won't learn it?"

Looking at the two old men fighting again, Qi Hong's clear voice came from the side, "Mr. Yang, President Liu, we have debugged the three-dimensional glasses. Please check them."

Liu Yang immediately laughed, "I'll come first, old Yang Jida. You have a bad memory. You are a girl and you are careful. It's up to you to teach this old fool to learn new technology."


Yang Xiaoquan gave a cold hum from his nose, and he couldn't wait to ask Qi Hong to help him with the video of the long high-power telescope. It's not that he hasn't seen it before. He saw it more than ten years ago when he was on a foreign expedition. He is familiar with it. With the help of Qi Hong, he quickly put his glasses and sensors on his hands.

As soon as Chen Qun and Qi Hong saw it, the two noisy old men immediately shut up. They had no words and became two clay Bodhisattvas standing still. They were clearly shocked by the images in this set of three-dimensional glasses.

Qi Hong looks at Chen Qun with a look of disapproval. After taking a look, he turns to clean up the mold on the operating table, and his heart is filled with a trace of strange. This three-dimensional system is so advanced that it can not only simulate the structure of human body, but also simulate the operation of blood and nerves. If there is a slight error, the system will give an alarm.

The most amazing thing is that this system can simulate the operation of the patient's own blood and nerves after the success of the operation, and give a judgment. This is the black technology of simulation system.

After all, the complexity of the human body is far beyond our own understanding. Just building a whole body blood circulation chart requires too much knowledge, especially adding variables to give correct answers, which is almost impossible.

However, for any doctor, even if there is a general result, it is encouraging news. With Chen Qun's knowledge and practical ability, he will not fail to understand the great benefits brought to him by this system. But why is he afraid of this valuable teaching equipment because he is faint in 3D?

It doesn't make sense!

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