Chapter 222 laser sampling

After hearing Qi Hong's words, the patient's parents' remaining belief was just like a boat in the storm. With waves after waves, they could not support it any more. They were killed by a mountain like wave on the front of the wave.

Xiangyun hospital rescuing the poisoned passengers on the plane has been widely publicized in various media. Although they are busy seeking medical treatment for their daughter, they also know the general situation from TV and mobile phones. However, other people's hospitals directly set up an affiliated hospital for special treatment, and even used the most advanced international medical means. The sky high price drugs in the trial were not used for money.

This is a well-known fact. Public hospitals can not use domestic and foreign experimental drugs, just for the general situation, in the case of emergency, other hospitals can also have a little effect at any cost. It doesn't work at all.

What's more, up to now, several young doctors in the hospital still say that even if two academicians make joint visits, there are still risks. The private hospital over there, however, promised that as long as experimental drugs are used, all diseases will be cured.

Dr. Qi's question is very good. Daughter's disease is rare to get attention. Which pharmaceutical company is willing to spend sky high price to develop a special drug for a rare disease? I'll pay for it myself. Otherwise, I'll lose money. Although they don't understand the medical truth, they are just small businessmen. They understand the business truth.

This is the reason why it is not easy to buy or sell anything with little demand at any place or at any time. As for performance assurance, that's a deceptive slogan.

In an instant, the foreign experimental medicine, which was originally high, fell directly from the altar to the abyss.

In the twinkling of an eye, the patient was sent to a very delicate medical chair, sitting straight. In front of her, is a mechanical arm like instrument, in front of a needle like metal probe, pointing to the girl's forehead. A foot away from the two, several instrument lights on the metal manipulator flickered from place to place.

Qi Hong sees the female high school student patient's curious appearance. She wants to ask but doesn't dare. With a gentle smile on her face, she points her remote control to the floor mounted screen that occupies the whole wall on the left side, and a picture appears to explain it for her.

"In the original subretinal biopsy, a metal probe was used to go through the eyeball to reach the retina at the bottom of the eye, and then the liquid of living tissue was extracted from the retina, and then came out of the eyeball. You can take a look at this routine for yourself. Does it look a little scary? "

On the huge wall screen, there is a patient who is fixed on the same chair. His forehead and neck are tightly fixed by metal hoops. He can't even turn his head. Two eyes are staring at the front of a thin metal probe. As the metal probe moved slowly, it was inserted directly into the eyeball. After a pause, it was pulled out again.

Although the picture is only ten seconds, it has caused enough shock to the patients and their families.

Qi Hong's voice rang out in the room.

"This kind of operation actually appeared in the 1920s and 1930s, but not for examination, but for penetrating into the brain and psychotherapy. Countless cases of surgery have proved that the damage to the eyeball is almost minimal. So this kind of routine surgery is used all over the world. "

"Because you need to be in a special situation. The nervous system is damaged by virus and prone to epilepsy, so our hospital uses the most advanced equipment in the world. Instead of metal needles, laser beams are used to shoot into the retina at the bottom of your eyes, and living cells are taken out for living tissue detection."

With Qi Hong's words, another video appears on the big screen. A blue laser beam, shining on a mouse's ear. As the laser beam stretched and stretched, a huge cell appeared on the screen.

Female high school students looking at this scene is like science fiction, can not help but ask, "this laser irradiation into the eyes, do not hurt?"

At the same time, the patient's mother asked the most concerned question, "is there any harm to the eyes?"

Qi Hong was in a good mood to introduce them.

"Did you know that the technology of laser treatment for myopia appeared in China 20 or 30 years ago? The laser beam here, just like the laser for myopia, will not cause damage to the eyes. What's more, it uses lasers as surgical tweezers, and you can see them as invisible holographic surgical tweezers. "

In order to comfort a female high school student who is a few years younger than herself, Qi Hong continues to comfort her with patience.

"Of course, it looks terrible. I'm going to give you an anesthetic in a moment. I'm going to anesthetize your left eye so that your eyeball can't move. At the same time, your eyelid doesn't blink. Otherwise, if you move your eyes, all your previous achievements will be wasted. Of course, in theory, there is no need for any anesthesia, because the speed of laser irradiation is the speed of light. Before your brain nerve conduction sends the signal to the brain, the operation is completed. Anesthesia is just for the sake of safety. "The patient's mother once again asked a little worried, "where is the laser coming from? What's more, since it's a laser, it can only move forward. How can you take back the laser with the cells? "

Qi Hong is going to explain them in a standard way, but after thinking about it, it took her a lot of time to understand these physical theories. As for the families of these two patients, they don't look like physicists, and most of them don't know.

As she was about to organize her language a little bit, Chen Qun helped to explain, "you can imagine this kind of laser as a lightsaber in Star Wars. It's a force field technique. Maybe you just think it's the traditional martial arts or magic of taking things from space

Looking at the two doctors a little impatient, the couple also cleverly shut up. Knowing that this kind of Nobel Prize winning instrument appears here is the best explanation that the hospital attaches great importance to, which is more powerful than any guarantee.

More than 20 minutes later, the female patient who was anesthetized in her left eye saw a green light flash from her eyeball and disappeared without any pain. Of course, before the beginning, Qi Hong specially scanned her fingers with a laser beam and made a small experiment to let her feel the power of the laser.

In fact, their parents also feel the power of the laser.

Almost no feeling!

This kind of advanced equipment and technology has given middle-aged couples more confidence. I know that the words of the city girl who is not like the medical staff are true. Just the cost of irradiation is sky high. Ordinary people can't afford it.

With the disappearance of the optical tweezers, the large screen in front immediately appeared a picture from far to near, constantly jumping.

Chen Qun looked at this "not smooth at all" picture and realized that the computer in the system laboratory seems to have played several football fields, which is bigger than the most advanced "light of Taihu Lake" supercomputer in China.

Although a small server has been installed in this real laboratory to run the images, it is far behind the open system.

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