Chapter 296 operations that cannot be copied

Dr. Robin, sitting on the observatory, had a keen eye. Although he is a neurologist, he has cooperated with other departments to complete numerous difficult operations. He had a clear idea of the extent to which the most common general surgery could be performed.

This operation was originally used to verify the ability of these doctors from the Far East public hospital. According to Robin's conjecture, it is probably the highest evaluation that it can achieve the grade of chief physician in other hospitals.

As for those Chinese who can complete a unique neurosurgery in the world, it's only because of the use of laboratory instruments, the victory of surgical tools and technology, not just because of the skill of the surgeon.

He even speculated that most of the repair operations for this atresia syndrome were performed by robotic arms, not by human hands.

In Japan, it's not just the introduction of a very advanced mechanical arm, also named the hand of God. There are three such arms in hospitals. However, due to the limited environment, in addition to the carpenter's orthopedic department, the other two places have given up the idea of continuing to favor them.

A machine that not only selects patients but also doctors is also a decoration.

Of course, with the so-called sense of honor and face project of East Asians, it is theoretically feasible to spend a year or two to complete a highly difficult operation.

This case of locked in syndrome just meets the requirements of doctors who want to do amazing things at one stroke. It's normal for them to check the parameters for a year and a half and customize an instrument as a special surgical instrument for a patient. At least he knew that there were several lunatics who had such a hobby and spent several years to complete an operation.

But what Robin is seeing now is a young man who can compete with any surgical master in the world. He made a crazy move of blunt separation with a sharp blade. Although he was silent, he recognized that he was not using incision technology to separate the adventitia, It's a free technique that's easy to learn but hard to master.

Have young people evolved to this level? It doesn't take a long time of surgical practice to reach the level of legend that few surgeons in the world can reach.

Maybe it's his eyes?

Chen Qun's blade separation lasted only seven or eight seconds from beginning to end. After all, it was less than a few centimeters long hyoid muscle, so he didn't need to spend too much time.

The next step is to use a scalpel to reestablish a small nerve channel, so that the injured brachial plexus nerve can "bend and overtake", and move about two centimeters to leave enough space for the suture behind him.

His No.10 scalpel carefully drew a semicircle between the fasciae, exposed a small section of brachial plexus, and then gently picked it with Edison forceps, and moved it.

"Needle holding forceps, 10-0 Johnson suture, I want to suture the nerve sheath microscopically!"

Chen Qun handed the two instruments to the side and gave another order.

Dr. Robin, who was sitting at the observation desk, immediately gave instructions that could not be refused.

"Turn the lens to the microscope, increase the light intensity by one gear, pull down two feet, and aim at the suture of the patient's left shoulder at an angle of 70 degrees."

If Chen Qun's surgical suture surprised him, he was more concerned about observing the Far Eastern doctor's microscopic suture technique. It is the consensus of all surgeons that a good surgical operation is not necessarily a good microscopical technique.

Hearing this instruction, Chen Qun could not help but look up and look at Einstein outside the glass wall. He immediately knew that this foreign doctor had the same level of technology as academician Jiang Ming. In particular, he had made fine requirements for the lighting angle. His level was at least that of a generation of masters.

Others may not know why the light should be slightly slanted, which can make the field of vision brighter under the microscope and make it easier to suture the nerve.

Although Chen Qun doesn't need or even can sew under a microscope, at least in order to get off to a good start and convince all the doctors who have opinions on him, he chose the more difficult suture under a microscope.

The severed brachial plexus was sutured with five stitches, each with the same distance, just like an industrial suture.

Then Chen Qun did something that everyone was stunned. He pulled the biceps back to its original position again, and used the same 9-0 nylon suture to sew the muscle and soft tissue from the original eye of the needle. If not for everyone's eyes, it would not have been the second suture.Everyone knows that the front position has changed a little, but Chen Qun can still restore everything. First of all, how much computing power is needed.

Qi Hong understood that Chen Qun meditated for several seconds with his eyes closed. The purpose was to use his genius mind to reconstruct a suture path, and at the same time to make use of the original suture position.

This may be for others to show off their skills, but for Chen Qun, it's just to reduce the damage to the patient.

Otherwise, with Chen Qun's stitching technique, the stitched lines of the chief surgeon just now are simply shoddy and shoddy. She is only a little better than a novice with very weak hands-on ability.

If we don't worry about causing more damage to patients again, Chen Qun can use his own suture method to make a better suture. No doctor would even blame him for doing it wrong. Just comparing the tidiness of the eye of the needle, we know how big the gap is.

After the suture of muscle bundle and soft tissue, the next step is the anastomosis of implanted blood vessels. For Chen Qun, who is a real master, it shows us a textbook style vascular anastomosis. The technique is simple and rhythmic, and there is no ostentatious technique. On the contrary, it is boring.

Other people don't think it's difficult, but Robin and Li Bing are two experts. They can't stop looking at each other, and they all have an idea in their mind.

"The original vascular anastomosis can do so? All the difficulties have disappeared, and the only requirement left is accuracy. "

Li Bing just got up with this idea and immediately threw all his thoughts of learning behind him. This technique seems simple, but it is actually the most difficult. Just as bolt can easily run 100 meters to 10 seconds, even if he uses all kinds of hormone stimulants, he can't run to 13 seconds.

In other words, Chen Qun's operation is to tell you the answer and let you copy it. You can't copy it. The only thing you can do is stare.

This kind of real talent that doesn't need any skills makes surgery so boring.

From Dr. Robin's motionless green eyes, Li Bingguang knew that he was imitating Chen Qun's movements. His hands and fingertips were unconsciously dancing, and he could not help glancing at the corners of his mouth.

"Bad old man, you have passed the peak. You can't learn any more. Save a little energy! It's just a matter of hand. "

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