Chapter 307 sharp instrument anatomy

"Mini scalpel!"

Chen Qun's voice was as cold as a machine, without any expression. He slightly adjusted the position of his body and blocked the sight of Dr. Robin, who was half a head shorter than him.

"Chen, slow down! This tumor is too close to the brain nerve bundle. As long as you exert a little force, you will cut off the brain nerve bundle and make the patient unconscious! "

As a surgical guide, Dr. Robin's many years of clinical experience has long disappeared. He reminds the Chinese young man in front of him, fearing that he is young and vigorous, and blindly pursues speed, which will lead to the failure of the whole operation.

As the chief director of Mayo Clinic, he is not afraid of the consequences of the death of a far eastern billionaire on the operating table, because the influence of those Oriental people is not easy to use in the United States. In his eyes, Lu Wenyuan, a billionaire, is just like the millionaire he received a few days ago. He is just a mouse with experimental operation, and has nothing to worry about.

He is concerned about the success of the operation, not the life and death of the patient.

As long as Chen Qun performed well in the operation of this third stage brain tumor and fulfilled his requirements, it was a successful operation. As for the patient's life and death, it is mainly caused by complications and other reasons. This is the risk that any operation must take. Even the autopsy can not find any fault.

The success of any operation is based on a cold corpse, which is the inevitable process of the development of any surgical operation. All patients who die on the operating table are the pioneers of medical progress!

Dr. Robin's expectation of this operation is not very high, but more to verify his medical concept. But Lu Wenyuan's illness, is precisely a test paper which he verifies, a high difficulty examination question.

"I'm going to use a sharp dissection to separate this nerve bundle!"

Chen Qun answered with confidence.

Robin moved his body to a position and looked at the opening behind the patient's neck. Here is the part that links the spinal nerves and the brain. Many nerve bundles are like intricate nets, intertwined and entangled together. In addition, blood vessels and lymphatic tissues make all surgeons face the first surgical problem.

These nerve tracts must be handled before they can enter the lower side of the brain and remove the tumor attached to them.

"Wait a minute, the light will come down a little more. Well, Chen, you see, the tumor has completely invaded his brain. You can't find the plane needed for surgical cutting! Let me think of a way, William. Let's have the data group rebuild the 3D image right away and send it directly to the big screen. "

When Chen Qun heard this command, he could not help sighing that other people were well equipped and had more talents. Only a large department of Neurology has its own professional medical data team, and such talents in China are almost rare. Even in Xiangyun hospital, there are about ten people who can quickly build three-dimensional images by themselves. As for the clinical construction of surgery, there are few.

However, such a small problem, he has made a perfect answer last night, but also to tease a broken system. Now time is short, he is waiting for a group of theorists to build a model, simulate surgery and find a new way.

Chen Qun immediately gave the next instruction.

"Give me the aspirator, Mr. Robin, and I can use it to make the incision thinner and cut it out!"

Chen Qun took the straw from the instrument nurse and carefully aspirated toward the middle of the spinal cord nerve bundle, revealing a piece of white nerve and bright red muscle and subcutaneous tissue, which were tightly bonded with each other.

"Chen, slow down a little bit. The tissues and nerves here are too tightly bonded. If you continue to cut and separate, the patient will die! Stop the operation immediately and sew it up! "

Robin, who had recovered a lot of his youth, only looked at the two eyes and knew that such a degree of adhesion could not be separated in the next step. He immediately stopped the operation.

If there is a problem in cutting the tumor inside, it can be argued, but the part outside blocked by the nerve bundle can not separate a corridor to enter, that is his mistake.

He was determined not to allow such a wrong direction.

As he spoke, he saw that Chen Qun's Micro scalpel had cut the first knife into the nerve cord. The sharp blade was completely close to the nerve bundle, and separated a two centimeter long separation plane. With the second knife, he cut it without hesitation.

This sharp separation is totally different from Chen Qun's blunt separation with a guide wire a few days ago. The movement is quick and sensitive, as light as a bird, accurate and powerful. Before each separation, the subcutaneous tissue beside the nerve bundle will be gently pulled by the left hand surgical forceps to form a short plane angle, and then the cutting action will be completed without hesitation.The corner of Dr. Robin's mouth can't help twitching. Only a medical master of his level can distinguish the young Chinese's surgical style. It's completely changed from the original delicate and gentle to the rough and crazy way of opening and closing. It's just the uniform shape of the section that keeps his original surgical style.

All doctors with their own surgical style are experts and leaders in a certain field, especially once the style is formed, it will hardly change.

He has never seen a doctor with a second style of surgery. Even if a master of surgery imitates another master of surgery with a different style, he will still keep his own style and habits in his bones. It's especially delicate and mild. It's a basic skill in neurosurgery. Of course, it can't be as fast and ruthless as those butchers and carpenters in orthopedics or surgery. They can only do some unskilled work.

This is also the self-confidence and pride of neurosurgeons who naturally occupy the peak of surgery. Any neurosurgeon occupies the top of the disdain chain and looks down upon doctors in any other department. As for cosmetic surgery, they are not even qualified to be disdained.

At his level, naturally, after looking at it twice, we can judge that Chen Qun can complete the sharp tool separation he just suggested. He immediately stopped nagging and gave orders for Chen Qun.

"Pay attention to suction, keep the vision clean! The data group stopped modeling, implemented on-site follow-up, and completed image digitization! "

In a minute or two, Chen Qun quickly and ready to separate the nerve bundle from the subcutaneous tissue, exposing the thalamus and a large tumor growing on it.

"Injection of lorazepam and profol, and then injection of calcium gluconate, prevent patients from sudden onset of epilepsy."

Chen Qun didn't wait for robin to speak, so he gave the order on his own.

I'm afraid the connotation of this is that Dr. Robin's years of clinical experience can't make clear his real intention, only that he is taking preventive measures.

Sure enough, with his orders, the assistant and nurse next to him hesitated a little, and then they injected according to his orders.

Chen Qun doesn't need to look at it. He knows that Dr. Robin nodded his head behind him. At most, he would only treat it as a cautious way of a young doctor. As for why calcium gluconate is used, it's probably just a habit. It doesn't matter at all.

Details decide success or failure!

This is the first profound lesson from the broken system.

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