Chapter 431 the use of magnetic balls

"Be careful! Xueer, don't look at Zhou Mu lovingly. If you mess up our boss's model, you'll all have to send it to the toilet

In a large and bright room, a huge metal Christmas tree is standing in the room. It is almost six meters high. Of course, this is not so much a Christmas tree as a huge model made of countless magnetic balls. In short, this is actually a linear hollowed out pyramid.

This time, Chen Qun adopted the simplest linear structure to build the Christmas tree. As long as there is no deviation in each straight line, the structure will be extremely stable. However, even if Chen Qun brought the whole operation team together to complete the huge project, more than a dozen young men and women were busy for most of the day, but they only finished the part of the trunk.

Model building battlefield, also like the operating table, the most delicate mind Qi Hong as the commander-in-chief responsibility, responsible for coordinating everyone's action. After all, it's a bit hard to say hello to someone else.

As for Chen Qun, of course, he is responsible for the most difficult construction work. He is responsible for all the linear structures in a straight line. Others are only responsible for lifting the support and formwork, and are beginning to evacuate the construction area.

The more behind the work, the more delicate, so clumsy fool were Qi Hong to drive away. Of course, a few foreign members were also excluded, and they were ready to give a big surprise and shock these surgical talents again.

At this time, in Chen Qun's eyes, magnetic balls are just like cells, which are recombined and reconstructed in his hands to achieve his final goal. For him, this kind of Buck's magnetic ball is exactly the same as his operation method, but its shape is countless times larger.

What he has to do is just to build the lines as nerves. Then his entertainment will become a large-scale simulation of the operation site. He can better see the structure of cell tissue and know how to continue to divide and cut.

Cell level surgery began to appear on the operating table from him. Naturally, he is most familiar with the defects of this kind of surgery. He used to do the cutting, but now he is doing the repair operation. The Christmas tree in front of him is actually an inverted structure of cerebellum and spinal cord.

No one can see the mystery of this Christmas tree!

Chen Qun decided to let everyone know his operation after the construction.

It's just a little depressing for everyone that among a group of single dogs, there is suddenly a couple more who start to formally confirm their relationship, and it can be said that it is almost impossible to change their relationship. They just show their love and drag a group of single dogs in to kill them. So everyone is very impolite to Zhao Xue and Zhou Lin, and the above scene appears.

Time from morning to evening, and then from evening to early morning, everyone looked at the huge metal Christmas tree standing in the room, they thought it was incredible, they actually completed a difficult model building.

Everyone knows that it would not have been possible to complete the project without Chen Qun's seemingly quiet and delicate strength and precise palm.

"Well, we can go back to rest at last. I don't know if there will be an earthquake or something, which will destroy our masterpiece, but I will kill people. "

Tired like a dog, the Iron Army collapsed on the ground said this sentence feebly. Other people are in pairs, he got the idea of the right person before Christmas Eve, not ready to start a family, he seems to have to wait. Because the mood is a little depressed, so the words are a bit more murderous.

When we got back to the hospital clinic, it was still dark. When he arrived at the emergency center, he saw a 30-40-year-old bald man walking up to Chen Qun like a thief and asking in a low voice.

"Excuse me, where is the emergency room?"

When Chen Qun Cai looked up for the first time, he saw that the man's legs were in a very strange posture and sandwiched in the middle, and his hands were also pressing his belly. In addition, he was sneaky, wriggling, and had a thick towel on his face. He understood it all at once.

What's so hard for this middle-aged man to say!

In general, it's mostly the lower body. It is said that many of the patients in the emergency center at night are caused by various kinds of indoor aerobic exercise. Chen Qun treated the case of light bulb in the mouth is a pediatrician, actually someone put chrysanthemum, this is a new limit of his.

As soon as Chen Qun saw this kind of furtive appearance, he said his identity directly.

"I'm the deputy director of the hospital. If you have any illness that you can't say, let's go to the disposal room on the second floor to talk about it."

The bald middle-aged man nodded gratefully, but looked at Chen Qun hesitantly, "doctor, can you find a senior to treat me?"Chen Qun frowned and shook a circle. "Are you sure that at this time, you will be ridiculed by a chief doctor who can't help but eat meat all morning?"

The bald man suddenly made up his mind. When he came to the emergency room on the second floor, he looked at his toes with embarrassment and said the reason in a mosquito like voice.

"Doctor, I've got a magnetic ball in my urethra that children play with. Will you see if you can take me out?"

Chen Qun a listen, the whole body can't help but play a shiver, this is he played a day and night of magnetic ball, listen wrong?

A few minutes later, under the X-ray, Chen Qun was dumbfounded. Instead of a single metal ball, a string of metal balls had entered the bladder through the urethra.

"Just one?"

"I don't know. There may be more than one. I accidentally put it into my sleep a few days ago. I thought it would urinate, but I didn't think it would come out. Now it's very painful, so I came to see the doctor early in the morning!"

There is not a word of truth from the beginning to the end. Do you think the doctors in the hospital will believe your lies when they often hear such excuses?

"Do you know that the metal Buckball you put in is nearly enough for a group of models?"

Chen Qun sternly reprimanded, middle-aged people dare not distinguish, only dare to ask weakly, "doctor, can you take it out? Do you want an operation? "

"No! We can take it out for you through minimally invasive surgery

This simple operation is especially suitable for small apple. No, it's more suitable for Zhou Lin now. Since he has become half of his hometown, let the boy complete the operation.

More than ten minutes later, 36 colorful buck balls appeared in the curved plate, six in each color. What's the new way to play?

Chen Qun explained to the patient with a straight face, "if there is such unconscious behavior next time, I would suggest that you go to the psychiatric department to see a doctor. This time, even if it's the first time for you, we don't record your case. We write that there is a foreign body in the bladder. What do you think? "

The middle-aged man walked away with a thousand thanks, but he didn't forget to bring his pile of magnetic balls.

Chen Qun looked at his back and patted Zhou Lin on the shoulder. "I can't face the Christmas tree built by those magnetic balls any more! It's the first time I've seen the use of magnetic ball

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