Chapter 448 cost performance

The icy mechanical arm moves slowly at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye at a place the size of a nail, so that there is no place to see for the naked eye. However, the process of cell uptake under high-power lens seems like three carts trying to dig a magnificent hill, which perfectly interprets the meaning of Yugong moving mountains.

As Chen Qun watched the robot separating cells at the speed of a tortoise, he suddenly felt an unprecedented idea.

Is it really worth it?

Or to be exact, is this kind of operation really cost-effective?

The answer is clear and clear in his mind. From the immediate situation, it is not cost-effective. This kind of operation still has the latest value only in the field of Neurology, but it can't be controlled by machinery and must be operated by hand.

But this must be the general direction of medical development. To reduce costs is what scientists and engineers need to accomplish. They just need to do their own thing.

However, even with the help of a mechanical arm, many of the resection links in this plastic surgery were unnecessary. He made a big mistake. Thinking is rigid, always think that the bottle can play soy sauce, not vinegar.

It's like digging a swimming pool, using only manual labor, while the excavator beside it doesn't have to be ridiculous. Anyone knows that the best way to dig a swimming pool is to use the largest excavator to dig out a general outline and then refine it.

He is meticulous from the beginning to the end, wasting time in the tissue cells that should have been discarded. He can use the conventional plastic surgery to remove the patient's scar and fibroma, and then use magnetic tweezers to repair the edge. This is the correct operation.

By extension, many external organ refinements can be performed in this way. Although it is a hybrid operation, it is more cost-effective than a single operation.

If the technology of surgical instruments is backward, there will be backward methods of use. It is not necessary to pursue high-end for the sake of high-end.

As soon as Chen Qun wants to understand this, he knows that he has made technological fusion and reshaping on the technology tree he has disrupted. This kind of mastery is the embodiment of his own strength.

He thought about it or not, left to stop the operation, and explained to many big men behind the glass wall.

"Just now, we demonstrated the routine operation of the latest magnetic tweezers surgery. If we want to continue, it will be more than a dozen boring and boring processes. This step is not necessary, but also a waste of resources, wear the life of the instrument. So next, I'm going to perform routine surgery to remove the patient's scar, and then use magnetic tweezers to repair the edge, so as to shorten the operation time. "

With that, Chen Qun leaves and gives an order to Qi Hong.

"Now you put the mechanical arm away for the time being, and we'll switch to the operation under the conventional microscope to complete the next part. The instrument nurse immediately prepares the conventional surgical tools, and we strive to complete the repair of the bridge of the nose within two hours. "

All the members in the operating room were stunned when they heard Chen Qunxin's statement. This was different from the process of the exercise, but in a twinkling of an eye, they knew that it was Chen Qun's temporary change.

He is the chief surgeon, naturally he has the final say, and everyone agrees with him. There is really no need for cell surgery.

What's more, it's a very small operation. At Chen Qun's speed, the preliminary work can be completed in a few minutes at most. It's really easy. Even if he made a few mistakes in the process, it was far less than the damage caused by other people.

In other words, with Chen Qun's ability, even with conventional surgery, the little girl's appearance can be repaired to 7788, even if it does not reach the original level, it is not so ugly. What's more, his job at this time is just to repair the scar on the bridge of the nose.

With Chen Qun's arrangement, in the blink of an eye, his dark operating box was placed in the palm of Dongfang's hand. Dongfang Wenxin didn't know what Chen Qun thought. She just thought that this guy was deliberately looking for an opportunity to play with the beautiful operating box and become an instrument nurse again. She was also very happy.

As for Liu Yang and a group of big men in the observation room, the operation was originally arranged in this way. At the beginning, it was a small demonstration.

Liu Yang's old face turned into a shriveled orange peel. Chen Qun's answer to the sharp question made Xiangyun hospital blush.

As for other academic things, a few young people are not afraid of anyone. They never lose in bickering. In addition, Chen, who never loses in surgery, only needs to show off the director and the master, and let the young people fight.Liu Yang coughed, as if to remind everyone whose territory this is. When everyone's eyes are fixed on him, he can rest his back and tap his fingers on the back of the chair. He looks so comfortable that all the big men in the river and lake are angry. He only thinks that Liu is intentional.

However, we are all people with status and status. We don't need to show off our eloquence and let Liu Da Pao toss about. As long as we find a small mistake, we will cover it on his face and see what he says.

However, Chen Qun Cai began to take the scalpel from his girlfriend, gently drew an irregular curve on the bridge of his nose, and immediately made a group of big men shut up. It's not that we have never been young, nor that we have no high spirited and amazing performance.

However, Chen Qun's knife is as smooth and elegant as a painting brush on the skin. It shows the style of a great family. Where the knife falls is just the end of the scar fiber.

In particular, the black tip of the knife cut on the bridge of the nose, and no blood came out. The high-power lens on the large screen provides the best evidence.

Many big men in the Jianghu are good at different fields, but their basic skills are all those of the founder school. Some are good at sewing, others are good at cutting, others are good at dissociating, and others are good at exposing.

However, no one can find out the slightest defect of Chen Qun from their respective basic skill fields, as if this knife has become a textbook like case. Let alone no one can do it. Even if they are allowed to practice for thousands of times at their peak, they can't do it.

Everyone knows that Liu Dapeng's apprentice is a surgical genius, and he has seen many videos of Chen Qun, a young doctor. However, when he saw it with his own eyes, he felt a chill in his heart. I know this young man is better than they expected.

Or to be exact, his progress is just like a thousand miles, reaching the point of leaving them far behind. This random knife has done everything.

This boy has already surpassed Liu Daban and become the youngest great master in surgery. They are already talented people who can stand out in their respective fields. However, they can reach the point of physical and mental unity and practice at the peak of their 40s, which is far less than Chen Qun.

No wonder this guy is not limited to conventional surgery, but has to give up his best surgical field and march into the new technology to challenge new difficulties.

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