465 supraventricular tachycardia

Chen Qun ran down the stairs as fast as he could. He saw the man in the down jacket trotting toward the registration office opposite him with the child in his arms. He was still shouting. Not far away, two nurses were running.

He dashed forward, snatching the panting boy from the man's arms, "I'm a doctor. Give me a hand. You don't have to worry about us! "

As he spoke, Chen Qun Cai saw the little boy in his hand with a sad face, saying something in a weak voice.

"Uncle doctor, I have a stomachache!"

The man in his thirties hastened to explain.

"His kidney has a congenital problem. I cried about a stomachache early this morning. I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Qun was already holding the child and put him on an ambulance bed of the Emergency Rescue Department nearby. He installed a breathing tube for the child as quickly as possible. Next to the two nurses also ran to the little boy to deal with treatment.

Seeing this, Chen Qun immediately ordered the nurse.

"Children at this time appear early respiratory failure, should be the lung has effusion, immediately let the kidney group there ready for dialysis."

In one or two words, Chen Qun had already installed the electrocardiograph on the boy's body according to the five colors of red, green, gray, black and white. Just looked at the screen of the detector, frowned slightly, looked at it for seven or eight seconds, and ordered the nurse again.

"The patient has SVT and is given four milligrams of clediltiazem every five minutes."

As soon as he finished, the man next to him asked in surprise.

“SVT? What's this? "

"It's the abbreviation for supraventricular tachycardia, which means there's something wrong with the rhythm of the heart."

"What's wrong with Taotao's heart? It's impossible. Isn't he having a bad kidney? "

"If the doctor had made no mistake, he really had congenital kidney disease. But renal failure can cause problems in other organs, leading to dysfunction of other systems. Now, we have renal dialysis, to see if the situation has improved, and then check for other reasons. You are the parent of the child. Now you can go to hang up the number to see if we can find the child's information in the system. "

As the man trotted out, Chen Qun looked at the four or five-year-old boy in front of him and frowned deeper. On the diagnostic panel at the corner of his eye, the color of "renal failure" is getting darker and darker. It has become blood red, which means that the child's kidney is completely necrotic. He needs a kidney transplant immediately.

Also in men, the initial symptoms - aortic dissection separation, also flashing a trace of light red.

Chen Qun never dreamed that he would be faced with such a difficult problem. Compared with his mother and girlfriend falling into the water, who should be saved first, but also his ability should be tested.

What's more, the most appropriate solution for a little boy is family transplantation, otherwise it is difficult to find a matching kidney.

Next to the fragmentary footsteps came, a look up, see the team members rushed down together.

Chen Qun restrained the tangle in his heart and directly told Zhou Lin to get up.

"You immediately send the child to the experimental operating room for CT examination to see what's wrong with his kidney and heart. At the same time, you immediately conduct a blood test on the child and add him to the list of kidney transplants in the hospital to see if it is possible to meet the right kidney."

Zhou Lin was stunned, blinked, raised his head and shook his head helplessly.

"Do you know how many patients are waiting for kidney transplants and how many are donating kidneys in the southern Delta alone? If I want to find a kidney that doesn't match everyone, I might as well buy five million lottery tickets right away

Qi Hong directly told Zhao Xue, "you also go to do a blood test for the patient's family to see if it matches. Chen Qun, is it going to be transplanted soon? "

Chen Qun looked at Qi Hong's dignified eyes and had to give a conclusion half true and half false.

"In my estimation, there is a high probability that a human transplant will be needed immediately. Zhao Xue, when you go, ask the mother if she can come right away. Two choices are better than one. Of course, if dialysis works, it may slow down the child's condition

He just finished, and thought of the man's condition, immediately added a sentence.

"When you used to draw blood for your family members, you should be as smart as possible. You'd better find a way to have him do a CT test and ECG test, but don't over stimulate him, so that the blood vessels and heart of the family members of the patients will also have problems. That's a big trouble. Qi Hong, you're a doctor. You're good at communicating with people. Let's go with you. "Qi Hong looks at Chen Qun and turns a big white eye at him. He begins to show the style of a group leader and scold him.

"If you have any ideas, just say them. Don't hide them. They are like a girl. To be honest, what are your ideas and plans? "

Chen Qun did not expect to be seen through his mind by the female school bully, so he had to show an embarrassed smile and explain with a thick face.

"Now the most feasible way is to stabilize the father's condition and use his kidney to transplant the child. After saving the child, I went back to solve the father's problem. This is the best plan. If it doesn't match, the hope will be slim. In order to be in a hurry, we also need to inform the control console to make the helicopter ready, but pick up other family members of the children to come for testing. "

He said, hands a swing, shrugged his shoulders, "this is my overall plan, with hospital equipment, we can use external circulation after the child's kidney failure, continue to provide blood for the child's body organs, at the same time slow down his heart pressure, solve the problem of heart rate too fast."

Qi Hong a listen, know this is Chen Qun regardless of the cost of rescue response. With the equipment and technical ability of the hospital, we can fully achieve the plan he said.

But this kind of practice, the cost is too high, even if Mr. Huang is far away in the capital, he will be very angry. But on the other hand, if it is successful, it will be another sensational operation. The hospital will not stop them from doing whatever they want.

In the final analysis, all the expenses of Chen Qun's medical treatment have been covered. In addition, his surgical operation ability has been recognized as the first in the whole hospital. If he can't do it, it's even harder for other doctors to do it. It also involves the joint consultation and joint operation of major departments, and the coordination will be countless slow.

This kind of emergency operation, the whole hospital really only emergency center can do down, even in China, probably only one or two hospitals have the ability to carry out the fastest rescue. For other hospitals, I'm afraid the consultation has not started yet, so the patients can't do it.

Qi Hong understood that Chen Qun had ordered to prepare the operating room in advance. In fact, he had already made plans to compete with death for time!

This is the first tough battle of the new year. They must fight and fight well.

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