Chapter 535 amputation

Of course, Chen Qun doesn't know that his future has been redesigned, but in the final analysis, he has to suffer for himself and can't blame anyone. Su wanting has made up her mind to shift all the responsibility to Chen Qun. Anyway, in her capacity, it's natural to arrange for Chen Qun.

After the operation, I found that it was about 8 p.m. before I had a lunch box from the canteen with the team members. Although it was not very tasty, it was just like heaven and earth compared with the dry food instant noodles I had eaten casually two days ago.

After eating, another patient was sent to the Department where their group was located, and the ambulance staff simply and directly explained the reason.

"The patient just had a car accident. The branch of the sidewalk suddenly broke off and stopped in front of him, causing the two cars to collide. The scene of the accident has been intubated, blood pressure 87 / 56, heart rate 73, has fallen into a severe coma

Chen Qun holds the sheet in one hand and shows a knowing look at the two escorts.

"That's bad enough. Are you ready to turn the patient to bed at my command? 1,2,3!”

Chen Qun said that he sent the patient to the hospital bed. As soon as he put it down, he saw that his right leg was bloody and the whole leg bone should have been cracked. The best diagnostic panel is in standby mode, and it can't diagnose the specific cause. But even so, I know that the patient's right leg rate is probably not enough.

"Here I am. Nurse, get the X-ray machine ready. The patient's right leg was seriously injured and blood loss was serious. Two units of type O negative blood were hung up first, and the large-scale blood transfusion program was started. "

While speaking, Chen Qun took a hearing aid and looked at the patient's left and right chest, "the chest breathing sound is clear, there should be no blood chest. Abdominal blood pressure is very low. We're going to have an abdominal ultrasound

Another 30-year-old nurse pushed the mobile X-ray machine in the emergency department twice, but found that it couldn't be pushed. Several other passing nurses could not help laughing.

Next to Zhao Xue, she trotted over, "sister Cai, let me come. This is the most common model in the United States. It's a little different from the domestic one. There are a few more turning buttons. But it's still a backward product, one generation behind our operating room. "

In terms of advanced equipment, Zhao Xue thinks that Chen Qun's operating room and Victor's operating room are the most advanced, followed by the nerve center of Mayo Clinic. As for all the equipment in the mercy hospital here, it's hard not to defeat their little nurses who have been to the United States.

Now the doctors and nurses on this side of the hospital have been using them as bumpkins. What's the use of trying to show superiority? No matter how good the equipment is, it's not as important as doctors, which is the consensus of all the top surgeons in the world.

Since we can't show our technology here, we can also show our equipment. But she didn't give her a chance at all. If she wanted to show, everyone would show together. Isn't it a mobile X-ray machine? What's the big deal.

Chen Qun saw the machine aimed at the patient, and immediately said a word to several people around.

"X-ray's ready, everyone back up now!"

Zhao Xue aimed the machine at the patient's chest, with a clear click, and a blue picture of the chest appeared on the screen immediately.

"Dr. Chen, the chest is OK. There is no internal bleeding or water. The image is normal."

"X-ray examination of the legs, ultrasound examination of the abdomen, immediately after the completion of the operating room. I'll go over there to disinfect and change clothes first. Zhou Lin, you and Zhao Xue are in charge here. Qi Hong took Tiejun to buy some daily necessities. You come to see the patient. If there is any special situation, let Zhao Xue inform me. "

Chen Qun tries his best to take care of the couple. Although Zhao Xue is a little calculating, he is not bad. Zhou Lin is clever but taciturn, which is complementary to each other. Since the establishment of a formal relationship, the relationship is very stable, almost to the state of living at home. Of course, we are willing to help them.

A few minutes later, Zhao Xue sent the diagnosis results to the operating room with the patient.

Chen Qun immediately performed laparotomy for the patient to stop bleeding and repair the fracture injury of internal organs. Only then did he complete the suture of liver fissure. He heard the nurse's report.

"Dr. Chen, there is only 10cc urine in the catheterization bag, which is dark brown and abnormal."

"Send it to the Department of pathology for examination immediately. You wait there and call as soon as you get the result."

Ouyang Yang saw that Chen Qun was concentrating on the operation, so he answered for him. He pretended to be busy beside him. In fact, he was just responsible for pulling the hook.

"Probably rhabdomyolysis. The leg operation will be carried out immediately. "

Chen Qun casually gave a reason, once lifted the patient's leg wound, the bloody wound was bandaged by the nurse, the blood has stopped. But there was a deep purple sauce on his toes and soles, which made him sigh."The muscles are dead and toxic substances enter the blood. No wonder there is almost no urine! How about the results of routine blood test and urine test just now? Did they come out? "

"The result of the urine test just now is that the creatine phosphokinase level is very high, and the data is as high as 25000. It's definitely rhabdomyolysis. You have to amputate, or you will directly kill the patient! "

Chen Qun hesitated for a moment, and suddenly felt that even if he had a way to keep the patient's leg, he would have to pay a great price for his health.

At this time, we should cut the mess quickly and make a decision immediately.

"You are right. You need to amputate immediately. You prepare the amputation tools and I'll see if I can find another way to save his thigh. Show me the X-ray again

Chen Qun looked at the broken bones on the plate and knew that amputation was the only solution. It's more cost-effective to sacrifice a thigh than a patient's life.

But which position is better for amputation?

Chen Qun looked at pieces of broken bones, lost in thought. Of course, he didn't think about how to amputate, but thought of Victor's bionic prosthesis. Maybe he can get some support from him to solve the walking problem of patients in the future.

"Chen Qun, what are you doing? You need to help people!"

Ouyang Yang saw that the chief surgeon was in a state of wandering. Knowing what he had in mind, he immediately reminded him that he was in a critical situation and not to be fussy.

"No, I was wondering if I could use Victor's bionic prosthesis. When I call, I'll decide! "

Chen Qun immediately took out his cell phone from his pocket and began to dial Victor's number. In the twinkling of an eye, the phone was connected. Hearing Victor's breathing voice, Chen Qun almost lost his phone. It's not a human voice inside.

It may be that he has overestimated the integrity of others.

Chen Qun a few words to explain the situation, Victor seems to laugh without thinking.

"Chen, no problem. I have many models of prosthetics here, and they can even be provided free of charge. The only condition is that it must be installed according to my requirements. Of course, if you have a better way, I'm willing to take your advice. "

"You immediately send a data of the conventional model, and I will keep the original bone for the patient to cooperate with your bionic prosthesis!"

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