Victor put down the invitation and hesitated for a moment. He was in a mess and didn't know how to deal with it. It was a very difficult thing in his life.

Although his heart is very clear, Dr. Hart Dudley, who invited him to visit the Research Institute on the private island of Hawaii for a nerve transplant, knows that Dr. Dudley is not an ordinary scientist. He will shout out his achievements for fear that the world will not know.

For Dudley, all his research is for a purpose, or rather, to realize a dream of immortality in the sense of human beings. For him, the research of brain in a vat in science fiction movies is not any problem at all. He even suspects that this guy has gone his own way, The crazy plan was officially launched.

Although limited by the level of modern science and technology, immortality in the biological sense is meaningless, and cell decay is engraved in the gene sequence, which is inevitable. Perhaps from the point of view of physics, any element atom will decay, leading to the theoretical eternity, which does not exist at all.

But for Hart, since he can't achieve immortality, extending the life span of human body by several decades or even hundreds of years has become his biggest research goal. If it were anyone else, Victor would scoff, thinking that this is cheating money or funds. But for Dudley, his several inventions have proved his outstanding in medicine, which is undeniable. It also brought him great wealth.

For such a crazy scientist who is fully qualified to win the Nobel Prize in medicine, and even dare not be interested in this dark curtain biology prize, if he wants to invest billions of dollars to study anti-aging methods, countless people will rush to invest, or even just ask him for his research.

Who let him make a breakthrough in the research of anti-aging drugs? Although he can't prolong his life, the effect is very significant in restoring his youth and physical fitness. A group of 70 or 80 year olds have the energy of 50 or 60 years old, which is enough for all rich people to pay for his expensive drugs, even in short supply.

The damned club set up by this guy actually bid up prices for one purpose. It has to be said that this guy succeeded. Other people will try to reduce the cost and increase the output when the output of goods is low and the cost is high.

As a result, this guy is operating in reverse, improving quality, further reducing production, increasing costs, and making his drugs in short supply. Buy a drug need to review, see if you are qualified. A bunch of vain billionaires eat this, and it turns into a virtuous circle. There is a special audit committee to determine the members of the club.

Money is the first factor. The annual membership fee of one million dollars limits many people's access to it, and then it depends on whether you have the ability to contribute. To discuss contribution among a group of business people, in fact, it is decided by more money and less money. But the richer the people are, the more they need this sense of social identity.

As a result, the organization, known as the fishing club, has really become an elite in the center of the upper class. Victor refused to join in several times, and the basic reason was that he didn't want to be influenced by Dudley.

After all, he knows the truth better than others. He doesn't want to be considered a part of a mad scientist by others, which is against his moral bottom line.

His moral bottom line is to refuse to conduct any high-risk human medical experiments. That's why he and Dudley broke up.

They haven't had any communication for three or four years, but what's the meaning of this guy's sudden invitation? Nerve transplantation? Cheat a three-year-old!

Victor put his finger to the mobile phone on the table. As he was about to answer, he heard two knocks outside the door. Anna, who is still a female assistant, made a sound outside.

"Mr. count, Miss Yangling of Beitiao is here. I want to invite you to their hospital for a cardiac intervention operation!"

Victor immediately burst out laughing.

"I'm a neuroscientist, not a doctor of Cardiology. Is miss kitao wrong? What kind of heart surgery would I do? "

Beitiao Yangling, dressed in a white coat, quietly appeared at the door side by side with Anna. She didn't mean to come in. She stood there directly, bowed slightly and said the reason calmly.

"Mr. count, actually, this is not what I mean, but the request of Dr. Chen Qun. He set two different surgical plans for a patient with two needles swimming in his heart, but he was unable to make a choice. So in order to ensure the safety of patients, I specially ask you to complete this operation in the past. Doctor Chen Qun also said that you should be interested after seeing his operation plan. This is the operation plan he wrote in his own hand. Please have a look at it

As he spoke, Beitiao Yangling handed over a document from his hand and handed it over with both hands.Victor was stunned again. He picked up the plan and did not intend to open it. Instead, he looked at the surgical genius in front of him.

"Miss Beitiao, you are also a surgeon, and you are working with Chen now. You should have seen this operation plan. What's your opinion?"

Beitiao Yangling thought about it for a moment, and then replied strangely.

"Chen Jun's plan a, as always, is boring and innocuous, and even imitates other classic surgical cases. It takes a long time, but the safety factor is very high; As for scheme B, I personally said that I would not make any comments, because for me, this has overturned my medical cognition. Almost every step is harmful to patients, and the final success or failure only depends on the luck of the heart needle. Maybe to tell the truth, I can't see Chen junbiaohong's steps at all. What's his intention? "

Beitiao Yangling knows that this view is not only her personal view, but also the view of dozens of world's top surgeons in Sanjing general hospital. The reason why no one opposes this method is that Chen Qun has demonstrated the same ability in Xiangjiang hospital. He has at least 76% confidence in completing the operation and has shortened the operation time. But if it fails, it's a complete collapse.

Sir Victor rubbed his forehead and suddenly understood the meaning of Dudley's invitation. He didn't invite himself to the surgery, but mostly wanted to take Chen Qun with him.

The best surgeon in Dudley's operation is Chen Qun, a talented surgeon, not even himself.

But is it funny that Chen Qun designs a plan for himself to do it?

Victor directly opened the scribbled manuscript, looked at it a few times, and was immediately attracted by the content. This set of plans is simply rebellious, not in accordance with common sense. But his style and thinking are full of a very familiar feeling. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he would think it was the best treatment plan he set.

This... Is impossible!

Chen Qun has never seen himself do any interventional surgery, let alone cardiovascular surgery. It's true that he guessed that he might do cardiovascular intervention surgery. After all, his heart and brain are inseparable, and it's not very difficult to learn the same thing and the same thing.

But the most incredible thing is, how does he know his surgical style and design a set of Victor style cardiac intervention scheme for himself?

This little guy is so funny!

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