Chen Qun looked at Sir Victor's pleading eyes and asked the last question.

"Why do you have to do this operation whose risk is not proportional to success? It doesn't seem to meet the requirements of any hospital, and it's the same with Sir Alex

Victor knows that Chen Qun won't agree if he doesn't understand the doctor-patient relationship.

"The reason is very simple. It was my half brother who did the operation. He is an illegitimate child and never knows anything about my father. With his own efforts, he made a breakthrough. After 12 years as a professional soldier, he became a deputy director of the police station. The old wound left him only one choice. He would rather commit suicide than be paralyzed in a wheelchair all his life. "

"It's not a hospital operation, it's my private operation. So I will sign all the exemption agreements with you before the operation. Any problems during the operation have nothing to do with you! "

Chen Qun looks at Victor's anxious face and knows that he is really anxious.

"Since it's a private operation, there's no need to sign all the medical agreements. As a friend, I will assist Sir jazz in his operation, and I will try my best not to screw up. "

Sir Victor was stunned, and then he laughed.

"Well, since you also hate those damned agreements, I don't need to ask Anna to sign those medical agreements that have no effect on medicine. I'll tell you about the patient directly. As for Miss Dongfang, I don't know if I have the honor to invite you to join the operation? "

Dongfang Wenxin looks at him in surprise.

"Well... It seems that I joined the operation, and it didn't have any effect. I'm an instrument nurse, not a magician. Even if I send all the surgical tools to Chen Qun, he has no effect. "

"Dear little girl, you have misunderstood. I need you to set up a safe network for me. When something goes wrong, there can be other standby channels to pass the information. Otherwise, if you really use telephone remote command, the probability of successful operation is almost pitiful

Miss Dongfang was a little tangled in her mind. In an instant, she knew that he couldn't make a messy trap to frame her and Chen Qun. It didn't work. Even if he arranges everything, and even lets the court let Chen Qun take full responsibility, it also involves a problem of transnational law enforcement, making all his traps useless.

Even if there is any problem, it should be a profound lesson. Let Chen Qun be a little more wary.

For a moment, Miss Dongfang calculated from the worst direction and found that she didn't have to worry about anything at all. Even if we unite here to plot against Chen Qun, we will pay the heaviest price. No one with a brain would do that, let alone worry about the rest.

Sir Victor handed over his thin tablet and pointed to one of the pictures above.

"This is a longitudinal CT image of Charlie's intervertebral disc, which has been seriously degraded, making his life more and more difficult in recent years. There was another traffic accident the day before yesterday, so I had to be sent to my hospital for rescue. Fortunately, it didn't matter, but it led to the deformation of the third vertebrae. For normal people, this is just a problem, but for him, it will directly lead to hemiplegia. "

"Why not have cervical spinal fusion? This kind of conservative treatment works well

"It's just good. But for my brother, "good" means "very bad". Compared with ordinary people, the patient has to be lowered two or three grades. A little bit of trouble is enough to make his life worse than death. If I were a general doctor, I would choose your treatment, but I am not a general doctor, and you are not a general doctor, so we have a better choice. "

Chen Qun rubbed his forehead and felt that his knowledge had been integrated by the system. It seemed that it would be cut off in Sir Victor's place. He could not guess what kind of operation Sir Victor could use.

Victor will directly call out the program demonstration of the tablet and begin to explain to Chen Qun.

"Chen, you should know what I'm good at. So I wanted to replace his bone with an artificial disc. But it's not one. I'm going to replace four affected discs and completely solve my brother Charlie's problem

Chen Qun's mouth was wide open. Victor was clearly a gentleman. At this juncture, he joined in the fun and tried to find the most difficult operation.

Four artificial disc replacement is more difficult than the five organ surgery designed by him, which is almost impossible to complete. Plus remote operation, it's just something God can do.

Chen Qun's mouth felt a little dry and asked in an unbelievable tone.

"Has anyone done this operation in North America and Europe?"Knowing Chen Qun's worry, Victor shakes his head and looks at him firmly.

"No, but as soon as we're done, Charlie will have a bionic spine, which completely solves his problem."

"But no one or company in the world has studied the long-term efficacy of multiple artificial disc surgery, let alone remote control, which is a bit too difficult."

Victor looks at Chen Qun, points to the operating room outside and answers calmly.

"Theoretically speaking, you operate a mechanical arm in the operating room, which is actually the same as operating a mechanical arm thousands of miles away. In other words, distance is not the key factor affecting the operation, it is just a function variable that increases the accident. Just in front of you and thousands of miles away, the probability of occurrence is the same, only one more error in transmission is possible. "

Victor is determined to do the operation because of his weight. Maybe there are other reasons. Although Chen Qun didn't think about it clearly, it has nothing to do with the content of the operation.

Before Chen Qun agreed, Sir Victor gave another powerful reason.

"For Charlie, whether he's a vegetable or paralyzed, it's worse than death. Therefore, as a doctor or his relative, I think that it is a better choice for him to fight hard, no matter whether he is successful or not. Even if he dies on the operating table, it is also a kind of kindness. "

Chen Qun fully understands what Sir Victor said, because his first outstanding operation is to give patients without chin the right to live a new life. If the operation fails, it will be a relief for him and his family.

This is kindness.

Sometimes, it takes more courage for the incurable patients to choose to die.

Chen Qun was silent for two or three seconds before giving an official reply.

"Can you give me two hours to do a remote operation exercise in the operating room here. So I can be more sure. "

"We don't operate my machines in the Atlantic, which is more reflective of all the problems, and we can find the small problems. If you agree, I'll arrange the practice in 15 minutes

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