When Liu Yang heard Chen Qun's reply, he was shocked.

"What kind of medicine is it? Is it safe? "

Of course it's safe! Chen Qun thought of the hundreds of different results simulated by the system space, all of which were benign, but he couldn't say that, so he had to answer this really fatal question with a wry smile.

"It should be safe. At least Mr. kitao Guangyun, the chairman of Sanjiang group, took it and the effect was obvious. This is also the result of taking a weak dose. However, we don't have a large number of drugs with new structures. If they are used by infants, they are enough. But I don't think it's recommended to use this drug when it's not necessary. "

Chen Qun explained and looked at Qi Hong, who was following Liu Yang, with a smile.

"Qi Hong should explain it to you. She is one of the parties. It should be a special drug synthesized by mistake. We only have a little serum here. But all the zebrafish in the experiment performed well, and despite the presence of tumors, they were still more active than other normal fry. But after using normal fry, the effect is not so obvious, but it still has effect

When Liu Yang heard Chen Qun's explanation, he immediately knew his concerns.

"Do you think it's important to save an adult? Even if there is any accident, you can save the next one. So I'm not going to use this medicine on adults? "

"Yes, up to now, the only human trial result of this drug is Mr. kitao Guangyun, so I think it is most appropriate not to take risks. But for a child, if he can survive normally, he doesn't have to take risks. If there are special circumstances, he can use it as if there is no way

When Liu Yang heard Chen Qun's arrangement, he nodded with great satisfaction and turned to ask Qi Hong about the origin and development of the drug. I didn't know if I didn't listen. I was startled when I heard that all kinds of synthetic drugs started at $100000, so I immediately lost my mind to ask carefully.

Anyway, this kind of medicine is from the most advanced medical research institute, or the kind of club system. It is clearly that the private clinic of the billionaire is built, and the common people don't have to rely on it. It's OK to take it out for emergency, but it's hard for Xiao Chen to become normal.

"Well, do it your way. Xiao Qi, please tell Chen Qun about the patient's condition. Mr. Su, let's leave first. After all, time is pressing. Xiao Chen has to go abroad to visit the most advanced medical experimental institutions in the world. I don't want to stop him from seeing the world, so I have to pull people from you. "

Su wanting also stood up and accompanied them out.

"I don't have any leisure time now. I need to do a lot of reorganization outside. Today is just the right time for you, or I think the hospital is also very particular about it. After Chen Qun finished my mother's operation, he began to encourage you to come here and ask for help, right? "

Liu Yang smiles and refuses to answer the question. However, we are all old-fashioned people. How can these little calculations deceive the business genius? This beautiful female president has cheated two competitors, but she pretends to be innocent. The funniest thing is that the two who have been cheated are embarrassed to admit that they are involved in this matter.

This is probably to save a little face and continue to kill other retail investors.

However, Su wanting's words are not bad at all. The Union Medical College Hospital decided on the whole implementation plan of Xiao Chen's operation on Su wanting's mother. It felt that it was very valuable, so it asked him to come and ask for help. The reason why we want to pull him over is actually for the sake of technology sharing. We are afraid to pull him back to Xiangyun to eat alone, or attach a lot of harsh conditions to share.

Now, in order to upgrade the level of the hospital and make Xiangyun a world-class hospital, it is natural to let go of these small benefits. After all, China needs to be united in order to go to the international arena. In China, the only one worthy of Xiangyun hospital's cooperation is Xiehe. Xiehe Hospital probably also saw this point, and then entrusted this impossible task to Xiao Chen to complete.

A few minutes later, Chen Qun and Liu Yang came to an infirmary. The whole team was there. After all, the big boss of his own family, who dares to play missing.

Qi Hong doesn't talk nonsense either. He turns on the TV directly and projects his data on the TV screen through the wireless network.

"The patient's pericardial cavity is full of tumors, resulting in pericardial tamponade. Her blood pressure has been falling and she is weaker. The more ill she is, the less likely the operation will be successful. Now we only have the option of immediate surgery, and the time is still two or three days. If it's too late, there won't be any chance. "

As soon as Qi Hong's words came out, Liu Yang was stunned.

"Xiao Qi, you don't mean that the Union Medical College Hospital thinks that there should be at least two weeks to ten days to ease the development of the baby, so that the baby's heart and lung can develop more and survive the operation.""No, we don't have time! I went to see the patient this morning and got all her test data. I can tell you clearly. The patient's tumor is spreading, and the speed is increasing geometrically, which is not expected by the hospital here. We can wait for a week or two. If you keep waiting, none of them will come back. "

When Liu Yang heard what Qi Hong said, he immediately understood the trick. Maybe some people thought it was more important to keep their children, so they would lie with their eyes open. The doctor in the Union Medical College Hospital was not a fool. Seeing that he could not stop him, he simply threw out his cannon as a shield and directly met him.

In fact, this is a dispute between dogma and science. When the Union Medical College Hospital saw that it was difficult to do it, it simply threw the hot potato over. But for Xiao Chen, he would not have accepted. Whoever wants to fight against thunder will fight on his own!

"Xiao Chen, what's your opinion?"

"I also agree with Qi Hong that the operation is scheduled for the morning after tomorrow. Today we only have four hours of sleep rest time. Let's simulate several operations first, and then have a rest at nine o'clock tomorrow evening. After sleeping enough for ten hours, we will start the operation the morning after tomorrow."

Chen Qun does not hesitate to support Qi Hong's view. Although he does not have any patient information, he fully believes that Qi Hong's diagnosis is very reasonable, and there may even be the views of doctors in this hospital.

Liu Yang stares at Qi Hong and asks.

"Why is your diagnosis different from that of concord?"

"Because this morning, the patient told me that there was a little bug crawling on her back. This kind of symptom is called ant walking sensation. It is usually caused by nerves or tension. I think it has something to do with her heart symptoms. It is very likely that the substance secreted by the lymph tumor has affected her back and whole body through the blood. It's a sign of a worsening tumor. "

After a pause, Qi Hong shook his remote control board on the TV and pointed to a set of data analysis.

"This is the result of the comparison of tens of thousands of cases in sister Xin's database, with a 73% probability, which proves that my statement is correct. We have no time to find out the cause of the patient, but we hope to curb her condition through surgery, leading to more dangerous consequences."

"Very good, you will analyze the data to me, I take it to say with the above! According to your plan, the operation will be carried out immediately. "

Liu Yang came to a conclusion and fully supported his two young doctors.

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