Putting a broken bone together again is like the most common jigsaw puzzle. It looks simple, but in fact it is very complex. Chen Qun knew that no matter how good his surgical skills were, it would be futile if he had not spliced countless bone fragments in the system space.

To put it bluntly, this kind of jigsaw puzzle is actually similar to the magnetic ball of the first lady. Chen Qun is also prepared to use this reason as an excuse to explain the root cause of his skillful technique.

Comminuted fracture splicing has always been a problem for orthopedics doctors, because some broken bones can't be used at all. And the number is very large, it is impossible to select one by one, only by their own luck and feelings.

Chen Qun knew that unless he was in a special situation in China, it was impossible for him to have such a large-scale operation for the healing of comminuted fracture of leg bone.

Although Dr. Dudley was on the computer next to him, pounding the data quickly, trying to find a suitable algorithm for all the broken bones, he finally gave up.

The reason is also very simple. Just after Chen Qun started the operation, he fixed the largest pieces of broken bones on the spider web device according to their original position. He hardly thought about it. Then he searched for the usable broken bones in the mess of broken bones and eliminated the damage of various kinds of bone spurs and needles to other tissues of the human body.

It is clear that it is only with one hand, but it can be done with five or six hands. There is still some spare time to command the two assistants to do the hemostasis work in the next stage.

No matter Dr. Dudley, experts or leaders in various biological frontier fields, or even all kinds of billionaires who have little medical guidance, they are all shocked by Chen Qun's orderly, primary and secondary bone splicing.

Looking at his movements, if you don't know, you think it's like practicing countless times.

Dr. Dudley looked at Chen Qun's delicate but quick action and knew that he was the partner he was looking for. Many experimental operations fail in the end. To a large extent, ordinary doctors can't complete many actions, and they can only master their own professional part after they are proficient, which is not easy to involve in other fields.

Even if it's learning from the beginning, but the damned law of life is going to jump out to show its existence, and prove that his plan is totally infeasible in the way of "aging".

But now it seems that Chen Qun is even more brilliant than he expected. As for the fool who only brags and cheats to show his annual salary of hundreds of millions, there are only three or four who are better than him in operating in his laboratory, but still can't complete the jigsaw puzzle.

When Dr. Dudley found that his computer algorithm had no effect, he immediately stopped the operation and took the post of commander in chief of the operation, so that the instruments, drugs and instruments needed by Chen Qun could be ready as soon as possible.

While commanding, he was thinking about how to invite Chen Qun to join in. No matter for money or fame, Chen Qun probably doesn't need his help. But it's said that he's going to compete for the Nobel Prize in medicine because he hasn't won it for a century and a half. This is clearly a free advertisement.

But for him, he can at least guarantee that the technique will be shortlisted, with a half chance of winning. This kind of black box operation, he is the best, for those old things of the jury, nothing is more important than youth!

For this Asian youth from the East, some ordinary people think that the illusory things are more important than the real money. One of them is honor, which he is bound to fight for, so we should start from this weak link.

No, we should talk to his leaders directly about it. It is impossible for a young man to apply for the Nobel Prize in medicine by himself. It must be something that the wily guys in the hospital make trouble of.

Young people may not be bought anything, but for old people, they all know that everything can be traded as long as the price is right. In particular, if we do not violate the normal moral standards, we can say that we are trying everything,

He won't cooperate with this little guy in the name of private. He will surely come up with an international platform for formal communication and cooperation with him. At that time, everything belonged to diplomatic affairs and all went through formal channels. As for the final cooperation, I has the final say.

Isn't this young Chen fond of saving people? Let him see to what extent modern medicine has come. In fact, many diseases similar to incurable diseases are gradually becoming loose.

When Dr. Dudley and others thought everything over properly, they were surprised to find that the patient's left leg had been repaired by Chen Qun. Dozens of bones of different sizes were inlaid together. Although it could not be called the femur of complete significance, it was at least a building whole.

Such a strong spatial logical thinking ability is one of the typical characteristics of scholar syndrome patients. This kind of ability can not be controlled, and even the operation mechanism is not clear, so we can only rely on luck."Stop, stop! The work here has been almost completed, and some supplementary agents are needed to ensure the integrity of the femur. Chen, you start the operation on the other leg. I'll fill the femoral arachnoid sac and then sew it up. I'll finish it in 40 minutes. "

Seeing that Chen Qun was too fast for him to catch up, Dr. Dudley quickly stopped him and asked him to perform the operation on the other side.

Maybe other people don't mind losing this little time to let Chen Qun continue to finish his work, but Dr. Dudley, who is also a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, knows that a young doctor who has won the first place in the world in surgery is determined not to allow time to flow out of his fingernails. He must be asked to do more important things for a more suitable reason.

However, when he acted as an assistant, he became too busy to let the surgeon stop the operation and let him follow the rhythm of others.

This kind of feeling only appeared when he was in medical school and was scolded by his tutor. With the increase of his skills, no doctor has ever made him the leader in charge of the whole process unable to keep up with the pace?

This kind of surgeon's strength is faster than the commander's. in all kinds of unreliable operations, he knows exactly what it means.

Time is life, not to say fast one minute or two minutes, even fast ten seconds, may be the key to a successful operation failure.

This time, the operating room appeared temporarily. He used it as a propaganda. If it was not successful, he could also perform amputation to save the lives of patients. He can bet that all the doctors and experts here will not say that his research has failed because of the failure of this operation.

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