"Hello, this is little princess Lisa Tai. She suffers from a very common disease, which is typical obesity. She needs Chen Qun and your help to solve her obesity problem. This is what I tell you. Dr. Qi, who is very beautiful, and nurse Zhao, who is very Barbie doll! Now you must believe that I didn't cheat you? "

Half an hour later, Chen Qun appeared in the room where Yangling was staying. As soon as he entered, he came across this unexpected scene. In her room, in addition to Xiangchuan Xiu, there are three South Asian women in uniform. One of them looks very young, that is, she is thirteen or fourteen years old. But her figure has almost become a meat mound. Almost one person is full of most of the seats of a three person sofa.

When Beitiao Yangling introduced them, he was introducing them to the fat princess who was in the second period of middle school. He didn't take Chen Qun as an outsider. All the talk was in front of the little princess.

Chen Qun saw that the little princess made an effort to get up, but did not care to help, so he pulled the north central bell aside and asked.

"What a good play is this? Don't pretend you don't understand me. I know you understand. Is your negotiation over? "

"The general framework has been set, but the specific implementation is a protracted business negotiation process, which you won't be interested in. But I really thank you for helping our group. So, I also ask you to help me solve this small problem. "

"Isn't this your patient?"

"It may not have been an hour ago, but it is now. The cooperation between Sanjiang group and Stanford group is not once or twice. Now it is very convenient to add a new cooperation. Now, I am a doctor of this independent research institute, and I can check all the information here. Well, this is unrealistic, but theoretically I have the right to do so. So it's very reasonable for me to find a friend I know to be an attending physician. "

Chen Qun was stunned. He didn't see him for a few days. The image of Beitiao Yangling, who has always been a cold and beautiful doctor, seems to have changed. It looks like a bit of a domineering female president. It really looks like she has family roots.

Before he could admire it, the north central bell lowered a voice and explained it in a low voice.

"In fact, this operation has been done, which shows our attitude of cooperation. But I think to ensure the success of the operation, it's more convincing to pull you into the operation team and let you be responsible. You have already had an operation here. Do you want to refuse another friend's invitation? "

It seems that Beitiao Yangling has opened the female CEO mode, and his words are aggressive, and his reasons make him laugh and cry.

"OK, but at least obesity, do you need liposuction?"

"No, you're wrong again. If the common obesity disease, how can it be sent here for treatment? According to the examination results here, there is a small benign tumor on Princess Lisa's adrenal gland. Usually, a simple adrenalectomy is done. But considering her age, especially her weight and blood pressure, the operation is not safe. "

"And why? Don't fat people have surgery? "

"Because Lisa has been allergic to many things since she was a child, other heart diseases, peripheral nerve injuries, ulcers, wounds and even death during her operation are far higher than the normal index. Now, on the Research Institute's side, we use what they call "multivariate logistic regression analysis" to deduce the results. If Lisa can lose 10% to 15% of her body weight, the world's top surgeons will complete this simple operation with a high success rate. "

Chen Qun glances back at the little princess who looks like a meat mountain. He thinks that this is the real world Princess of a small country. There is not too much entertainment, and there are all kinds of rules. Eating and getting fat may be the biggest.

"I think her weight is at least more than 200 kg, that is to say, she has to lose 10-78 kg to meet the operation needs of this clinic?"

"Yes, you are absolutely right. But after many consultations and pathological tests, several international famous hospitals have given the same judgment, that is, the benign tumor on her adrenal gland makes her feel hungry all the time. When she sees anything, she can't help but put it into her mouth, which leads to her growing fat. "

"Ha ha, there is a little philosophical dialectical thinking in this problem. Doctor: she must lose weight before we can have the operation. patient; The doctor has to operate before I can lose weight. Both sides have their own opinions. Who will carry the black pot

Chen Qun sent out a knowing smile, knowing why Beitiao Yangling chose such a simple but complicated patient from so many patients, to be the first of the three fires in her new office.In addition to the patient's interesting condition, in fact, it is probably due to the understanding, so we pay more attention to it.

"Then how are you going to treat this patient? This is your operation. You has the final say. Miss Beitiao

Chen Qun threw his hat directly at the head of the young lady.

"Ha, you really don't know everything. It makes me feel less pressure. Princess Lisa came here for treatment because the Institute has developed a weight loss sensor to remind her when she has enough calories. She also came here to set up the instrument

"Why don't you shock her directly?"?! Wait... I seem to think of something! "

When Chen Qun said this, he was stunned like a fool. Other people were aware of the situation here and looked up together. However, when they saw Chen Qun's thoughtful manner, they knew what good idea his wonderful brain melon seeds had come up with.

After a long time, Chen Qun raised a palm, touched his chin and asked a question.

"The weight loss sensor is used to calculate how many calories the patient has consumed through various technical calculations. So why don't we just seal off the hunger? We can put a suppressor in Princess Lisa's vagus nerve to suppress her hunger

Qi Hong and Chen Qun have been partners for the longest time. As soon as he heard what Chen Qun said, he immediately linked the things just now.

"Do you mean to connect the sensor and the suppressor that Princess Lisa implanted, when the sensor detects that she has enough calories, the suppressor will eliminate her hunger and make her stop eating! This is feasible in theory, but if the risk of surgery will happen, madam, it's better to just... Forget it, I didn't say the last half of the sentence

Of course, Chen Qun knows the meaning of Qi Hong's half sentence, but she reacts. The implantation of this kind of suppressor is a minimally invasive operation. Because of the location of the kidney, adrenalectomy is mostly performed by conventional methods.

Conventional surgery and minimally invasive surgery, who has the greater risk of infection, anyone with a little medical knowledge, will understand.

This may be a circuitous tactic, but it can achieve the same effect. If the two instruments work well, even adrenalectomy doesn't need to be done.

As for the suppressor, for Dr. Dudley, the world's top research institute, it is also the world's most advanced. It is not a matter at all that just a few hair like wires are completed by the world's best surgeons.

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