After the operation, Chen Qun returned to their rooms, lay down on the bed and went to sleep. Although I have only worked for six hours, I am as tired as I have been struggling for three days and three nights.

The next day, the patient didn't wake up, but the best news was that he didn't have any critical illness for nearly 20 hours, which means that the situation is at least stable and recovering. As for how long it will take to wake up, or even fail to wake up, no one has the bottom of his mind.

Even Chen Qun did not simulate once in the operating room to determine the completion status, so as not to be seen as lying. However, after jointly rescuing a patient who could hardly be saved, Chen Qun felt that Dr. Dudley's enthusiasm for him was quite high. But Beitiao Yangling went directly to the urban area, probably reporting the situation with his family.

After checking the ward, Dudley took the young people to an observation room and pointed to a girl inside to ask Chen Qun.

"I heard that you used Tilapia Skin to treat patients with deep burns, and the effect is very good. By the way, I happen to know that you also have the highest skill in cosmetic surgery. I have a few small discoveries here that you may be able to use. I'll tell you all about them! "

Chen Qun Chao looked at the beautiful Western blonde in the room, and felt that four cold eyes with a little cold air were staring at him. He knew that he was despised by two female colleagues, and told his girlfriend that he would never die again.

How could he allow such a situation to happen? He quickly led the topic to the direction of pathology.

"I looked at the patient for a while. At least he looked good. I couldn't see what a serious illness he was. In addition, Mr. doctor talked about plastic surgery and burns. Is the patient's condition related to these two conditions? "

Dr. Dudley gave a smile, looked at Qi Hong politely and made a gesture of please.

"I think your female colleague has the most say. She is the most powerful, the youngest and the most beautiful diagnostician I've ever seen, comparable to a humanoid computer. Then I'll invite Miss Qi to answer this question. "

Dudley is a mature man. I have known for a long time that although they have a very harmonious relationship, this girl with excellent temperament can't help choking Chen, probably because she is very dissatisfied with him. Knowing that two people, even if not lovers, are also best friends, can share everything, just like Victor and himself more than 20 years ago, helping each other forward.

Besides, he wants to cooperate, but the official sense of formal cooperation, of course, is to work with a team. It's also very good to compliment Chen Qun's teammates by the way.

What's more, it's good to tease this kind of beautiful girl with elegant and exquisite temperament but full of confidence.

Qi Hong showed a very rational professional smile and bowed.

"It's very kind of you, doctor. I didn't even have full contact with the patients. How could it be so easy to diagnose the patient's disease? "

"Because Victor told me about you twice and said that he had never seen a better woman doctor than you, and I didn't believe it at that time. Of course, please forgive our male chauvinism. But after seeing the discussion between you and Chen, I found that if Chen's light was not too dazzling, it would not have covered you up

Qi Hong thought for a moment, pointed to her wrist wrapped in gauze, and hesitated to give an answer.

"Since Mr. doctor wants me to make a diagnosis, I'll make a random guess. Since you mentioned beauty and burn, the disease is also related, maybe it is the same situation. But this is not a special burn ward, so the rest of the answer is probably herpes. Herpes in general can be very good around the treatment, so the answer is mostly a more special kind. In addition, the shape of the pocket on her desk is a little special, mostly morphine pump. The answer should be EB virus infection. "

Zhou Lin looked at his girlfriend who was at a loss about English conversation, consciously chose to act as a simultaneous translator, and explained a few words in a low voice.

"Epstein Barr virus is a kind of virus belonging to lymphotropic virus of herpesvirus family. It's herpes virus, which is simple and direct. But this kind of virus as long as touches other any new thing generally, may cause the infection, the whole body immediately has each kind of big and small blister, also painful and uncomfortable

Zhao Xuebai took a look at Zhou Lin, but his heart was sweet.

Dr. Dudley was very pleased that Qi Hong could speculate about this situation. He knew that cooperation with a group of talents with high intelligence quotient was just pleasing to the eye and didn't need to be reminded of everything. Although the disadvantages are also great, they just need to be careful. These geniuses generally don't care about other things. They only have medicine and patients in their eyes.

He thought for a moment, and continued to study the beautiful and intelligent girl."Do you think there should be any treatment for this virus?"

Qi Hong shakes his head and looks at Chen Qun.

Chen Qun had no choice but to take up the topic and answer this question.

"One side of the treatment is to use drugs to inhibit, but I heard that there is a kind of external light separation and replacement therapy in foreign countries. Will Dr. Wang use this kind of therapy?"

Dudley laughed.

"It's a treatment cycle every four weeks, which takes four to six months to work. But this girl can't wait that long. She needs to go back to take part in a very meaningful thing for her, that is, the Brahms International Piano Competition, so we don't have that long. However, the therapy you said is correct. On the basis of this kind of phototherapy, I have improved it again, and it will probably have a better effect. "

Dr. Dudley said, pointing to a treatment cart pushed by the opposite nurse, took a test tube and handed it to Chen Qun.

"This green liquid is a natural ingredient extracted from cauliflower. It's called sulforaphane. Don't confuse it with carotene. In the laboratory, it is found that it has a good therapeutic effect on various kinds of blisters in mice and medium and large animals, and it can strengthen the skin integrity and overall activity, and maintain moisture. So we use SPE distillation to extract it, just like extracting vitamin C from an orange

A string of technical terms came out of Dr. Dudley's mouth, which made Zhou Lin lose his job immediately. He didn't understand what others were saying. Looking at Qi Hong beside him, he also frowned. He should not have understood the real meaning of these folded and abbreviated words.

Chen Qun completely understood every word Dr. Dudley said and raised his questions.

"It's just that there is a big gap between the body surface area of mice and large animals and that of human body. This sulforaphane needs to be used regularly. It's difficult to cover every part at the same time. Does it also work?"

Dr. Dudley deliberately promoted this medicine to Chen Qun in exchange for his trust, and naturally spared no effort to introduce the situation.

"So I came up with a wonderful idea to liquefy this sulforaphane completely. You have purified sulforaphane. I improved the hyperbaric oxygen chamber and turned it into a horizontal spray sunbathing device. The air pressure and high oxygen concentration in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber will stimulate the human body to release growth factors and stem cells, and promote the growth of her superficial skin cells, which can perfectly solve her dressing problem. "

Chen Qun frowned at the suggestion.

"Dr. doctor's invention is so amazing, why not recommend it to various beauty hospitals? I think it has a big market. "

Dr. Dudley's cheek collapsed, and he reluctantly spread out his hands to express his distress.

"I would like to, but now I am employed by Stanford medical center to carry out professional research. If investors see me come up with some achievements that have nothing to do with professional research, I am afraid many people will not be satisfied. Chen's cosmetic surgery level can be said to be the first in the world, and it is most suitable for you to promote it. This medicine is my gift to you. "

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