The patient's affairs are always beyond the doctor's expectation and plan. Maria's condition became more and more serious in the afternoon and had to be sent to the operating room for rescue.

Chen Qun Cai put the endoscope into Miss Maria's abdominal cavity and right lung, and he couldn't help but scold.

"Dammit, the necrotic pieces of tissue completely envelop the visceral layer of the pleura. Qi Hong, turn down the shadowless lamp. You should pay close attention to the situation under the endoscope. I am responsible for feeding the catheter. As soon as there's something wrong, let me know immediately. I don't want to think of any loopholes, so that the operation will fail before the patient gets treatment. "

As he spoke, Chen Qun carefully operated the catheter and went further to the lobes of the lungs. Only two centimeters deep did he stop. In the picture displayed on the screen, the lung lobes are tightly attached to the chest wall.

"Give me Caesar's forceps and see if I can get the endoscope deeper."

Zhao Xue immediately put a small forceps into his palm. Chen Qun gently sent the front end of the forceps from the wound to the chest with the catheter. With one hand, he twisted the searchlight at the front end of the catheter to shine on one side of Caesar's forceps.

"Damn it, these sticky pieces of tissue are too thick to go through the port. We need a thoracotomy right now! "

Qi Hong was surprised and reminded Chen Qun, who was a little confused.

"We can't do thoracotomy in the airtight room. As long as we burn the bleeding point, the whole room will explode."

"No, we do the most traditional old-fashioned surgery without using any electrical equipment. All bleeding points are sutured or bio gel to stop bleeding."

"Maybe we need to take this aseptic Princess out of her aseptic room for normal rescue in the conventional operating room. We just need to double disinfect the conventional operating room, and maybe it won't have much impact on her. "

On the other side, the north central bell hesitated and put forward a better proposal.

In one of the most advanced hospitals in the world, it is a great irony to adopt the most primitive surgical method to treat patients.

"No, we can't take risks. For her, infection is more dangerous than surgery, so we use battlefield surgery to rescue her. Zhao Xue, give me the scalpel. Qi Hong, you and Zhou Lin will send all the electrical equipment to the corner and turn off the power completely. Miss Kagawa, you are responsible for checking the air pressure data of this airtight operating room. I'll start routine care in a minute. "

Chen Qun gave a very firm treatment plan, relative to the patient's chest and right lung condition, no line of infection is the most fatal. He can control surgery, but he can't control all kinds of bacteria, viruses, dust and even light.

For Chen Qun's insistence, Beitiao Yangling tilted his mouth twice, and finally closed his mouth obediently. Perhaps for other conventional doctors, without a variety of electronic instruments, it is impossible to operate. But for Chen Qun, he only needs a few simple surgical tools to complete a world-class surgery.

That's what he's good at, and he's certainly willing to take risks in his own field, rather than taking more risks in places he can't control.

What's more, Chen Qun in the operating room is very grumpy. If an outsider makes a fuss, he will drive people out without any reason.

More than ten minutes later, Chen Qun cleanly removed all the infected tissues from the patient's lungs, and used sutures to stop bleeding. There was no lack of advanced surgical equipment to prevent the operation. At the same time, the removal of his lung infection broke the shortest record of his thoracotomy operation, and completed everything in less than 10 minutes.

"OK, close your chest immediately, test again, and wash your chest with disinfectant immediately!"

Chen Qun's orderly voice resounded through the whole airtight room, making everyone feel a little relieved.

"Ninety one percent of the operation is complete! Is the operation completed? "

All of a sudden, the sound of the system rings in his ears, which makes Chen Qun feel stunned.

It's not a rule to break the system. Why did you suddenly remind him?

Chen Qun Zheng is about to stop to check, but suddenly he is in a dilemma. He doesn't even want to think about it and gives up the idea of testing. After all, because of the special situation of the patient, he did it very carefully, and did not allow other people to touch the internal tissue of the patient to produce new infection. Even when using medical devices, try to use them once, and then do not repeat them.

There is absolutely no omission in the patient's lung, and there is no tissue residue, all of which are operated by him. Besides, Qi Hong is full-time staring at the test for fear of omission.If all this goes wrong, he can buy a piece of tofu to kill himself. It's just that the degree of completion is only 90%, which should be due to some deficiencies. He immediately made a quick decision and went into the system space to check the simulated patients in the space.

It's OK not to check. I can't help being silent when I check. The patient's chest infection was completely cleared, but in her blood, the trace of infection metastasis was found, and there was a sign of sepsis. He can't use surgery to clear the infection in the blood cells. The only way left is to use transgenic therapy.

Chen Qun went back to the real world again. As soon as he closed the abdominal cavity of the patient, he immediately ordered Kagawa show.

"You immediately send the patient's blood and lung tissue for biopsy and tell me the results as soon as possible. Qi Hong, immediately prepare intravenous immunoglobulin therapy, plus adeno deaminase replacement therapy. Half an hour later, the patients were treated with granulocyte macrophage stimulating factor

Beitiao Yangling and Qi Hong were stunned, and the two girls asked in unison.

"And why?"

Chen Qun pointed to a series of physiological data on the panel and gave reasons.

"Temperature 39.8 degrees, blood pressure 80 / 50. Whether it is oxygen saturation or blood pressure, pulse, there has been a cliff like decline, which shows a problem. It's very likely that her infection has entered the blood and there is a sign of sepsis. We need to stop the infection immediately. "

With that, Chen Qun raised his head and gave orders to the north central bell.

"You go to Dr. Dudley right away and ask for gene replacement therapy for stem cells, retroviral vector. Change her situation completely. "

"But the patient... Didn't agree with the treatment."

"We have no choice! I will inform her parents immediately and ask them to sign a consent to treat her! "

Chen Qun is very confident in this treatment, because just now in the system space, he has successfully used gene replacement therapy to completely cure her from the gate of death, and completely cured her combined immunodeficiency.

However, the only thing Chen Qun is worried about now is that he doesn't know about the transgenic level in the hospital. He can't draw a conclusion until he sees Dr. Dudley's samples.

After all, the system gives the transgenic stem cells, which is absolutely perfect.

But the technology in the real world is far from the level of the system. In order to successfully treat this patient, Chen Qun decided to cheat and directly exchange the real-world genetically modified gene for the system to ensure that the operation is safe.

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