As soon as these words came out, Dongfang would burst into laughter when she heard that Chen Qun had been educated by a mentally retarded man. On the contrary, she thought that this mentally retarded man's ability to achieve unprecedented success had a lot to do with his character as a child.

However, since it's a child, don't let the child look down on you, otherwise it won't be convincing.

Chen Qun immediately explained to him.

"You're only half right. If you play something normally, I can't hear it. But at this time, you are playing in the instrument. As long as your fingers are moving, the instrument will record your performance, restore your voice, and you will know whether you are playing right or not. All right, let's play the first song. "

As Chen Qun's words fell, Pangpang's fingers moved on the paper. The reason why we use ordinary paper instead of portable piano keys is that we are afraid that metal instruments will cause other harm to patients in MRI detection.

Sure enough, with the beginning of the performance, the front floor type big screen immediately appeared chubby performance action, sweet music like a spring flowing out. Let Pangpang Pang on the bed board also slightly raise his head, looking at the big screen in front of him, while playing.

Chen Qun's attention at this time is focused on the small screen above his head, his girlfriend's 3D simulated brain model, and the images detected by MRI. At the same time, on the screen, bioelectrical lights, like electric current, flicker back and forth on the 3D brain, wandering, like a beautiful spirit, leaping back and forth in the brain.

"Isn't it cool? Chen Qun, you should admire my girl's ability now? "

Chen Qun didn't care about his girlfriend's show off. Instead, he was surprised to see another set of data and simulated brain pictures, and made two gestures to the control room behind the window.

"Qi Hong, have you noticed why his brain is very active, but there is only one part, that is, there is no sign of activity in the limbic brain. Xiaoxin, you specially specify the location of the limbic brain region. I want to see the data. "

Qi Hong on the opposite side moves quickly on the computer twice, and then puts forward a suggestion to Dongfang Wenxin.

"Although Pangpang is doing MRI at this time and can't carry out ultrasonic ECG detection, your simulation software has this program. Can you use the simulation program to simulate his examination results first and restore his real situation. If Chen Qun is right, it should be his heart problem, which leads to his dystonia and hand gout. "

"Isn't it a brain problem?"

"The lack of blood supply to the brain will lead to hand cramps. Heart problems are the main cause, and the lack of brain nerve function is the direct cause. The two are not antagonistic."

Qi Hong explained the relationship between the two to the first lady.

But next to the machine, Chen Qun directly raised another question.

"But the heart ischemia can't explain the reason of his multiple seizures. It must be brain damage. We need to keep checking! Further examination. "

"Positron photography has shown that his brain is the same now as it was a year ago, two years ago, or even 15 years ago, without much change."

"No, we also need to do a brain MRI angiography to determine what's wrong with his less active left brain!"

Chen Qun didn't even think about it, so he put forward a diagnosis plan. This time, he did not want to go to the system space to seek the real answer, but gave up the system and learned to diagnose like a normal doctor.

He has enough confidence and reason to believe that his conjecture is the same whether there is a system or not. The system is just a tool to verify that it's right.

Half an hour later, the angiographic image appeared on the big screen. Chen Qun pointed to a picture and waved his fingers to the two girls in charge of the operation in the room.

"Qi Hong, mark the location of the midbrain spine. There is a mass of nearly eight centimeters extending to the temporal lobe. There is no operation here at all."

"Wait, if there were so many blood clots in his position, he would not have survived long ago. You mean his scar doesn't matter, do you? "

Qi Hong was surprised to see the results of the examination. He didn't believe that there were so many hematomas in a person's brain. He actually lived well. In other words, these hemangiomas, which are fatal to others, are not the main cause of his illness, or even affect his normal state.

Chen Qun nodded and raised his head with a bitter smile.

"We found one problem, but we created more. Now we've solved his first symptom, the mechanism of hand cramps. But we found more unreasonable places, so now we have two choices. The first choice is to solve the current problems, and then he can be discharged; The second option is to cure him completely. I think I don't need to answer what you two choose. "Qi Hong also reluctantly shakes his head and rotates the position of the map to consult Chen Qun outside.

"You've found three problems, but still haven't solved them. The key problem is why his right brain is more active than his left brain?"

"In fact, this problem is the same as the deterioration of his epilepsy. I have just done an intracranial arteriography. You can see the sixth image below. In the MRA images, it has confirmed my original hypothesis that small pieces of blood agglutinate all over the white matter of his left brain. So now the epilepsy causes his brain to be short of blood supply and blood vessels to rupture, and finally leads to a hand aspiration. So we have to solve the problem of intracranial hemorrhage and find out what causes it

When Qi Hong heard Chen Qun's statement, his face changed and he firmly opposed it.

"You're going to have an intracranial biopsy? You're going to kill him! Besides, his brain waves are normal. Where do you need to check? He already has multiple lesions in his brain, which is worse than my teacher's. If you rush in like a bison, it will only make the loss very bad. "

"You can't just stick a needle in the temporal lobe! Stick in the right place by luck

"I don't need to take a chance, I just need to do an EEG to determine the specific problem. His brain has been a number of structural abnormalities, relying on our MRI and external electroencephalogram, only vague parts can be found. If you do an EEG, you can know where to do a biopsy! "

Qi Hong heard Chen Qun's increasing demands and could not help drooping his head on his desk and saying something feebly.

"Don't you know that biopsy is very dangerous, and there is a 10% probability that the patient will be sent directly to God. Now, in order to avoid the 10% probability of danger, you choose the method of killing the patient by 60% or 70% for treatment? You might as well change his brain directly. Maybe it's more appropriate. "

Next to the East smell Xin directly started to search this detection method, a exclamation.

"You're going to drill 12 holes in his head, go into the skull, implant electrodes, and stick them close to the meninges of his brain to make sure what's wrong?"

Qi Hong is more aware of the danger and principle in the middle, and directly asks this guy.

"Chen Qun, you don't have to beat around the bush. Tell us, what are you doubting?"

Chen Qun pointed to the picture just now and said the answer word by word.

"I suspect that his whole right hemisphere has already been brain dead for at least 20 years!"

With these words, the two girls were shocked, but looking at all kinds of blood clots shown on the angiogram, they felt that Chen Qun's conjecture was quite natural. Anyone with so many lesions in the brain, the only result is brain death!

It's just that this patient's condition is special, that is, right brain death, so there is a long lesion in the middle, but it doesn't affect his life and performance. This answer also answers why Chen Qun insisted on doing intracranial electroencephalogram. For a patient who died of half of his brain ball, this very dangerous examination has become less dangerous.

If the test results are true, the fat man is a miracle of human beings, rewriting the limit of human brain again. There have been several cases of hemispheric resection of the brain that have been introduced from abroad for decades. It is also possible that the symptoms of obesity will appear.

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