Chen Qun came back to the hospital again, but he didn't know. Just behind him, a small van followed him and drove back. He didn't drive away until he entered the hospital.

This time, Chen Qun did not directly examine Xiao Cai. Instead, he entered the system space and directly asked the system to conduct a thorough examination on the simulated patients.

After all, it's better to be in the system space than to take chances outside.

Opposition system is a universal tool for him. Why not? It is impossible for him to put such a good tool for the sake of a so-called great master without a reason.

He hasn't been so affected, let alone anti intellectual.

What he didn't expect was that when he first entered the system space to detect, several question marks on the diagnostic panel immediately disappeared. It looks like he missed a hidden mission.

But Chen Qun doesn't mind at all. All the doctors in the world don't have a system cheating device. They do the same operation. Is it possible for him to hold on to the broken system and not do the operation without it?

After more than ten hours in the system space, Chen Qun finally found the culprit, which made him angry. The patient's condition and his guess is the same, is infectious poisoning. If it wasn't for the fact that Xiao Cai, a girl, had to carry out high-intensity training every day, which led to the defect of factor H, I'm afraid that she would not be able to find the cause of death in the end.

In particular, this infectious poison is absurdly simple, that is, drinking water after radiation. Radiation causes cell mutation. It's definitely targeted at someone. Besides, if the driver suddenly has a problem, it is likely to drag down Su wanting.

It's just that if the drugs used to treat this kind of disease were replaced by last year's, he would need to use a variety of treatment methods together to completely cure the patients. But now, he happens to have a special medicine in his hand, which can cure the disease!

Chen Qun returns to the real world from the operation space, and directly catches Zhao Xue, who is on the night shift at the expense of Qi Hong, so that she won't burn the rice cooker with Zhou Lin in the middle of the night for hours. Anyway, she has become a big money, and she can afford the overseas telephone.

"Zhao Xue, wait for you to give an injection of tranquilizer to the patient sent by President Su, and then go to two careful female nurses to thoroughly examine the patient's whole body skin to see if there are needle eyes or other small injuries, especially the scalp position."

Zhao Xue is silent for a while, just some hesitant ground inquires.

"Do you suspect her of any bad habits?"

Chen Qun looked at her speechless and waved weakly.

"You hang out with Ouyang Yang all day long. It's becoming more and more unreliable. If there's really bad behavior, it's more appropriate for me to do toxicology test, and you need to find a needle size wound? I'll tell you the truth. I think her symptoms have something to do with mite bites, which may be the cause. If you look for it tomorrow, it's very likely that the wound will disappear and heal. "

Zhao Xue pats her chest and sticks out her tongue.

"It startled me. I thought I was infected with something illegal. It turned out that you were talking about mosquito bites. OK, now I know. I'll take the super magnifying glass to look at it. I'll call you when the result comes out. "

Chen Qun looks at Zhao Xue's back and glances at the dark night sky. I know that this time he used Zhao Xue, a nurse who likes little gossip, to have an examination. The first is to pretend to be a bully. The second is to deceive the real behind the scenes emissary, so that he can rest assured that his ingenious way of harming others has not been exposed.

Sure enough, Chen Qun went back to the hospital again to give the patient a strange examination, which surprised Qi Hong. However, he didn't ask and stop him. He just said hello to the doctor on duty in the VIP ward. Two hours, Qi Hong saw Zhao Xue's inspection results, can't help but some stunned.

On the patient's head, there was redness and swelling under the scalp, and there was a trend of ulceration, which was more consistent with her conjecture of H factor defect, and let her know that she was right.

But the next day, less than 11 o'clock, Chen Qun completed his first case of optical tweezers macular biopsy, and the result was negative. Qi Hong began to doubt whether she had made a wrong diagnosis?

Instead, Chen Qun stood in Qi Hong's place and spoke for her.

"The cells in the patient's eyeball did not die, in addition to indicating that it may not be factor H defect, but there is a greater possibility that it may not work normally. If it's just cytokine H deficiency, I think a lot of tissue necrosis on the scalp of the patient has already indicated a big problem, that is, the patient continues to deteriorate. We need to treat the patient first, and then consider what the reason is

Such strange words come out of Chen Qun's mouth, which makes Qi Hong eyebrow.

"Chen Qun, I wonder if you are in the guise of Ouyang Yang? Her tissue necrosis, as if it was a kind of virus that could not leak and come and go freely, was ravaging her body, causing her to have giant cell arteritisChen Qun shook his head.

"There must be some invisible protein that allowed the virus to ravage her lungs, then move up and down between her pleura, and finally to his head. If we use conventional treatment, there will be a choice problem. Whether we are using antibiotics or steroids, we need to wait beside her with a defibrillator, so as to rescue her at any time. And taking medicine every day requires full vigilance in this case, so that her heart will not bear the heavy load and explode directly. "

Qi Hong recognized the implication of Chen Qun.

"Do you mean there are other specific drugs... Eh, you have accepted Beitiao Yangling to explain the benefits, and you still need to continue to promote her drugs?"

Chen Qun nodded.

"If circumstances permit, I can also use zebrafish for experiments. But now the situation is very serious, we can directly use the active agent of Beitiao Yangling to alleviate her condition. Although there are not many drugs left, there are still two courses of drugs for Mr. Yang. We only need three days to save a person's life. As for the shortage, we can buy some from Dr. Dudley at a high price. "

Hearing Chen Qun's creative idea, Qi Hong knew that this might be the easiest way. At least, this kind of active agent has shown strong active benefits in many patients. It is the most reasonable scheme to treat this protein deficient patient.

In fact, compared with Chen Qun's novel super surgery, this kind of active agent is the great discovery that should win the Nobel Prize in medicine. It can save thousands of lives, not the same number of eyes.

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