Qi Hong and Zhao Xue immediately stand side by side with Dongfang Wenxin and stare at Chen Qun.

"Why do you know she's allergic to quinine? What is the reason? "

Small sample, I will not say the reason, you have no system space, can't directly clone a patient, make all the examination. It's nothing to say!

"I'm sorry, there's no reason. If you have to find one, it's the feeling. You can find the most suitable conclusion at random, and shoot the arrow first and then turn the target. "


Miss Dongfang lightly kicked Chen Qun's ankle and tried to shame him on her cheek.

Qi Hong is Leng a Leng, just take surprised look at him.

"It means that you are not sure up to now, but have an idea and found the most reliable reason to test? In other words, you're just taking a chance, aren't you? "

"Why not? It's just a small test anyway. "

"Chen Qun, can't you afford to lose? It's all a matter of luck? "

Miss Dongfang immediately connected with this hateful guy. What she is angry about is not Chen Qun's cheating, but what she is even more angry about is that her damned database didn't retrieve this one.

It doesn't matter whether the patient says it or not. But the computer program actually missed this item, which means that there are errors and omissions in the calculation method!

In other words, Chen Qun completely negated her improved version!

It's all my boyfriend's fault. Next time, I'll catch him to be a mouse in the computer and let him fight each other with computer AI. No matter who survives, it's the best way to improve intelligent AI!

At the thought of this good idea, Miss Dongfang could not help but burst out a smile from the corner of her mouth.

I don't know why, when Chen Qun saw his girlfriend's strange expression, his heart was filled with unprecedented terror. Knowing that he wanted the truth this time, he didn't want his girlfriend, so he naturally died ugly. Maybe it's very likely that it will become what the news said these days. It's possible to murder in the middle of the night and then dismember.

It's something that girlfriends can do, but for the eldest lady, there are countless appalling ways, which are more desolate than dismembering.

no zuo no die!

Chen Qun knows that the first lady has come up with a good way to deal with him. The only thing he needs now is to put out the fire and eliminate the first lady's anger.

"Xiaoxin, you know what. The core idea of your cloud diagnosis is to search keywords and then cross compare them. This method has a high diagnostic rate for common cases; But for the uncommon atypical cases, the algorithm error will lead to errors, or even unable to give the answer. "

It's called distracting his girlfriend, so he can get away.

Of course, Chen Qun didn't think that he was a wise man. He always had some mistakes. Just as he said, "if you don't die, you won't die." he jumped into the center of the young lady's hatred and filled the young lady's hatred value, causing a critical hit!

The young lady was very upset. She saw that this guy began to tell her how to do her algorithm. It's a suicide attempt!

However, we can't let this guy with bad water know his intention, otherwise he will try to please himself with strange and exquisite products. I suspect that this guy has prepared a lot of small gifts to make him happy. This time, he'll have a big happy.

The first lady immediately stares at Chen Qun without any trace, and then stares at him without shame.

"Dr. Chen, you are the real doctor. You have better ideas than you. Why don't you tell me?"

This is to express a little dissatisfaction, let you know that my aunt is very angry, but not very angry, give you some room to remedy. To paraphrase the most fashionable words, you are on the first floor. It seems that my aunt is on the second floor. In fact, I am on the fifth floor.

Seeing this, Chen Qun immediately gave full play to his free speech.

"You know, the biggest drawback of your algorithm is that you need all symptoms of each disease, and then you can use the search to exclude and compare, and finally screen out the most appropriate answer. This can be said to be almost impossible. Whether it is the patient itself or the disease itself, it is in fact a fuzzy state, which cannot be determined completely. So, your algorithm is very effective for common diseases, but for atypical diseases, it's just a fault diagnosis! "

"What I have known for a long time, need you to say? Don't stand and talk without backache. Do you give a better solution? I believe you

Chen Qun can't help but show a glimmer of joy. If anything else, he may be a layman, but for pretending to be a broken system following the principles of World Physics, he has already told him what is a living AI."In fact, the method is very simple. You can directly apply the system of the hospital. When a patient is admitted to the hospital, he will be divided into a general category and sent to different departments, and then focus on the condition of each department. If with the appearance of the examination results, then confirm or deny. In other words, in the first classification, it is assumed that he is what kind of disease, and the most suitable one is selected for analysis. As for other 2345 possibilities, we will not analyze them for the time being. It must be a possible negation before starting the following. Of course, when determining, we should also compare the confirmed condition with the condition that has not been analyzed to see which one is more likely. "

When Dongfang Wenxin hears Chen Qun's long speech, she just sniffs at it. It's a disgrace. It's just a platitude.

"Dr. Chen, you underestimate the computing speed of the computer. For ordinary people, it's very difficult to retrieve. For the computer, it's probably a 0.1 second operation."

This girl was cheated, this is the sorrow of science students! As soon as I heard something professional, I immediately forgot to pursue other things.

Chen Qun chuckles, adds salt and vinegar, and talks nonsense.

"No, no, no, my first lady. You don't understand me yet. I want you to set up a one vote veto right in front of each disease and find the most appropriate data to determine or negate the disease. For many diseases, there is a simple negative and positive test. Although it is not necessarily correct to use this condition to determine a case, it is relatively correct and can diagnose most people. The old method looks old-fashioned, but it's actually the most appropriate one. "

It's a long way from the point of view.

Fearing that his girlfriend would not be cheated, Chen Qun immediately took out the example of breaking the system to describe it.

"If your algorithm is a real artificial AI, then for any patient, it will ask to find out which disease is the main one. The first step is to search the data to determine. The principles of human brain and computer are the same, but the second part is diagnosis, which needs the support of physiological data. If you don't support it, you're wrong. There are two reasons for this mistake. One is its own mistakes. Another is that other reasons lead to the detection of data errors, hiding the truth. Second, no matter. Let's talk about the first diagnosis first. You need to have a general direction, not a aimless search. "

This is what the broken system gave him, and it's also the basic rule of doctors' diagnosis in the real world. Since the broken system is used so skillfully, it shows that this method is also the best way of computer calculation, casually fooling my girlfriend.

When Dongfang hears Xin, an unprecedented idea comes to mind. I know that the diagnosis method she is using now is actually to take a gourd and draw a ladle and compare them one by one. Almost the same diagnosis can be made. But Chen Qun's method is to check it again after comparison. Her algorithm lacks the checking process, or puts the checking process in a humble position.

Hum, for the sake of your stupid idea of improving the algorithm, I will spare you this time. Next time I'll let you be my model of AI algorithm and create a humanoid diagnosis system.

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