"Sir, now your left brain dominates your body. Everything is decided by it. But to your right brain, it's like the abandoned twin brother, with almost no voice. All his opinions are unable to communicate with you, so he will make all kinds of abnormal actions to resist your tyranny. Maybe you need to communicate with the other half of your brain

"Wait, I don't understand. How can I communicate with me?"

"It's actually very simple. The brain structure of the human body is very complex. A few days ago, I performed right hemisphere resection for a patient to ensure his life safety. As for the resected right hemisphere, it died more than 20 years ago and became a complete burden. But your situation is different. Your right brain is still alive, but it is ignored by you. You need to be responsible for your rational thinking and logical thinking of the left brain, and take the initiative to communicate with the right brain. "

Chen Qun saw Henry, a patient lying in the MRI machine, and explained a small request to him through the walkie talkie. Of course, Chen Qun did not expect the patient to understand what he meant. His remarks were actually told to all the doctors who watched after the camera.

Foreign doctors, especially those in one of the world's most famous hospitals, are most interested in brain surgery and brain cases.

Chen Qun's remarks are actually some kind of psychotherapy. After all, the current patient is also split personality to some extent, just responsible for the standby part of the right hemisphere, has not really formed a real personality, completely relying on emotion, directly to make trouble for the patient.

It would be a surprise if he could use psychotherapy to solve the problem of his left hand's disobedience. If not, he has a final step, direct physical intervention, surgery to re connect his missing connection.

What's more, we don't know much about human brain mechanism and modern science and technology. Just like Pangpang, a gifted and incompetent pianist, he has lived as well without his right brain for more than 20 years. Although one part is damaged, the brain mechanism may even establish new connections in other places to replace the original function.

Now the patient is in a condition, probably because the new connection has failed.

"Chen Qun, when you speak, the right hemisphere doesn't have any nerve reflex or any brain wave changes. Even when you threaten to remove the right hemisphere, it always keeps quiet. Although the test failed, but at least shows a problem, is his right hemisphere like you

Qi Hong looks at the screen of the monitor and can't help teasing Chen Qun.

"Liked by a patient's right hemisphere brain? What kind of expression should I have? Is it a celebration, or is it a sign of my charm? "

When Chen Qun Cai said this, the corner of his mouth turned up. In terms of charm, he really has several numerical points, which are much higher than ordinary people.

Qi Hong knew that the closer Chen Qun's hypothesis was to the truth, the happier he would be. He could not help but continue to pour cold water on it.

"Maybe, let's tell sister Xin what her expression is? At this time, it's morning on her side. It's just a revelation. "

Qi Hong quickly takes out her mobile phone and sends out a message. In the blink of an eye, she hears the voice of Dongfang Wenxin.

"Chen Qun is liked by an independent right hemisphere, or by a man? As his girlfriend, what kind of expression should I give? Or what do you think of this guy? Eh, I suddenly found a very strange thing, that is, all irrational patients, whether mental patients or children, especially like Chen Qun. It shows that he has the potential to attract bees and butterflies. "

"In fact, it also shows a firm fact that I can't attract any rational thinking people. In other words, I'm only liked by idiots and children, which should be a great sorrow! "

Miss Dongfang's voice rang through the infirmary here.

"Chen Qun, you are too risk averse and sensitive. Explain is cover up, cover up is a problem, you are ready to kneel down! "

Qi Hong shook his head helplessly and complained about the phone.

"Early in the morning, you two are sprinkling dog food and pouring your dog food to us. Isn't that a bit too vicious?"

When Chen Qun heard this sentence, he suddenly thought of a simpler solution. Don't he have some of the world's top neurologists? Although one of them has become his enemy, the other is a true friend of his heart. He is more happy to see them fighting.

"Xiaoxin, you really remind me that I may have a more incredible way to operate on patients."

As soon as he finished, he took out the phone and dialed Sir Victor's number."Sir, don't you have bionic nerves there? I need some of your bionic nerve to establish the original neural connection of the corpus callosum for my patient. As long as we leave enough space for the nerve cell sheath to connect freely, we can realize half of the bionic nerve connection, half of the original nerve connection, and finally the bionic nerve will become a part of our own nerve. "

When Chen Qun said this, he found that some of his words didn't convey his meaning. He organized his language to give a supplementary explanation.

"There are still many problems with bionic neural technology, but at least you are the authority in this field. I need to invite you to complete this schizophrenic operation for me and establish a damaged link. We can use the bionic nerve as a nerve growth bridge to conduct an induced nerve growth operation. This should be the most applicable method at this stage. "

Sir Victor's voice was silent at one end of the phone, and then he asked slowly.

"Chen, do you mean to improve the use of my research results, from the original main replacement method to the modern bridge frame function, to induce the nerve growth of the human body? This... Yes, if you just link the corpus callosum, this method is not only feasible, but also very fast. Unfortunately, it can not solve the problem of long-distance nerve induced growth link

Chen Qun has a bold idea in his mind, and he can't help giving an incredible answer.

"Maybe your bionic nerve can use real human nerve cells to induce growth, make different DNA types, and solve the problem of neural connection of some people first. Your idea is to find a universal nerve that uses most of the human body. But we all know that human rejection is very serious. Why not use custom-made style

Cried Sir Victor.

"The cost... Maybe we should solve the problem, and then talk about the cost! Chen, you're learning too much from Dudley! "

When Chen Qun saw that he agreed to help, he felt that he had not misjudged the British gentleman with the bottom line.

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