"The nerve conduction velocity test index was normal, and carpal tunnel syndrome was officially excluded; The patient had no obvious trauma and no scald. The blood circulation test was normal and blood diseases were excluded. The next step is to have a neurological examination. Eliza, ask your friend what else you need to add. "

Qi Hong looks at the data of a few simple tests on his hand and asks Eliza who has changed into a white coat. But in Charlotte hospital, they also need to be restrained. They must carry out the test step by step from a rigorous point of view. To some extent, it can be regarded as doing as the Romans do.

For the Germans, rigor is their national nature. Even if it can't be extended to the whole nation, it's absolutely necessary for the doctors and nurses in Charlotte hospital. It's also their golden rule and can't be violated.

Although Qi Hong felt that some examinations were unnecessary, he had to give detailed data. Who knows their diagnosis process and how many people are secretly paying attention to it.

"I suggest you have a mercury poisoning test, but I just saw from the Internet that the erythematous myalgia caused by mercury poisoning is very similar to my condition. Maybe we just need a little test to solve all the problems. "

A network cloud doctor immediately expressed another view. Qi Hong was embarrassed by his diligent and studious attitude towards this kind of guy whose laptop is always on hand and is searching anytime and anywhere.

"It seems that you can solve all your problems without a doctor? We're not as authoritative as what you search on the Internet? "

Eliza's got a big eye on this hateful guy!

"With all due respect, it's common for doctors to make mistakes. The misdiagnosis rate of doctors all over the world is as high as 30%. In other words, your doctors choose one of dozens of diseases to test. If you are right, you have nothing to say. But if it's wrong, go on to the next test. In many cases, you can't find the real condition at all. "

Eliza was not polite at all to such a smart guy, but she retorted directly.

"I'm really sorry. If the doctor's misdiagnosis rate is 30%, the patient's own misdiagnosis rate is as high as 87%. In other words, the doctor may not be able to diagnose correctly, but the patient must be wrong. Do you think you're a doctor of medicine, or are you more talented than anyone else? "

"But in this case of knowledge sharing, I only need a small algorithm to eliminate and screen out the diseases that have nothing to do with my symptoms and conduct self diagnosis. Your doctor's theory of diagnosis is also what I see on the Internet. It doesn't make any difference. So why is the doctor's personal judgment better than the computer algorithm? "

Chen Qun thought the theory of the patient was too interesting. He immediately translated it and told his original text to several colleagues who knew nothing about German.

"If Xiaoxin were here, she would definitely have met a bosom friend!"

Chen Qun said that this may be another common phenomenon abroad, believing in the Internet is more confident than believing in professionals. But I don't know that most of the things on the Internet are very simple, because most of the complex things are incomprehensible.

The simplest example is advanced mathematics. Countless contents are available on the Internet, but few of them really understand it. In other words, all those who search for answers on the Internet have a utilitarian mentality, hoping to skip the process and get the right answers from the Internet.

In other words, there are only two kinds of people in the world who ignore the intermediate process and get the answer directly. One is a liar, and the other is a real immortal.

"The pain in my palms is sporadic, not persistent, and completely consistent with the hypothesis of mercury poisoning. It's definitely worth a routine poison test and blood test. "

Chen Qun looked at the network cloud doctor and began to creak crooked diagnosis, but did not want to take him to follow the process of diagnosis, he first carried out a virtual diagnosis.

It's funny to think of it. This guy never knows that the one who beat his real cloud diagnosis is actually a more magical cloud diagnosis. Perhaps in this world, the only thing that can defeat the network system is the network system itself.

Just this time, Chen Qun came up with a good idea to diagnose in system space. Since the system is also a kind of computer, why not learn from the broken system, and then apply the basic principles of the broken system to reality, which may also promote the progress of computer technology.

In other words, this broken system seems to reward him with an expert level technology of computer programming, so that he can use these systems for various calculations.

From now on, he has carried out numerous simulated patient examinations in the system space, and finally summarized the examination scheme. In other words, it's a thorough and difficult biopsy. For the real world, if a patient has so many biopsies, there will only be one result, that is, he will go directly to God before the examination is finished.But for the system space, Chen Qun has no moral pressure and psychological pressure at all. After all, it's just a simulated clone breaking the system. This is the real black technology. It is impossible for human beings to have this kind of completely copied technology for at least several hundred years.

More than four hours passed in a blink of an eye in the system, and Chen Qun also got the result he needed most, a rare disease.

Now, just categorize his detection into a range that points in the right direction.

Chen Qun returns to the real world and shakes his fingers at several colleagues in the room.

"Good. Now let's speculate which diseases will have hallucinations and inflammation of the wrist. Hallucination is a neurological problem, but inflammation of the wrist should be a blood or tissue problem. I suggest a test for amyloidosis. After all, we had this symptom last time, and it's consistent with the patient's reaction. "

Qi Hong laughs, takes out the panel in his hand, calls out the diagnosis program of Miss Dongfang, and randomly selects an answer.

"If you want to take a chance, I believe in Xinjie's procedure. I choose the one with the highest probability in the procedure diagnosis, light chain precipitation, which covers a wider range than your amyloidosis. As for the reason, that's the girl's intuition. "

Looking at these familiar guys, Eliza began to argue again, and this time the pattern has evolved. She explained it directly with the big data diagnostic program, and she couldn't help laughing.

"Don't tell that guy that you have a very advanced diagnostic program, or he will hack your computer and steal your program. My computer hacking skills, but he taught me. Wait, I seem to have said something I shouldn't have said. Can I take back the following paragraph? "

Ouyang Yang saw Qi Hong's unexpected choice of a conclusion with a high probability, so naturally he had to go out of the ordinary way and choose a very remote answer, which ranked last.

"Then I'll choose Fabry's disease. I suggest a test for it."

When Chen Qun heard that little apple gave the result he wanted unexpectedly, he suddenly felt that it was too easy to guide others on the Internet. He just needs to modify the data and put this symptom at the bottom of the system. The small apple who likes to raise a bar mostly chooses this disease.

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