"Or, the patient has high blood pressure. I just received a medical record from his family doctor, which shows that the patient has been taking beta blockers in recent months. I stopped taking it last week because I was afraid of drug addiction. Maybe it's a little bit helpful for the argument between the two of you. "

Eliza looked at the e-mail she had just sent in her hand and told the two guys who had a heated argument.

Chen Qun's and Qi Hong's faces became strange, and they both looked at Eliza.

Qi Hong couldn't help asking.

"Don't you doubt it's something else?"

Eliza glanced at the document before shaking her head.

"You may think that he is a drug addict. Believe me, in Europe, these people can get the best drugs. They have all kinds of products. They don't take antidepressants and high blood pressure blockers. Because the cost performance is too low, especially it is impossible for the family doctor to prescribe

Qi Hong just remembered the patient's status. Naturally, he didn't lack a little money like doping. In addition, these things are absolutely hidden from other people. Naturally, it is impossible to find prescription drugs from family doctors.

"Since he has high blood pressure, that should explain all his symptoms. However, to be on the safe side, I suggest a tumor test and embolization test. After all, the patient's condition is deteriorating, even a bar of applause can cause him to faint, which is not the normal reaction of patients with high blood pressure. "

Chen Qun felt that this time he didn't get any improvement in the system, and he didn't want to use the system for investigation. He wanted to really do a normal doctor's diagnosis and see how high his medical skills were if he couldn't open it.

Of course, Chen Qun will not shamelessly think that his skills strengthened by the system have no help for his diagnosis. However, Chen Qun believes that most of these medical theories can be found out by the girlfriend's diagnosis system alone. As for the rest, it's still a matter of luck.

The biggest advantage of the system is that it can get on the bus first and then buy tickets. It can thoroughly check the simulated patients without dead angle, which is impossible in reality.

Now, without the help of the system, he has to rely on himself to find anything that has been ignored from various inspection results, and finally give the correct answer.

At the thought of this, Chen Qun added a request.

"In addition, the detection of the patient's cytokines, perhaps autoimmune deficiency, whether indirect or direct, may also cause his symptoms."

Eliza sent the patient's condition directly to her online account. What's different from the past is that she sent it to her own wechat group this time. Since she went to China, she has become more and more fond of the information exchange software with the integration of payment, work, communication and entertainment.

In her personal wechat group, there are only some of her classmates and young colleagues in the hospital. As for most of the attending doctors in the hospital, it is impossible to use this software, and she does not have to consult these people.

In fact, without her sending messages, Chen Qun's miraculous diagnosis in the morning has spread all over the hospital and even spread to the medical school. As soon as her news was sent out, many colleagues expressed their views one after another.

These tests are too common. They make a good start, but then they are mediocre. I thought there would be some magic way to give some magic diagnosis. Even an intern who just graduated can give these test requirements. Of course, as long as there is no problem with the general direction and enough money, you can complete all the tests you imagine.

Eliza was not surprised to see the lemonade's "I can do it" speech. After all, she thought so at the beginning. As a result, Chen Qun smashed her confidence one after another. After that, she seriously learned from Chen Qun. She knew very well, and she seemed to be able to infer similar results. But in the middle, there are mistakes, that is, many details are ignored.

Now, these lemon essence colleagues and classmates, she also wants to let these guys taste the taste of being beaten in the face by Chen Qun.

"Well, let's make a bet. I'll take the odds of three to one. Anyone who thinks Chen can't solve this problem within 24 hours will get three times the compensation; If you can give the exact condition, it's ten times the compensation. It's a two-hour bet. "

Chen Qun, of course, didn't know that Eliza was making a bet with him. At this time, she was very careful to turn it over on her mobile phone. Looking at dozens of answers given by her girlfriend's diagnostic program, she made a negative one by one.

He needs more information first!

While Chen Qun was thinking, Eliza suddenly stood up and handed his mobile phone to him."Chen, it looks like you're in more trouble than that. Just now, the emergency center received a 27 year old female patient at the airport. She was a fashion model and CEO of a cosmetics company. She had the same symptoms. She suffered from intense intermittent earache and fainted directly at the airport. She was on the way to the airport by helicopter. I have applied to the president for this patient. Fortunately, my grandfather has heard that you have the same patient and has decided to let you take over and let you two treat together. "

The same symptoms?

Chen Qun looked up at Eliza.

"Are they related by blood?"

“NO! This female CEO is an American to the core. She mainly develops in France and Italy and seldom comes to Germany. As for the blood relationship, I just searched on the Internet. There is almost no intersection between the two people. It is very likely that they do not know each other. Why do you think they are related, not infected or poisoned? "

Chen Qun looked at the information in his hand and gave a definite answer directly.

"The probability rate is not the same symptom. Comparing the data we have, we do not support the hypothesis of infection and poisoning. Of course, it doesn't rule out that they had the same blood lineage hundreds of years ago, and they all inherited the same disease. "

Since the second symptom appeared, Chen Qun and Qi Hong stood up to pick up the patient while discussing with Qi Hong.

"Do you think these two same rich people are from the same family, or have a tryst somewhere, and come into contact with the same source of infection?"

Qi Hong thought for a moment and choked Chen Qun directly.

"The probability is not allowed. If you are infected with the same source of infection, you can't have the current symptoms. Have you noticed that the first patient you received had no symptoms of tinnitus and tinnitus at all, while the second patient had tinnitus. It's two different conditions

Hearing Qi Hong's explanation, Chen Qun immediately gave up the idea of using the system to find the real cause, and decided to continue to complete the diagnosis of two similar cases like Qi Hong.

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