It's almost impossible that the brain waves of the two little girls are almost the same. But it is not ruled out that the minimum probability is similar. Chen Qun's mind just came up with this idea, and in the twinkling of an eye he felt relieved. Yang Yiyun and Du Ya synchronous brain waves did not continue, blink of an eye to become different.

But just the two seconds of synchronization, let Chen Qun know that this is absolutely not an accidental phenomenon, should be Du Ya in mirror Yang Yiyun's nerve operation. There are countless questions. How can a normal person imitate another person's neural activity? To achieve synchronization, only the theory of quantum entanglement can explain it.

But even if it is the ultimate trick -- "something is not decided, quantum mechanics", it can not be explained. Because quantum entanglement is only for two specific quantum, not one quantum can imitate any other quantum.

Well, imitation is an inevitable condition of animal and even biological evolution. It's a kind of nature, and it's branded into genes. But so far, human beings can't determine the efficacy of gene combination, let alone find more complex irrational thinking activities.

However, at least from this data comparison, we can know one thing, that is, mirror syndrome really starts directly from neural activity, which is a pure imitation, not controlled by individual will, even in the stage of single cell biology.

Chen Qun in the mind unreliable reverie, heard the East smell Xin to the microphone issued a command.

"Well, now both of you are paying attention and starting to daydream about the objects on the TV picture. The simpler the better!"

With the voice of the eldest lady, on the computer screen in front of Chen Qun, countless disordered blue textures appear on the screen, and it is almost impossible to recognize what they are. But the most amazing phenomenon happened. On the left screen, countless textures flickered, suddenly converged into a round thing, and even a little bit of Apple could be seen.

It seems that the screen is also synchronized. As a clear image appears on one screen, the color spots on the other screen gradually become the head of a fuzzy person, at least a man.

Dongfang elder sister and younger sister happily gave Chen Qunbai a look and asked questions in front of the microphone.

"Xiao Yiyun, Du ya, tell me separately, what are you thinking now?"

"I'm thinking about the apple in the picture."

"I'm thinking about Uncle apple!"

Two completely different answers, let the people in the room silent, don't know what to do. If this kind of machine translation ability can achieve this step, it is completely possible to realize the super mirage world in the matrix with the progress of technology.

In particular, it also involves the operation of the most magical mirror nerve. Yang Yiyun is thinking about "apple". Du ya, who has no communication, has the appearance of Ouyang Yang, a small apple in his mind. Although this kind of mirror image appears deviation, or some kind of coincidence, there is definitely some internal neural connection.

Chen Qun felt that there were too many words in his mouth to ask, and finally he only asked the most critical question.

"Xiao Xin, how do you translate brain waves into some patterns?"

Dongfang Wenxin smiles confidently. She looks directly at Chen Qun, and then gives these guys some basic knowledge of computer field.

"Don't you know that the field of artificial intelligence was divided into two schools 50 or 60 years ago. One is convolutional neural network which imitates the activity of human brain cells and forms its own language system, called sparse coding. The first principle of imitation is to express the image produced by the simple perceptual field of vision in the VI region of the main visual cortex of the human eye with sparse arrangement. Finally, the mathematical model is established and the mathematical model of basis function is obtained

"Then in the 1980s and 1990s, Professor mickison of Harvard Medical School conducted a large-scale study on the electrophysiological phenomena of primate visual cortex and cat visual cortex. The results showed that the expression of complex stimuli in mammalian visual cortex was based on sparse coding principle."

"The professor's research finally shows that there are 50 million neurons in the fourth layer of the V1 region of the primary visual cortex, which is equivalent to so many basis functions, while there are only 1 million neurons in the retina and lateral geniculate body responsible for visual perception. Perhaps the easy to understand electronic theory is that the output neurons are only 50% of the whole system, It is very effective, which shows that this strategy is very feasible. "

The first time he saw his girlfriend incarnate as an old expert and Professor, Chen Qun immediately raised his hand and surrendered.

"For a moment. I understand every word you say, but together, I find that I don't understand you at all. It seems that I went to a fake medical school. Why don't I know anything about these things! Well, I understand what you mean by neuron partitioning, and I know a little bit of math. But all in all, it's just a piece of cake. "Chen Qun finished, and then carefully from his mind to search for this content, found that he did not have such knowledge. Either the system has not opened enough treasure boxes, and has not yet developed these useless scientific research skills, or the system has been broken and deliberately hidden.

Of course, Chen Qun is not entangled in this issue. Dongfang Wenxin did not continue to explain and gave a summary directly.

"To put it simply, this system is actually a scientific research achievement that has been studied abroad for decades. It has been proved to exist specifically, and even made a simple data algorithm. It's just that the initial algorithm is too backward, and the idea of the equation you inadvertently created is right. I applied it to this algorithm and found that it matches very well, so it's being improved. If it succeeds, it's another smarter alpha dog! "

Chen Qun thought about it and asked a question similar to an idiot.

"You mean the famous Go program alpha dog uses the convolutional neural network algorithm you call it?"

"Correct answer, plus ten. In fact, it's not only the alpha dog, but also the small broom. I'm going to upgrade the small broom and let it clean independently in a simulated environment to see how much it can learn. All right, cut the crap. That's the end of today's experiment. Let's go to dinner first and come back later to continue the experiment! "

Miss Dongfang pressed the button next to her, turned on the light in the test room, and said hello to the two girls.

"If you wait for Qiuyue's new farmhouse to have dinner, you two kids are not allowed to eat snacks, so that you won't be able to eat anything in the past."

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