"Yes, the child has been suffering from ADHD since childhood. In addition, she is easily emotional. Since she was nine years old, Guo, director of Pediatrics of the first people's Hospital, has given her diazepam to ease her mood. Not overdose is very small, a valium is cut into four, take one every night. Professor Chen, how do you know? "

Facing this problem, Chen Qun's mouth twitches a little. If he really wants to explain, he can write a thesis, and the complexity is no less than completing an advanced mathematics problem. In addition, the cause is another metaphysical mirror syndrome. I feel the girl's problem in front of me. It's very difficult to explain, so I simply don't explain it.

Chen Qun pointed to the purple scar on the girl's upper arm and directly asked about another thing.

"If this injury is caused by trauma, even if your parents don't take her to the hospital, they will confidently buy medicine to deal with it. But you don't seem to know that it's not caused by ordinary injuries. There's no smell of ointment or wine on your arm, which means everything. It should be caused by blood disease. Director Li, has the blood test sheet come out yet? "

"The test sheet has come out for a long time. From the results of the test sheet, it's not thrombocytopenia, and it can't be septicemia caused by vitamin K deficiency..."

At this time, deputy chief physician li of the emergency center was like an apprentice, carefully answering Chen Qun's questions. It was not that he was afraid of his own mistakes, But really want to know, why does this symptom appear? What kind of answer will Chen Qun give?

"If the routine examination is normal, there are not many explanations left. It's probably caused by a transient ischemic attack. This kind of disease is just like the name, the onset time is very short. Excuse me, did the child have any other conditions in his normal life? How is her relationship with her classmates? Do you have any good friends? "

The woman thought for a moment, looked at the girl on the bed anxiously, and suddenly made a request to the two doctors in the room.

"Can we go out and talk about it?"

When she said this, she kept staring at deputy director Li, who was introduced by her colleagues. Only then did she find that the 40 year old doctor was looking at the young doctor in front of him with a straight face, as if he was listening to the opinions of the superior doctor.

Isn't that a bit off the mark? But it's not surprising to think that here is Xiangyun hospital, where the best doctors in the country gather, and there are one or two young looking professors. Otherwise, a doctor who seems to be in his twenties can't be a professor at all, especially a professor in Xiangyun hospital. Countless doctors in their forties and fifties can't get this title.

Waiting for another room next door, the woman lowered her voice and said something embarrassed.

"This child made a friend on the Internet this year, and tutored her every day on the Internet. Her grades improved rapidly, and she was promoted from the middle to the bottom of the class to the top ten. I don't care about her. But a few days ago, she ran out to meet netizens. She came back one day and one night. She vomited and fretted these days, and her physiological cycle didn't appear. I doubt... Is she pregnant? "

At this point, the woman added.

"I secretly gave her two tests, and the results were all positive. I wanted to find a suitable time to ask, but she was suddenly allergic and sent to the hospital. Doctor, is it because she is young and pregnant? So I want to ask the hospital to give her another gynecological examination. "

"Have you met this netizen of hers?"

"No, but I've seen their QQ chat secretly. It's basically about learning, and I don't care so much... But I never dreamed that she would sneak out and do that kind of thing."

Chen Qun looks at some indifferent mothers, but says words of great concern. Is there something wrong with this kind of performance? While thinking, a word appeared in the corner of his eye, as if laughing at his stupidity and incompetence.

Your broken system has been down for several days. I thought you forgot your diagnostic system!

Chen Qun scolds the more and more mysterious broken system in his stomach. He is more and more convinced that Du Ya's perception is correct. He looks up and down at his indifferent mother for a few times before suddenly asking.

"Have you had a genetic test? I can feel your concern for your daughter from your words just now, but I can't see how much you care from your expression. This kind of performance, there is a professional term in medicine, called apathetic hyperthyroidism, this disease may be caused by the kidney, it may also be related to genes. If it's the latter, I probably know what your daughter's symptoms are! "

The woman was stunned and looked at Chen Qun. She was surprised and asked.

"What, you say I'm sick, too?""Yes, just a thyroid test will tell. Your work unit is a government department. You have to have a physical examination every year, but if you still don't find any problems, you can rule out your kidney problems. That's because it's genetic. Then your genes will be passed on to your daughter, causing other symptoms. However, you can be basically sure that your worry does not exist. I can prove it to you right away. You don't need to pass any tests. "

Chen Qun waved to Dr. Li, "you immediately call a woman doctor from the obstetrics and gynecology department. After I finish talking about her daughter's illness, I'll do a routine gynecological examination to dispel the mother's suspicion. Now I'll go and have a few words with your daughter, and you'll understand everything! "

The woman's mind was in a mess. She couldn't help but cast her eyes at Dr. Li, who she knew. She tried to ask him to help her retort, but she didn't know what to say. He was born with a poker face. As a result, the young doctor said that he was ill. If he changed to other places, he would have been slapped in the face.

But now director Li is also surprised, but has no doubt, as if Professor Chen's words are the golden rule. She wanted to see how he could prove that nothing else had happened to her.

Just as she was daydreaming, she saw that the pretty little nurse who followed her seemed to know what she was thinking. She whispered a word in her ear when she turned around.

"If you can't prove it, I suggest you complain. What kind of doctor is that? Do you need scientific evidence? Open your mouth! Also Professor, I think it's the howling animals popular on the Internet. I'll testify for you! "

The voice was not loud, but the two doctors heard it together. It seemed that they hesitated for a while. Then Dr. Li strode forward and went back, as if he was afraid that he would quarrel with Professor Chen.

Chen Qun's mouth twitches. He knows that his girlfriend is deliberately picking him up. He can't prove it later. The real troublemaker is Miss Dongfang.

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