As soon as Chen Qun's statement came out, the whole room was quiet. All doctors were thinking about this problem. For those experts engaged in medical testing, it took less than ten seconds to think about it, and they knew what the correct answer was.

A thin middle-aged man immediately stood up and asked Chen Qun a question.

"You mean that we already know what disease the patient is suffering from, but the instrument can't recognize the original strain, which leads to our wrong diagnosis?"

Chen Qun saw that he was carrying another type of nameplate. Although he didn't know who he was, he also knew that he was an expert in this field. He immediately nodded and continued to publish the lessons he had learned from breaking the system.

"Yes, I don't think it's possible to detect what the disease is because these patients were exposed to the original strains tens of thousands or even millions of years ago. So I came up with a relatively simple plan, which is to use the high-power electron microscope to check the patient's blood and spinal cord fluid again. Through electronic recognition technology and human eye observation, we can see if we can find out the specific reason. "

At this point, Chen Qun simply threw out the answer.

"Judging from the symptoms of these patients, except for Professor Yan, the situation of the remaining four male and female patients is the same. If we discard the examination results, several colleagues and I, as well as the computer search results, all think that it is primary amebic meningitis, which is the same as the initial diagnosis. We deny that this disease is due to the error of advanced instrument detection, which leads to the error of our judgment. "

Qi Hong and Dongfang Wenxin looked at him with disdain. They thought that he was going to publish something high and strange about the unknown primitive virus. As a result, this guy began to repeat his old tune. This time, the most extreme thing was that he thought that the instrument was wrong and all doctors' diagnoses were right.

This guy's brain circuit is really different from everyone else's. He's always against everyone. When everyone thinks it's a, he has to think it's B; Now we all think that when a, a common symptom, is denied by all kinds of examinations, he jumps out and says that the examination is wrong and the high-tech instrument is wrong.

It seems that, as he said, everyone thinks that he is a materialist medical scientist who seeks truth from facts; As a result, he played metaphysics and idealism from the beginning to the end. He played God's dice with one result at random. If he got it right, it was his victory. If he got it wrong, it was the problem of probability.

It's shameless to die! This is the existence of a god stick disguised as a doctor!

Ye Hanlin didn't expect Chen Qun to come up and directly throw out a fantastic statement. He confirmed the disease that everyone thought of and denied at the beginning, and then directly bombarded the high-tech instruments for making mistakes. If it had been someone else, he would have kicked him out of the meeting room.

This guy almost said that it was not me who was wrong, but the whole world.

At present, ye Hanlin restrained his temper and put forward a question directly.

"So you think testing under an electron microscope will give you the right answer? But even if you find the amoeba you're looking for, how do you know the current treatment is right? "

Chen Qun spread his hands and gave the answer.

"If amoeba is found, we can conduct drug tests in the laboratory to verify it twice. No matter what kind of amoeba, he is still an amoeba, with a high probability. Today's treatment is still effective on the strains of the past, and even the amoeba of the past is not resistant. We only need a very small dose of drugs to treat it. "

Ye Hanlin looks at Chen Qun and extinguishes everyone's excitement. He knows that countless experts, including the hospital, are expecting to find a new type of original virus, and then find the paper. But this guy went out of the ordinary way and made a very simple and well-known thing. If you don't know that his head has never made a mistake, you will definitely think that he is a conservative guy.

The Dean thought of Liu Yang and Yang Xiaoquan's comments on this guy.

"This is a deeply hidden conservative. His radicalism is actually based on the conservative road. He has always simplified complex problems, and he will never spare any effort to deal with things that can be dealt with simply. "

Ye Hanlin directly asked the most direct question.

"If your reasoning goes wrong, it's five lives."

"Yes, so in order to seize the time, I suggest that we use our existing resources to conduct a comprehensive examination with the electron microscopes of major provincial hospitals. Two hundred electron microscopes started at the same time. As long as ten or twenty electron microscopes find the same unknown, we will know what we are facing. "

Ye Hanlin saw that Chen Qun mentioned his greatest advantage. He knew that he was one of the fundamental initiators of this batch of equipment alone, and he was qualified to ask for it. What's more, this is also the most fair and reasonable method, which is completely in line with the laws of science. What's more, the leading power of several patients is in Xiangyun hospital. As long as Chen Qun insists, the final medical plan will be his.Unless other doctors give better advice and evidence.

Ye Hanlin directly stares at Chen Qun's eyes and says word by word.

"Professor Yan's situation is very dangerous. There is no time for further discussion. Chen Qun, how sure do you think your treatment plan is? Forget it, it's useless to say that at this time. I have a request. Now I will give Professor Yan to your group for treatment. If you can't rescue me, you won't have to participate in the next consultation. "

Chen Qun immediately stood up, "then I'll take our group to see the patients first!"

Just walked out the door, the east big young lady tooted the mouth to shout angrily.

"If you don't take part, you won't take part. It's like who's rare."

Qi Hong smiles and comforts the young lady.

"Sister Xin, you are too honest to recognize that President Ye is going to let Chen Qun preside over the consultation? Deliberately speaking a little hard words, that is, let Chen Qun take the facts to speak, other people have no room to refute. Besides, for Professor Yan, we all agree with Chen Qun's conjecture that it is mercury poisoning, but some reason has not been detected. "

The eldest lady shrunk her mouth in disapproval. Anyway, the matter between her and Chen Qun had been settled. If Chen Qun was hit by this, she would directly hand over the loving care hospital in Xiangjiang next door to Chen Qun for management. At that time, Chen Qun was the president and could do whatever she wanted.

However, as Chen Qun said, Professor Yan, who was rescued in the isolation ward, showed signs of improvement in the evening after injecting drugs. The most exciting thing for the young lady is that the original version of amoeba was found in the spinal fluid of 13 of the 16 optical tweezers in Yuecheng.

Ye Hanlin was not surprised by this discovery. The only surprise was that besides amoeba, a spore like organism was also found. No one knows what effect this pathogen has on patients.

As for the next treatment, naturally, it is impossible to carry out.

One of the original strains has made people think big, but there are two kinds, which may be the fundamental reason why all doctors in several hospitals are helpless.

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