Chapter 885 big step, pulling eggs

When Chen Qun is thinking wildly, Qi Hong, who is in charge of monitoring data, signals Chen Qun gently.

"Come and have a look. The physiological data of the patient looks normal, but it should be a little lower than his original data. What's more, there seems to be some tissue fluid seeping through the chip interface of his head. This should be a sign of inflammation. Should we stop the test? "

Chen Qun took a quick look and found that all the data were good. Only on his shaved scalp, through the transparent "brain wave machine" cover, could he still see the position of the silicon crystal plant. At this time, a little bit of yellowish brown tissue fluid had penetrated, just as Qi Hong said.

This is a sign of brain inflammation. His body's immune system is attacking the wound. These fluids are actually the "corpses" of various immune cells and bacteria and viruses who died after a fierce battle. Although we don't know whether it is inflammation inside the cerebral cortex or in the epidermis, it is very dangerous from any angle.

But at this time, the strong brain waves displayed on the monitor are all caused by inflammation of the motor nerve center of the brain.

"Stop the test immediately, Mr. David. Your wound is inflamed. You must stop all brain activity, or it will lead to more severe consequences. Your motor nerve center will be irreversibly damaged, and even lead to paralysis."

"No, I can still support it. I've got my feeling back for the first time. I have to seize this opportunity!"

David, who fell into a fanatical state, ignored Chen Qun's advice and continued to indulge in simulated racing games.

You need a professor yang to give you electric shock therapy!

Chen Qun makes a remark in his stomach. He doesn't give David the chance to continue to distinguish. He gives Zhao Xue a look at Qi Hong. The prepared nurse immediately takes up the anesthetic and injects it intravenously. In less than ten seconds, the fanatical Internet addict Racer immediately falls on the operating chair, and the experiment ends immediately.

As an attending doctor, Sir Victor reluctantly looks at Chen Qun and knows that this guy is a real doctor, not a medical scientist engaged in scientific research, or that he cares too much about the lives of patients. In some grey areas, he was always thinking about the patient, not the results of the trial.

"Chen, is this experiment a success or a failure?"

Chen Qun directly dispelled all the illusions of Sir Victor.

"Neither success nor failure. The rejection comes from the cerebral cortex. If it continues to deteriorate, we must remove the implanted silicon crystal chip immediately. From this point of view, it is not a success. But from the chip can accept the patient's nerve signal, it shows that the experiment is feasible. For about a week, the patient will not be able to perform any tests. Maybe we can wait and see if his inflammation is under control? "

Victor didn't care about the success or failure of an experiment. He was ready for failure. In other words, his idea is completely correct, but there is rejection in the application. The reasons include many aspects. As long as he finds out the reasons, he can solve this problem.

What's more, this time the brain suddenly appeared inflammatory symptoms, needless to say, the patients had a strong brain nerve activity, leading to adverse consequences. After all, it's the more advanced part of brain activity that's being tested, not just controlling the movement of a finger.

In a flash, Sir Victor had a new plan.

He needs more experimenters!

In China, the huge population base can provide him with more disabled patients. He only needs to select some young and strong people for the experiment, and there will be more reference results, and then make improvements. What's more, the cost here is much lower than that in Mayo Clinic in the United States. He can provide more free trials.

What's more, here are Chen Qun and the talented programmer Miss Dongfang, who can solve his fundamental problem -- the technical problem of translating neural pulse into programming language. A programmer with solid medical knowledge is two times better than a programmer who doesn't understand medicine at all.

Sir Victor immediately put down his suggestion to prevent Chen Qun from observing David, and confidently handed over the patient to them. As for his plan, he can directly contact the hospital leaders, and even use the brand of cooperation between Mayo Clinic and Xiangyun hospital to bypass some of Chen Qun's ethical pressure.

As long as the leader of Xiangyun hospital agrees, and he is 100% sure that the hospital agrees, the remaining obstacles are not obstacles.

Sir Victor looked up at Chen Qun.

"Chen, is my idea a little too radical? To paraphrase it in Chinese, I'm just going to take a big step? Do I need to slow down a little bit? Do the basic work first, and then consider the work of brain direct connection. "When a group of young people in the room heard him speak a Chinese sentence, they didn't understand what it meant at first, but they would come over in the blink of an eye, and they all laughed.

But they know that the foreigner is not only skillful in medicine, but also a genius. In just a few months, he has mastered the simple communication of Chinese. From the original understanding, he has been able to complete ordinary communication. To some extent, it is also for better cooperation with Chen.

For this reason alone, this typical British gentleman and aristocrat has won their respect. At least, he thinks that cooperation with some talents and equality are the basic requirements, rather than being as domineering as others. Of course, without Chen Qun here, he would not have come to cooperate.

Dongfang Wenxin, who is most interested in this technology, immediately gives a suggestion.

"In fact, sir Jazz's bionic manipulator is very ingenious in construction, and can make a lot of improvements in movement operation. This part is also the part of computer language application, which has something in common with our mechanical arm. If I can improve these movements, maybe the mechanical arm will get a good contrast. I totally agree with you. "

Chen Qun is about to answer, but Qi Hong, who is smearing anti-inflammatory drugs, stops his action and calls to Chen Qun.

"The patient's scalp is bleeding, so it needs to be sent to the operating room for implant removal immediately!"

Sir Victor didn't wait for any reaction from Chen Qun, so he gave Chen Qun a reassurance.

"Chen, please do the transplant operation immediately!"

Chen Qun hesitated for a second and immediately agreed. Now there is no system space to provide accurate simulation data. He can't make a better choice in advance, so he has to choose between "not so bad" and "worse". This may be the normal situation that real doctors face every day.

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