A very beautiful helmet, like a corolla, was taken out of Chen Qun's hand. It was not so much a helmet as a mask for a masquerade ball. On both sides there were two pairs of small wings shaped like angel wings, shining with bright metallic luster.

As soon as duya saw it, she couldn't wait to shout“ Uncle Chen, your mask is so beautiful. I love it

As he spoke, he jumped up from the stool, snatched the mask from Chen Qun's hand and put it on his head happily.

As soon as Chen Qun saw this move, the smile on his face solidified and turned into a smile rather than a smile.

But Sir Victor burst out laughing and patted Chen on the shoulder.

"Chen, it seems that your so-called empathy therapy, or distraction therapy, at least proves that it is completely effective for mirror syndrome. As long as you focus on new things, all your symptoms will be cured without any medicine. "

Du Ya put the hood on her head and showed off to Yang Yiyun, "Yiyun, do you think it looks good like this? Uncle Chen, didn't you say you wanted to call me again? Start right away. I'll show it to my parents! "

Chen Qun rubbed her forehead and looked at her helplessly.

"Do you think you're still imitating other people and can't walk? You're bouncing and bouncing. It's a long time ago. Instead, our painstaking efforts were all scrapped. You don't need an electric shock now. We'll give you a little more electricity next time. Come on, little Evian, you have the same corolla. It's just plastic. Be smaller! "

Chen Qun takes out a smaller corolla from the box and hands it to Xiao Yiyun. Du ya a see, immediately grab over, give small cloud wear on the head.

Looking at the two little girls' attention to intimacy, Sir Victor expressed his feelings to Chen Qun.

"Chen, you have found the most suitable treatment for this little girl. Let her be with a positive and sunny little girl. It's more effective than any psychotherapy. Because this little angel is her best imitator and best medicine. Maybe that's what you call "subtle influence" in Chinese

Looking at the elegant English gentleman in front of him, Chen Qun casually expressed his views.

"If, from a biological point of view, all spiritual ideas are the result of neural activity and bioelectrical pulse activity, then for the behavior of mirror image, simply speaking, one person's brain wave imitates another person's brain wave to form resonance. No matter what form of resonance is, it is an active state. In other words, mirror behavior itself is a positive behavior. It is active imitation, not passive acceptance. Therefore, mirror syndrome is more likely to receive positive electromagnetic waves than negative factors. "

Victor's mouth twitched twice, and he looked at Chen Qun with a kind of novel eyes, suddenly sighed.

"You know, this is the first time that I feel that you describe a disease in a kind of rhetorical way as positive and healthy, and I have no way to refute it. Maybe that's why you're a real doctor and I'm just a doctor or a scientist. But have you noticed, perhaps, that your statement has exposed the nature of this strange mental illness? "

Victor stopped for a moment, as if to stop a statement. He stayed for nearly a minute before he slowly expressed his opinion.

"Did you know that the first cell division in the world is actually a kind of imitation and replication in a sense. This physiological function is imprinted in biological cells with information encoded by certain genes. For nerve cells, they can simulate the neural activities of other people in a certain way, which also has a broad practical basis, which is determined by our gene construction. Even lower level viruses have replication capabilities. "

"Maybe we can't find mirror cells because this kind of mirror gene exists in every cell. It's usually invisible, and only a few people can be activated. The reason why twins are more telepathic is that when they split into two, they have the same gene fragment and are more closely related. "

Chen Qun is ready to answer, the phone rings, it is Yang Yiyun's mother Zhang Xiaoxia called.

"Dr. Chen, the child has found it. Can you come here? I'm afraid that other people's parents will not believe me and have an impact on the hospital, so I dare not tell him directly. I can only look at him from a distance. "

When Chen Qun heard this, he felt sorry. He knew that this strong and independent mother didn't regard her as a special person. She just thought she was a cleaning worker in the hospital, and totally forgot that her other identity was the mother of a talented little singer.

However, she was right about her worries. She was also provoked by herself. So she went to explain it and agreed immediately."I'll be right here. You hand the phone to the parents. I'll tell them myself."

Zhang Xiaoxia just took the phone and yelled at the two women who were about to set foot on a Mercedes Benz car in the parking lot.

"Wait a minute, Professor Chen of our hospital specially asked me to wait for you here. He said there was something very important. This is his call. Please answer it, please."

The two women look like their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. One is only in her thirties, holding a little boy of four or five years old in her arms. Her temperament and appearance reveal a sense of grace. The other looks like she is in her forties, and she is dressed in jewels. At a glance, she knows that she is not rich but also expensive.

At this time, I saw a woman wearing hospital handyman's clothes running over. The young woman frowned in disgust and was about to scold her impatiently. Her mother-in-law, who was a little older that year, hesitated and laughed.

"It's OK to take the phone. Well, if you turn it on hands-free, I can't answer it myself with a medicine bag in my hand."

Zhang Xiaoxia knows these rules and knows that most people don't want to contaminate her mobile phone, but she doesn't mind at all. I know it's cultured. If most rich people let themselves go. What's more, she has met Mrs. Xie, the richest and most powerful lady in China. She is also kind and kind, and even gives herself enough respect. She just gives her daughter a lot of gifts, but she doesn't give her anything. I've seen the world, and I don't feel guilty to face anyone.

Chen Qun's voice immediately uploaded from the mobile phone.

"Thank you. I'm Chen Qun, a resident of Xiangyun hospital. I found a problem just now. Can I delay you for a few minutes? A friend and I will come to the parking lot right away to explain to you. Because it's very sudden and critical, so I take the liberty to ask Sister Zhang to disturb you. "

The old woman thought for a moment and gave a kind smile.

"Well, we'll wait for you for five minutes."

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