When the old doctor heard this, he closed his mouth for two times. Finally, he closed his mouth and did not continue to ask. The patient in front of him was very important. But teacher Bai is a brain disease, and will not infect, why the twin sisters will appear the same symptoms at the first sight, there is no reason to say.

However, the old doctor knew academician Jiang's reputation and knew that he would not talk nonsense. Moreover, he used two extraordinary words to describe them, which was even more incredible. They were absolutely weird cases. They had to wait until they were finished.

If other experience is a little worse, maybe I still think that I have entered a private hospital full of swindlers.

Chen Qun put down the phone and discussed with the old doctor in front of him.

"Your judgment is correct. No matter what kind of surgery, the patient needs to preserve the language center. If the language center is damaged, no matter how successful the surgery is, it is also a failure. Therefore, I agree with your idea that we should try our best to reduce all kinds of sequelae by arousing the operation in the book to ensure that the patients are conscious. "

The old doctor saw that his reputation was close to that of academician Jiang Ming, and he had a great surgical talent. The surgeon agreed with his idea and explained it with some joy.

"But even if it's awake surgery, we don't have the technology to complete the whole operation. If the language center of the patient can be preserved, even if the patient loses his vision, he can live another 20 or 30 years. It's worth it. "

Chen Qun shook his head and put the two pictures in Jiang Ming's hand. "Academician Jiang, look at this diagram. It's a safe and feasible way for most doctors to remove the optic nerve to ensure the success of the operation. But for our hospital, we have the technology and the ability to preserve the optic nerve to complete the entire resection. "

Jiang Ming looked at the patient's photo and frowned.

"How do you keep your optic nerve? No matter from which direction will touch the optic nerve! Wait, you mean minimally invasive surgery? But there is no time at all. Even if you do it at the fastest speed, it will take at least 30 to 40 hours. Patients can't stand more than 20 hours of long-term anesthesia. "

Chen Qun reaches out his finger and slides on the photo to give an explanation.

"Yes, I can't do it by myself, but it can be solved by performing double operator operation at the same time. You are responsible for craniotomy and removal of tumors from the cranial cavity; I'm in charge of the endoscopic intervention, from the nasal cavity to the lower part, and start to remove it, so that we can control the time within 10 hours! "

Jiang Ming interrupts his analysis directly.

"Wait a minute. Even if the speed of our two operations is doubled, the operation time of 30 to 40 hours can only be shortened to 20 hours. How can it become 10 hours in a moment?"

Chen Qun laughed.

"Academician Jiang, it seems that you are also confused. You just said that I would use endoscopic surgery to complete all the plans. That would only take 40 hours, but now I am in charge of the routine surgery in your charge, and I am responsible for most of them. The routine surgery is seven or eight times faster than the interventional surgery, so it naturally takes less time."

As he spoke, Chen Qun's fingers drew on the picture.

"Now I'm worried that the patient's left temporal lobe and tumor adhesion is very serious, this part is just connected with the language area, it's very difficult to remove, so I just extended the time for a few hours."

Jiang Ming's eyebrows spread out and looked at Chen Qun.

"Don't you think there's something wrong with your plan? Why can't you do the craniotomy of speech area resection first, and let me take over after completing the most difficult part. Then you start the interventional operation, and we'll do the double operator operation together. Isn't that better for patients? "

Of course, Chen Qun can't say that it's disrespectful to academician Jiang, but now that he has said it himself, Chen Qun is speechless.

Before the old doctor opened his mouth, a man in his thirties next to him asked in a hurry.

"Academician Jiang, how high is the success rate of my father's operation?"

Jiang Ming frowned and patted the man on the shoulder.

"If we were ordinary patients, we would only say that we didn't dare to guarantee the success rate, we would only try our best, and the probability of success would be 50% or 60%. But Mr. Bai is a model who moved China. We are just telling the truth. This operation is very risky, but Xiao Chen and I are fully cooperating. At least 70% or 80% of them are sure to complete the operation, leaving only a small sequela, or even a complete cure. "

Jiang Ming finished, and then looked at the old doctor opposite, simply will talk through.

"This operation is very difficult for the vast majority of hospitals in the world. Just like the hospitals in your province, the probability of completing the operation is only 10%, or even only 1%. This is caused by equipment and personal ability of doctors. Do you think this is fairThe old doctor grinned bitterly and spread his hands.

"Academician Jiang still overestimates us. In fact, there is only a one in a thousand probability that our hospital will do it, so we dare not do it. Many of the operations completed in your hospital are what we dare not complete. This is the gap. In fact, President Liu was right just now. It's brain technology. Dr. Chen and academician Jiang are truly the number one in the world. Our hospital ranks at least one thousand in the world, without any comparative nature. "

After that, the elevator stops, and Chen Qun immediately pushes the patient to stride toward the corridor. He also gives the patient a temporary physical examination, and more confidently advises Jiang Ming.

"If appropriate, the operation can be arranged in an hour, and can not continue to delay, otherwise the patient's condition will worsen, and can not afford double surgery."

Other people don't realize anything, but Jiang Ming has two meanings. The first is that Chen Qun is absolutely sure to complete the operation. Although the operation seems very difficult, it is a little less difficult than the two major operations performed by Chen Qun abroad. Even compared with Yang Xiaoquan's operation, it is a little easier.

The second situation is that Chen Qun is concerned about the operation he just received. The third situation may have something to do with the mirror twins.

While speculating, Chen Qun's mobile phone rings again, and the voice of Dongfang Wenxin comes from it.

"Chen Qun, you crow mouth, you are right! The two sisters fell into a coma together. I've sent them to the VIP ward for isolation. Let's ask Xiao Yiyun to come here and see if he can wake them up? "

This is because the hands-free is on, and everyone can hear it clearly. The old doctor couldn't help looking at Jiang Ming and Chen Qun. He just wanted to ask, but he didn't know how to ask.

Jiang Ming looked at the man with a strange and awkward expression and comforted them directly.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. It's just that two children will unconsciously imitate the situation of other patients, which is a bit like quantum entanglement. Up to now, they have not found the real principle, only know some preventive methods. Xiao Chen, it seems that we are Alexander this time. I'll inform Lao Ye immediately and have an operation immediately. "

When Chen Qun saw that academician Jiang was just like their young people, he began to make up his mind about quantum mechanics. He also wanted to laugh and couldn't laugh.

His worry really turned into a crow's mouth!

But I feel vaguely that there is an inexplicable connection between the three patients this time. Maybe he needs the help of Taoist Qingye!

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