The old doctor sitting in the observation room couldn't help asking.

"Dr. Chen, why didn't the patient have the most worrying aphasia and spasticity. The last time we touched it with a probe, something went wrong and we stopped the operation immediately. "

Chen Qun answered lightly.

"Maybe it's our luck that we didn't make any difference. However, we are still fully prepared. If the patient has spasm and aphasia, we immediately inject diazepam intravenously, and then control it with propofol. Here, we are also prepared to sprinkle cold normal saline on the superficial brain to relieve the symptoms. It doesn't seem to work. "

Of course, the old doctor knew that it was not a matter of luck, but what depressed him was that he could understand what Chen Qun was doing with every move, but together, he was completely confused and didn't know the real purpose of Chen Qun's techniques.

But ye Hanlin, who is beside him, has seen dozens of operations performed by Chen Qun, discussed them with the directors and professors of various departments in the hospital, and Chen Qun himself has explained them, but he can understand them in a flash.

Chen Qun Gang's seemingly meaningless movements are actually trying to evade the capillary and main nerve connections, and he has solved all the most common problems in the operation. Although not fully understand, but to explain to peers or qualified.

"It's not a matter of luck, but the core of Xiao Chen's technology is president Liu from our hospital, who is the best at hemostasis. Xiao Chen changed president Liu's ability from passive hemostasis to active hemostasis, that is, controlling blood vessels first in case of an avalanche, so as to eliminate the upcoming crisis ahead of time."

Ye Hanlin did not mind in front of colleagues, pointing to the projector on Chen Qun's left.

"Did you notice that brain projection? It's not static, but real-time follow-up, simulating all the blood flow and neural structure of the patient's brain. Although we can't see the location of blood vessels from the surgical field of vision, from this 3D projection image, we can clearly see that two capillaries are under the superficial layer of the brain, so Xiao Chen can adjust accordingly according to this diagram. "

"Is this dynamic? Your technology is too advanced, right? If there is a synthetic map of the human body, doesn't it make many operations very simple? "

Secretary Gao couldn't help saying what he thought.

However, it was the old doctor's retort that came.

"It helps, but for many brain surgeries, it doesn't help that much. How to explain? Brain surgery is like microcarving, which requires more refinement than conventional surgery. Although we can see that many micro carving artists can carve thousands of characters on sesame, most of them can't even work hard for a lifetime. In other words, we just can't do what gymnasts can do! "

This immediately attracted Ye Hanlin's smile.

"This is the reason. Although our hospital has this kind of projection technology, only Xiao Chen can really use it. Most of the other doctors stay in the stage of practice, and have not been put into clinical application. Because the more accurate and perfect this real-time projection technology is, the more data support is needed. As a result, the simulation image is not completely accurate, or it needs to be overcome by the doctor's own experience. "

The old doctor rubbed his forehead and looked back at Ye Hanlin.

"I remember that this technology was only used after academician Yang of your hospital developed brain tumor, but it was not used before. When two of my students were studying here, they knew this very well. Before that, how did Professor Chen complete all kinds of difficult operations? "

Speaking of this, ye Hanlin began to show off.

"It's also a secret for our hospital. Doctor Chen Qun and his girlfriend are both patients with a rare scholar syndrome, which is usually called idiotic genius disease, just like the pianist Pangpang who had an operation here earlier this year. "

Ye Hanlin drew two strokes, but imitated the appearance of idiot genius vividly, and then continued to explain.

"It's just that the only difference is that they are normal people and they don't have autism. Their brain neural circuits are different from ours. They can build up all kinds of complex spatial structures. Xiao Chen also admitted that he can immediately build a three-dimensional space diagram by seeing various pictures. This technology is his girlfriend's imitation of him. "

"Isn't his girlfriend the little nurse? Can you write a program? "

This time, both the old doctor and Secretary General Gao were surprised and asked in unison.

Ye Hanlin put on a low-key appearance and began to thump."To be exact, Dr. Chen Qun's girlfriend is only a volunteer with a foreign Hopkins University nurse certificate, not an employee of our hospital. She is a professional computer programmer and a real mathematical genius. Her cousin is Ms. Su wanting, the president of Pacific Airlines. It's just a personal hobby for her to be a nurse. Otherwise, our hospital can't afford such a high-quality nurse. Of course, you just listen to this. Don't say it's me. I promised her grandmother not to publicize it everywhere. "

The old doctor and Secretary Gao understood Ye Hanlin's meaning for a second, and knew that this little girl was absolutely a core family member of Liyun group. Only when ye Hanlin, the president of Liyun group, was called by the little nurse.

Xiangyun hospital, which is rumored in the city, is run by nurses. This is the real reason for this. It's just that the nurses in Xiangyun hospital are really a little bit more powerful. In addition, one who is more powerful has become a fish in the eye, and everyone ignores the hidden pearl.

The voice of the operation interrupted their meditation.

"Chen Qun, the vision of the operation is covered with blood. I can't see clearly. Take over. The internal carotid artery dissection in your hand will stop for a while

"I've seen it for a long time. This bleeding is nothing. The bleeding point is one centimeter below your left side. You can use electrocoagulation directly to stop bleeding. I have a tumor that's too tightly attached to me. Give me the wechat dissector, and I'll use a sharp tool to separate the final position. "

"You're moving really fast. I've seen the light of your endoscope here. You can join up and down in a moment."

"Microsurgical retractor!"

With Chen Qun's instructions, a small dark instrument was immediately handed over from the palm of Miss Dongfang, as if she had been prepared.

This kind of tacit understanding, saw opposite Jiang Ming again suffused with sour water, full mouth lemon flavor.

And Xiao Chen with surgery, everything is good, the only bad is to be all the time to send dog food. He already has a yellow faced woman in his family, and they all feel sour. If it's someone else, it's double torture. If you don't cooperate with the operation, you will be killed by the couple.

"Downward electrocoagulation forceps, we're ready to meet. Everyone, focus and finish the last five minutes of stitching!"

Jiang Ming's voice resounded through the whole operating room, and ye Hanlin in the observation room beside him couldn't help looking at the monitor on his head.

"Two hours and three minutes and seventeen seconds."

It's probably another record breaking brain surgery, enough to make Charlotte hospital and Stanford Medical Center envious.

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