Chapter 981 academician's latest usage

"I'm Jiang Ming, a doctor in the first Department of brain. Just now I read the report submitted by Xiao Qi. I think your child's condition is very dangerous and needs an operation immediately. Please sign it immediately! Our hospital will spare no effort to rescue this child. Please believe me, there are only two or three hospitals in China and even the world that are capable of completing this operation. We are one of them and the strongest one. "

Jiang Ming appeared in front of the child's mother and solemnly put forward his suggestion.

The young mother obviously recognized the doctor on the huge billboard of the hospital, and said in a trembling tone.

"You are academician Jiang! I can't be the master yet! The child's father can't get through again. What should I do? "

Jiang Ming can understand the young mother's panic, but the mother has completely believed his words, just timid, but he has seen too much.

"The clavicle of the child is broken, and the pain stimulates the nerve and spinal cord, which leads to the deterioration of the child's condition. If there is no operation, the hospital can rely on drugs to suppress the clavicle for about ten hours. However, because the child is young, the drugs must cause damage to the child's brain nerve, so Dr. Qi asked me to have a look and give a suggestion. I'll tell you the truth, the child can still be rescued by surgery now, and it doesn't have much impact. If we delay for a few more hours, I'm afraid the rescue will be difficult. "

Mother immediately picked up the folder Jiang Ming handed over and nodded.

"Then sign immediately, and the child will ask academician Jiang!"

The young mother shivered and wrote down her name askew. She leaned back on the chair as if she had no more strength.

Jiang Ming can't help shaking her head. Of course, she knows her mother's worries and fears. She also knows that the reason why she is confident is that she is an academician. She can also explain to her family why she is responsible.

If he is the only one to perform the operation, he is only 60% sure. After all, the child is too young, and it is an emergency operation, so it is inevitable that there will be some accidents. But now Chen Qun is the one to perform the operation, which is almost 99% probability of successful completion.

"Don't thank me. Dr. Chen, who diagnosed and operated on your child, is the best doctor in our hospital and the best surgeon in the world. He did the brain cancer surgery of academician Yang in our hospital, and no one in the world can copy it. Well, you can wait for the news here. After the operation, Dr. Qi will come and inform you. "

"But academician Jiang, I didn't bring my bank card!"

As soon as Jiang Ming heard about the money problem, he was dumbfounded. Knowing that his mother didn't want to have an operation, a large part of it was because of the money, he waved directly.

"Don't worry. Our hospital is a public hospital. It's people-oriented. It always saves people first. You can give money slowly. What's more, your child's situation is quite special. Dr. Qi has applied for the medical research project subsidy for you, with a 95% reduction. You only need to pay one or two thousand hospitalization expenses. "

As for the fee reduction, it can be completely exempted with the strength of the first lady, but everyone thinks that it will only lead to the lack of people's support. Therefore, the ordinary patients are symbolically charged. If the family conditions are very bad, they need to check and go directly to the public welfare fund.

The young mother couldn't believe her ears when she heard this, but it was a living fact. The hospital she was in was the most famous Xiangyun hospital in China. It was the famous academician of the hospital who said this, so it was impossible to be false. She came to see a doctor with tens of thousands of yuan, so she was well prepared.

It's said that as long as one or two thousand, I can't believe my ears. But just put down the heart and once again raised, began to ask anxiously.

"Academician Jiang, do you think my child's condition is very special and difficult to treat?"

"Yes, the first is that the disease is very rare, and the second is that the operation is very difficult. If you go to the people's Hospital and the love hospital in Xiangjiang, as long as you find out the child's condition, you will be told that they can't do anything about it. No matter how much money you have, you can't do it. Our hospital can treat because our hospital has the highest level of surgeons in the world. Well, you wait in peace. In three or four hours, Dr. Qi will inform you of the child's condition. "

After walking away with a lot of doctors, Jiang Mingcai waved his fingers to Qi Hong beside him, "this time you have an operation, you actually pull me to be a psychologist. Your head is still spinning so fast. Next time you have a heart operation, you have to call your teacher. That's fair. By the way, after your operation, there will be a small meeting in the evening, and you have to attend. It has something to do with you. "

Of course, Qi Hong knows that this is the price of inviting the big guy to come to the town, which is also the latest usage of academicians. As for the content of this meeting, I have just learned a general idea from elder martial brother Gu's text message, that is, all the two materials in the hospital have been sorted out, and she is ready to submit them to the Organizing Committee of Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology, which reflects a new look of new people.To a large extent, it is inseparable from the huge financial support behind Su wanting and Dongfang Wenxin, and it reflects the speed of China to some extent. Therefore, the hospital and dozens of leading hospitals in other provinces have joined hands to complete these two seemingly impossible tasks at an amazing speed.

Chen Qun's myopic eye repair surgery has nothing to say. There were only seven accidents in nearly 2000 surgeries, which did not cause major damage and did not exceed everyone's expectations. It is very amazing.

However, what surprised most hospitals is that the new drug they made by mistake has fully proved its value after thousands of clinical trials. Especially in the field of Neurology, it has a wide range of applications and has a magical reversal effect on all neuropathy, although it can not completely solve the disease, But it can provide patients with better medical conditions.

What's more, this kind of active agent has a special effect in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, that is, Parkinson's disease. It only takes two courses of 15 days, and the vast majority of Alzheimer's patients can recover part of their consciousness and reconstruct the nerve endings.

As a result, the share price of Sanjing general hospital is rising. As for the factory that Su wanting is still building, the budget has been tripled and the production capacity has been continuously increased. In the domestic market, this kind of medicine has been fried to the point that it is hard to obtain.

Of course, the data of another kind of catalyst provided by Stanford Medical Center abroad is similar. It is said that someone has been sent to contact Su wanting again to discuss how to monopolize.

She and Chen Qun are both in a bit of a funk about this. They know that it's really like what Chen Qun estimated at the beginning. Even if the chemical equation is published, they still can't compete with multinational companies. The only good thing is that small companies can also expect to get a share in the future drug promotion, which will not lead to the monopoly of drug prices by multinational consortia.

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