Super Marshal

Chapter 434: He is finally here!




In Milan, the not-so-wide Dulini Avenue was crowded with the influx of Inter Milan fans, and their rhythmic shouts spread all over the surrounding corners.

Every Neirazuri is wearing a blue and black jersey, waving a flag in his hand, shouting uniform slogans, waiting for the appearance of the long-rumored coach Gao Han, they have absolutely reason to believe that today will be the history of Inter Milan The most important node on the top.

The crowd was mixed with many media reporters from all over the world, and they all came here after hearing the wind. Some people even ran here since yesterday to occupy the most advantageous position and have stayed there until now.

After a year away from European football, Gao Han is finally back!

No one can ignore the influence of Gao Han, even if it is just the rumor that he coached Inter Milan, in the past week, it has firmly occupied the front page headlines of the world's media and has become the number one focus of all fans.

Everyone knows that he is a natural winner in European football.

Today, he will appear in Via Dulini, at Inter Milan's headquarters, and formally take over the Nerazzurri.

The scorching sun and the scorching sun add to the fanaticism of the fans.

"Audience friends, I'm on Via Dulini in Milan, at the gate of Inter Milan's headquarters, to report on the scene for everyone."

The Italian national TV station is broadcasting the news, and the filming team presented the grand scene in front of the Italian audience.

"As you can see, countless fans gathered on the scene, blocking the entire Dulini Avenue, and our colleagues at the airport also heard news that the scene was also very crowded."

"The latest news is that Gao Han was blocked in the airport terminal by fans and media reporters. He finally got out. He should be almost on Via Dulini now. He will formally sign a coaching contract with Inter Milan’s management later. , There will be a press conference later, and we will broadcast the whole process live for everyone."

The camera swept to Via Dulini again, capturing the enthusiasm of every Inter Milan fan.

"We all know that in the past few years, Alpine has always been synonymous with victory. Whether in Atletico Madrid or Chelsea, he has created amazing results."

"As early as last year, when he left Chelsea, there were rumors that Inter Milan wanted to hire him heavily to coach, but then nothing happened. After Zaccheroni stayed, Inter Milan's performance did not improve at all, and instead fell out of the league. Fourth, losing the qualification to participate in the Champions League, which makes it difficult for Inter Milan fans to accept."

"Under this situation, Inter Milan’s management contacted Gao Han again. It is said that Moratti invited Gao Han in good faith. The two sides signed a two-year contract. Gao Han’s annual salary is as high as 10 million euros. The first annual salary of the whole of Europe and even the world football, from which we can see the courage of Inter Milan."

"In addition, according to the information we have obtained in advance, in addition to serving as the team's first-team coach, Gao Han will also be fully responsible for the construction of the entire Inter Milan youth training system. Some insiders revealed that Gao Han even directly confronted the boss Moratti. Responsible with the chairman Facchetti, the technical director Blanca and the youth training director Osilio have to obey him, it can be described as a monopoly."

"But we also all know that in the past few years, Inter Milan has always had the idea of ​​a star black hole. Superstars such as Ronaldo, Vieri and Recoba, and big-name coaches such as Lippi and Cooper have all encountered Waterloo at Inter Milan. Cooper didn't recover even after leaving Inter Milan."

"This also makes us pessimistic about Gao Han's coaching prospects."

"At the same time, we interviewed many Serie A teams and coaches, and they all said that Alpine's style of play will not succeed in Serie A, which also makes us more looking forward to the new Serie A season."

Just as the reporter's voice fell, there was a commotion at the entrance of the street, followed by the cheers of fans one after another.

The surrounding fans shouted more enthusiastically and became more crazy.

Alpine is coming!

He is finally here!

"We can see the vehicle picking up the high cold here, the blue-black one, which is about to enter the Dulini Avenue, but it is blocked by the fans. The atmosphere is very warm."

"Okay, the door opened and Gao Han got out of the car."

"Oh my God, the scene is in a mess, the Inter Milan fans are crazy!"



It took less than one kilometer to walk for more than half an hour.

What a long but magical journey!

Gao Han can be considered a thorough experience of the enthusiasm and craziness of Inter Milan fans.

Club owner Moratti and chairman Facchetti brought a group of executives out to greet the cold, and they walked to the office headquarters side by side, accepting the cheers of all the fans.

This is the highest standard treatment that club fans can give to the new head coach!

It was not easy to get to the gate of the club’s headquarters, but the fans gathered on the Dulini Avenue still remained, instead they squeezed towards the gate of the headquarters, as if they had to witness the implementation of Gao Han’s signature to be relieved.

This makes Gao Han quite flattered.

When coaching Atletico Madrid, he was just a rookie who had just made his debut and was not well known. Although he has achieved some results in the second team, no one is optimistic about him, and no one has expectations of his results.

Later, he coached Chelsea, and he also handled it low-key. Although the fans welcomed him, they weren't as crazy as they are today.

The action of this group of Inter Milan fans today made Gao Han very moved and very grateful.

Therefore, when the club staff handed over a microphone to encourage Gao Han to say something to all Inter Milan fans, Gao Han took it without hesitation.

The crowded Dulini Avenue first burst into cheers, but soon fell silent.

It was so quiet that only Gao Han's words and the flashing pops of the spotlight were left.

"All Inter Milan fans, everyone, I am Gao Han!"

There was a burst of cheering and screaming at the scene.

"Thank you very much for your support and love. I also feel your deep feelings for the club. I believe that as long as there are loyal fans like you, Inter Milan will definitely have a revival."

There was another thunderous applause at the scene.

"Standing here today, I want to tell all Inter Milan fans that all the pain and disasters have passed. From today, from now on, I will build a brand new Inter Milan with you all. "

There was a burst of crazy applause at the scene, and even several fans were moved to cry.

The brand-new Inter Milan, such a simple small goal, has moved them and sighed.

"I promise here that I will do my best to build Inter Milan into a competitive team. We will become a nightmare for all opponents on every front. We will let all opponents who have beaten us and despise us. , We all know Inter Milan again!"

There was another madness at the scene, and more fans were crying.

On this day, they finally waited!

Losing the Champions League, losing to a rival in the same city with a total score of zero to five, and almost being banned by UEFA...

Inter Milan last season was like a disaster, making everyone think that the team is over.

But now, the appearance of Gao Han has rekindled hope for everyone.

He is such a miraculous person, he just stood there, just said a few words, but everyone was convinced, they were full of confidence in him, no doubt.

If there were some fans who had doubts before, then now, they no longer doubt.

Inter Milan will definitely be rejuvenated in the hands of Gao Han, and even reach a new peak in history!



After the speech, Gao Han said goodbye to this group of lovely fans and walked into the office headquarters.

Dozens of media reporters who accepted the club’s invitation appeared in the press conference hall and witnessed the signing of a two-part coaching contract between Gao Han and the club’s chairman Facchetti.

The details of the contract were not announced on the spot, but they have long been dug up by the pervasive reporters.

Gao Han once again broke through the record he once set, once again became the world's highest-paid head coach.

But this was not because Gao Han was greedy for money, but Inter Milan took the initiative. Gao Han did not bargain and agreed directly.

After the two parties signed the contract, they accepted interviews from the media reporters on the spot.

Club Chairman Facchetti took the lead in expressing his welcome to Alpine and expressed his position on behalf of the club, firmly believing that the team will be able to succeed under the guidance of Alpine.

"He is an incredible and amazing head coach. I have in-depth exchanges with him. He has an extremely deep understanding and knowledge of football, so he can always lead the team to victory."

Gao Han also expressed his gratitude for the trust and support of Inter Milan's management.

"Inter Milan is a giant team with a long history and great tradition. In my home country, he has the largest number of fans. Although he has encountered some problems in the past few years, we all believe that this is only temporary. ."

"I am very honored that Mr. Moratti and Mr. Facchetti have invited me to coach this great team. This will be a great challenge for me, and I will do my best to prevent the management from interfering with The fans are disappointed."

As for his coaching philosophy at Inter Milan, Gao Han said that he will continue to adhere to his consistent philosophy.

"I know that many people are worried about whether my football concept will work in Italy, but I am not worried at all. There is a saying in my home country that it will never change, and the same is true of professional football."

"Of course every league has its own characteristics and styles, so I will adjust my thinking appropriately according to the characteristics of Italian football, but I will not easily change my understanding and pursuit of football. ."

When asked by a media reporter, regarding the adjustment and changes of the team's lineup in the new season, Gao Han said with a smile that he only had a general idea and had no specific measures yet.

"In the next period of time, I will have a good talk with every player, and then make a decision."

"But one thing I am very clear is that what I need is a group of professional players who are hungry and willing to do their best for the game. Anyone who fails to meet this requirement, I will not allow him to stay at Inter Milan. , No matter who he is!"

Gao Han's tough remarks surprised all the media reporters present. It sounded like a declaration of war against some big-name superstars.

Moratti and Facchetti also seem to be very supportive of Gao Han.

"Mr. Gao Han, we once did a survey and found an interesting phenomenon. When we learned that you are going to coach Inter Milan, almost all Italian coaches are eager to beat you on the pitch. Many people say that this is right. They are an honor."

"Thank you." Gao Han replied politely.

"But we want to know, how do you feel about becoming a public enemy of the entire Italian football after taking office?"


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